Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Morphic-nice.307
Author: nice
Time: 17 January 2010, 9:57:27.972 pm
UUID: 8f29688d-01a3-4313-b782-015845c88ac3
Ancestors: Morphic-ar.306
let handleEdit: answer the result of evaluating its block argument
=============== Diff against Morphic-ar.306 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: PluggableTextMorph>>handleEdit: (in category 'editor access') -----
handleEdit: editBlock
| result |
textMorph editor selectFrom: selectionInterval first to: selectionInterval last;
model: model. "For, eg, evaluateSelection"
+ result := textMorph handleEdit: editBlock. "Update selection after edit"
- textMorph handleEdit: [result := editBlock value]. "Update selection after edit"
self scrollSelectionIntoView.
^ result!
Item was changed:
----- Method: TextMorph>>handleEdit: (in category 'editing') -----
handleEdit: editBlock
"Ensure that changed areas get suitably redrawn"
+ | result |
self selectionChanged. "Note old selection"
+ result := editBlock value.
- editBlock value.
self selectionChanged. "Note new selection"
+ self updateFromParagraph. "Propagate changes as necessary"
+ ^result!
- self updateFromParagraph "Propagate changes as necessary"!
Item was changed:
----- Method: PluggableTextMorph>>printIt (in category 'menu commands') -----
| result oldEditor |
textMorph editor selectFrom: selectionInterval first to: selectionInterval last;
model: model. "For, eg, evaluateSelection"
+ result := textMorph handleEdit: [(oldEditor := textMorph editor) evaluateSelection].
- textMorph handleEdit: [result := (oldEditor := textMorph editor) evaluateSelection].
((result isKindOf: FakeClassPool) or: [result == #failedDoit]) ifTrue: [^self flash].
selectionInterval := oldEditor selectionInterval.
textMorph installEditorToReplace: oldEditor.
textMorph handleEdit: [oldEditor afterSelectionInsertAndSelect: result printString].
selectionInterval := oldEditor selectionInterval.
textMorph editor selectFrom: selectionInterval first to: selectionInterval last.
self scrollSelectionIntoView.