Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Morphic-nice.329 Author: nice Time: 8 February 2010, 5:47:14.244 pm UUID: 85c5fe45-a08b-e54c-928b-ea26a04fead5 Ancestors: Morphic-nice.328 Let outdent work when selection starts on a wrapped line. Do not let indent insert a tab in the middle of a line when selection starts on a wrapped line. =============== Diff against Morphic-nice.328 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: TextEditor>>inOutdent:delta: (in category 'editing keys') ----- inOutdent: characterStream delta: delta "Add/remove a tab at the front of every line occupied by the selection. Flushes typeahead. Derived from work by Larry Tesler back in December 1985. Now triggered by Cmd-L and Cmd-R. 2/29/96 sw" | realStart realStop lines startLine stopLine start stop adjustStart indentation size numLines inStream newString outStream | sensor keyboard. "Flush typeahead" "Operate on entire lines, but remember the real selection for re-highlighting later" realStart := self startIndex. realStop := self stopIndex - 1. "Special case a caret on a line of its own, including weird case at end of paragraph" (realStart > realStop and: [realStart < 2 or: [(paragraph string at: realStart - 1) == Character cr or: [(paragraph string at: realStart - 1) == Character lf]]]) ifTrue: [delta < 0 ifTrue: [morph flash] ifFalse: [self replaceSelectionWith: Character tab asSymbol asText. self selectAt: realStart + 1]. ^true]. lines := paragraph lines. startLine := paragraph lineIndexOfCharacterIndex: realStart. + "start on a real line, not a wrapped line" + [startLine = 1 or: [CharacterSet crlf includes: (paragraph string at: (lines at: startLine-1) last)]] whileFalse: [startLine := startLine - 1]. stopLine := paragraph lineIndexOfCharacterIndex: (realStart max: realStop). start := (lines at: startLine) first. stop := (lines at: stopLine) last. "Pin the start of highlighting unless the selection starts a line" adjustStart := realStart > start. "Find the indentation of the least-indented non-blank line; never outdent more" indentation := (startLine to: stopLine) inject: 1000 into: [:m :l | m min: (paragraph indentationOfLineIndex: l ifBlank: [:tabs | 1000])]. indentation + delta <= 0 ifTrue: ["^false"]. size := stop + 1 - start. numLines := stopLine + 1 - startLine. inStream := ReadStream on: paragraph string from: start to: stop. newString := String new: size + ((numLines * delta) max: 0). outStream := WriteStream on: newString. "This subroutine does the actual work" self indent: delta fromStream: inStream toStream: outStream. newString := outStream contents. "Adjust the range that will be highlighted later" adjustStart ifTrue: [realStart := (realStart + delta) max: start]. realStop := realStop + newString size - size. "Replace selection" self selectInvisiblyFrom: start to: stop. self replaceSelectionWith: newString asText. self selectFrom: realStart to: realStop. "highlight only the original range" ^ true! |
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