The Trunk: Morphic-nice.679.mcz

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The Trunk: Morphic-nice.679.mcz

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Morphic-nice.679
Author: nice
Time: 6 September 2013, 2:16:42.752 am
UUID: 791f0232-8938-44ec-9112-73377cb605d6
Ancestors: Morphic-topa.678

Avoid using Character tab asSymbol, if it does not make sense.

=============== Diff against Morphic-topa.678 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TextEditor>>inOutdent:delta: (in category 'editing keys') -----
  inOutdent: aKeyboardEvent delta: delta
  "Add/remove a tab at the front of every line occupied by the selection. Flushes typeahead.  Derived from work by Larry Tesler back in December 1985.  Now triggered by Cmd-L and Cmd-R.  2/29/96 sw"
  | realStart realStop lines startLine stopLine start stop adjustStart indentation numLines oldString newString newSize |
  "Operate on entire lines, but remember the real selection for re-highlighting later"
  realStart := self startIndex.
  realStop := self stopIndex - 1.
  "Special case a caret on a line of its own, including weird case at end of paragraph"
  (realStart > realStop and:
  [realStart < 2 or: [(paragraph string at: realStart - 1) == Character cr or: [(paragraph string at: realStart - 1) == Character lf]]])
  [delta < 0
  [morph flash]
+ [self replaceSelectionWith: Character tab asText.
- [self replaceSelectionWith: Character tab asSymbol asText.
  self selectAt: realStart + 1].
  lines := paragraph lines.
  startLine := paragraph lineIndexOfCharacterIndex: realStart.
  "start on a real line, not a wrapped line"
  [startLine = 1 or: [CharacterSet crlf includes: (paragraph string at: (lines at: startLine-1) last)]] whileFalse: [startLine := startLine - 1].
  stopLine := paragraph lineIndexOfCharacterIndex: (realStart max: realStop).
  start := (lines at: startLine) first.
  stop := (lines at: stopLine) last.
  "Pin the start of highlighting unless the selection starts a line"
  adjustStart := realStart > start.
  "Find the indentation of the least-indented non-blank line; never outdent more"
  indentation := (startLine to: stopLine) inject: 1000 into:
  [:m :l |
  m min: (paragraph indentationOfLineIndex: l ifBlank: [:tabs | 1000])].
  indentation + delta <= 0 ifTrue: ["^false"].
  numLines := stopLine + 1 - startLine.
  oldString := paragraph string copyFrom: start to: stop.
  newString := oldString species new: oldString size + ((numLines * delta) max: 0).
  "Do the actual work"
  newSize := 0.
  delta > 0
  ifTrue: [| tabs |
  tabs := oldString species new: delta withAll: Character tab.
  oldString lineIndicesDo: [:startL :endWithoutDelimiters :endL |
  startL < endWithoutDelimiters ifTrue: [newString replaceFrom: 1 + newSize to: (newSize := newSize + delta) with: tabs startingAt: 1].
  newString replaceFrom: 1 + newSize to: (newSize := 1 + newSize + endL - startL) with: oldString startingAt: startL]]
  ifFalse: [| tab |
  tab := Character tab.
  oldString lineIndicesDo: [:startL :endWithoutDelimiters :endL |
  | i |
  i := 0.
  [i + delta < 0 and: [ i + startL <= endWithoutDelimiters and: [(oldString at: i + startL) == tab]]] whileTrue: [i := i + 1].
  newString replaceFrom: 1 + newSize to: (newSize := 1 + newSize + endL - (i + startL)) with: oldString startingAt: i + startL]].
  newSize < newString size ifTrue: [newString := newString copyFrom: 1 to: newSize].
  "Adjust the range that will be highlighted later"
  adjustStart ifTrue: [realStart := (realStart + delta) max: start].
  realStop := realStop + newSize - oldString size.
  "Replace selection"
  self selectInvisiblyFrom: start to: stop.
  self replaceSelectionWith: newString asText.
  self selectFrom: realStart to: realStop. "highlight only the original range"
  ^ true!