The Trunk: Morphic-nice.399.mcz

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The Trunk: Morphic-nice.399.mcz

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Morphic-nice.399
Author: nice
Time: 27 March 2010, 11:08:14.17 pm
UUID: 627b1685-8c63-354e-abbc-16c45dc4133d
Ancestors: Morphic-tfel.398

Fix an _ assignment in class comment

=============== Diff against Morphic-tfel.398 ===============

Item was changed:
  RectangleMorph subclass: #TextMorph
  instanceVariableNames: 'textStyle text wrapFlag paragraph editor container predecessor successor backgroundColor margins editHistory'
  classVariableNames: 'CaretForm DefaultEditorClass'
  poolDictionaries: ''
  category: 'Morphic-Basic'!
+ !TextMorph commentStamp: 'nice 3/24/2010 07:40' prior: 0!
- !TextMorph commentStamp: 'sd 2/20/2004 23:25' prior: 0!
  TextMorphs support display of text with emphasis.  They also support reasonable text-editing capabilities, as well as embedded hot links, and the ability to embed submorphs in the text.
  Late in life, TextMorph was made a subclass of BorderedMorph to provide border and background color if desired.  In order to keep things compatible, protocols have been redirected so that color (preferably textColor) relates to the text, and backgroundColor relates to the inner fill color.
  Text display is clipped to the innerBounds of the rectangle, and text composition is normally performed within a rectangle which is innerBounds inset by the margins parameter.
  If text has been embedded in another object, one can elect to fill the owner's shape, in which case the text will be laid out in the shape of the owner's shadow image (including any submorphs other than the text).  One can also elect to have the text avoid occlusions, in which case it will avoid the bounds of any sibling morphs that appear in front of it.  It may be necessary to update bounds in order for the text runaround to notice the presence of a new occluding shape.
  The optional autoFitContents property enables the following feature:  if the text contents changes, then the bounds of the morph will be adjusted to fit the minimum rectangle that encloses the text (plus any margins specified).  Similarly, any attempt to change the size of the morph will be resisted if this parameter is set.  Except...
  If the wrapFlag parameter is true, then text will be wrapped at word boundaries based on the composition width (innerBounds insetBy: margins) width.  Thus an attempt to resize the morph in autofit mode, if it changes the width, will cause the text to be recomposed with the new width, and then the bounds will be reset to the minimum enclosing rectangle.  Similarly, if the text contents are changed with the wrapFlag set to true, word wrap will be performed based on the current compostion width, after which the bounds will be set (or not), based on the autoFitcontents property.
  Note that fonts can only be applied to the TextMorph as a whole.  While you can change the size, color, and emphasis of a subsection of the text and have it apply to only that subsection, changing the font changes the font for the entire contents of the TextMorph.
  Still a TextMorph can be composed of several texts of different fonts
  | font1 font2 t1 t2 tMorph|
+ tMorph := TextMorph new.
+ font1 := (TextFontReference toFont: (StrikeFont familyName: 'Atlanta' size: 22)).
+ font2 := (TextFontReference toFont: (StrikeFont familyName: 'Atlanta' size: 11)).
+ t1 := 'this is font1' asText addAttribute: font1.
+ t2 := ' and this is font2' asText addAttribute: font2.
- tMorph _ TextMorph new.
- font1 _ (TextFontReference toFont: (StrikeFont familyName: 'Atlanta' size: 22)).
- font2 _ (TextFontReference toFont: (StrikeFont familyName: 'Atlanta' size: 11)).
- t1 _ 'this is font1' asText addAttribute: font1.
- t2 _ ' and this is font2' asText addAttribute: font2.
  tMorph contents: (t1,t2).
  tMorph openInHand.
  Yet to do:
  Make a comprehensive control for the eyedropper, with border width and color, inner color and text color, and margin widths.!

Item was changed:
  SimpleBorder subclass: #ComplexBorder
  instanceVariableNames: 'style colors lineStyles'
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''
  category: 'Morphic-Borders'!
+ !ComplexBorder commentStamp: 'nice 3/24/2010 07:36' prior: 0!
- !ComplexBorder commentStamp: 'kfr 10/27/2003 10:18' prior: 0!
  see BorderedMorph.
+ poly := polygon250
- poly _ polygon250
+ baseColor := Color blue twiceLighter.
+ border := (ComplexBorder framed: 10) baseColor: poly color.
- baseColor _ Color blue twiceLighter.
- border _ (ComplexBorder framed: 10) baseColor: poly color.
  border frameRectangle: ((100@100 extent: 200@200) insetBy: -5) on: Display getCanvas.
+ baseColor := Color red twiceLighter.
+ border := (ComplexBorder framed: 10) baseColor: baseColor.
- baseColor _ Color red twiceLighter.
- border _ (ComplexBorder framed: 10) baseColor: baseColor.
  border drawPolygon: {100@100. 300@100. 300@300. 100@300} on: Display getCanvas.
  border drawPolyPatchFrom: 100@200 via: 100@100 via: 200@100 to: 200@200 on: Display getCanvas.
  border drawPolyPatchFrom: 100@100 via: 200@100 via: 200@200 to: 100@200 on: Display getCanvas.
  border drawPolyPatchFrom: 200@100 via: 200@200 via: 100@200 to: 100@100 on: Display getCanvas.
  border drawPolyPatchFrom: 200@200 via: 100@200 via: 100@100 to: 200@100 on: Display getCanvas.
+ border := (ComplexBorder raised: 10) baseColor: poly color.
- border _ (ComplexBorder raised: 10) baseColor: poly color.
  border drawPolygon: poly getVertices on: Display getCanvas
  360 / 16.0 22.5
+ points := (0 to: 15) collect:[:i| (Point r: 100 degrees: i*22.5) + 200].
- points _ (0 to: 15) collect:[:i| (Point r: 100 degrees: i*22.5) + 200].
  Display getCanvas fillOval: (100@100 extent: 200@200) color: baseColor.
  border drawPolygon: points on: Display getCanvas.
  -1 to: points size + 1 do:[:i|
  border drawPolyPatchFrom: (points atWrap: i) via: (points atWrap: i+1) via: (points atWrap: i+2) to: (points atWrap: i+3) on: Display getCanvas.
  Display getCanvas fillOval: (100@100 extent: 200@200) color: baseColor.
  0 to: 36 do:[:i|
  border drawLineFrom: (Point r: 100 degrees: i*10) + 200 to: (Point r: 100 degrees: i+1*10) + 200
  on: Display getCanvas.
  Point r: 1.0 degrees: 10
  MessageTally spyOn:[
  Display deferUpdates: true.
+ t1 := [1 to: 1000 do:[:i|
- t1 _ [1 to: 1000 do:[:i|
  border drawLineFrom: (100@100) to: (300@100) on: Display getCanvas.
  border drawLineFrom: (300@100) to: (300@300) on: Display getCanvas.
  border drawLineFrom: (300@300) to: (100@300) on: Display getCanvas.
  border drawLineFrom: (100@300) to: (100@100) on: Display getCanvas]] timeToRun.
  Display deferUpdates: false.
  MessageTally spyOn:[
  Display deferUpdates: true.
+ t2 := [1 to: 1000 do:[:i|
- t2 _ [1 to: 1000 do:[:i|
  border drawLine2From: (100@100) to: (300@100) on: Display getCanvas.
  border drawLine2From: (300@100) to: (300@300) on: Display getCanvas.
  border drawLine2From: (300@300) to: (100@300) on: Display getCanvas.
  border drawLine2From: (100@300) to: (100@100) on: Display getCanvas]] timeToRun.
  Display deferUpdates: false.