The Trunk: Morphic-pre.1193.mcz

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The Trunk: Morphic-pre.1193.mcz

Patrick Rein uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Morphic-pre.1193
Author: pre
Time: 21 July 2016, 8:01:01.282686 am
UUID: a5a927f6-7084-0a4d-be19-dc32eeeb31e8
Ancestors: Morphic-pre.1192

Fixing the comment of TextMorph>>#newContents: and while being on it improving code readability of some methods.

=============== Diff against Morphic-pre.1192 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TextMorph>>fixUponLoad:seg: (in category 'objects from disk') -----
  fixUponLoad: aProject seg: anImageSegment
+ "We are in an old project that is being loaded from disk. Fix up conventions that have changed."
- "We are in an old project that is being loaded from disk.
- Fix up conventions that have changed."
  | substituteFont |
+ substituteFont := aProject projectParameters at: #substitutedFont ifAbsent: [#none].
+ (substituteFont ~~ #none and: [self textStyle fontArray includes: substituteFont])
- substituteFont := aProject projectParameters at:
- #substitutedFont ifAbsent: [#none].
- (substituteFont ~~ #none and: [self textStyle fontArray
- includes: substituteFont])
  ifTrue: [ self fit ].
  ^ super fixUponLoad: aProject seg: anImageSegment!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TextMorph>>getAllButFirstCharacter (in category 'scripting access') -----
  "Obtain all but the first character from the receiver; if that would be empty, return a black dot"
  | aString |
+ ^ (aString := text string) size > 1
+ ifTrue: [aString copyFrom: 2 to: aString size]
+ ifFalse: ['·']!
- ^ (aString := text string) size > 1 ifTrue: [aString copyFrom: 2 to: aString size] ifFalse: ['·']!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TextMorph>>getLastCharacter (in category 'accessing') -----
  "obtain the last character from the receiver if it is empty, return a black dot"
  | aString |
+ ^ (aString := text string) size > 0
+ ifTrue: [aString last asString]
+ ifFalse: ['·']!
- ^ (aString := text string) size > 0 ifTrue: [aString last asString] ifFalse: ['·']!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TextMorph>>getMenu: (in category 'event handling') -----
  getMenu: shiftKeyState
+ ^ (shiftKeyState not or: [Preferences noviceMode])
- ^ (shiftKeyState not
- or: [Preferences noviceMode])
  ifTrue: [TextEditor yellowButtonMenu]
  ifFalse: [TextEditor shiftedYellowButtonMenu]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TextMorph>>hasTranslucentColor (in category 'accessing') -----
  "Overridden from BorderedMorph to test backgroundColor instead of (text) color."
+ ^ backgroundColor isNil
+ or: [backgroundColor isColor and: [backgroundColor isTranslucentColor]]
+ or: [borderColor isColor and: [borderColor isTranslucentColor]]!
- backgroundColor ifNil: [^ true].
- (backgroundColor isColor and: [backgroundColor isTranslucentColor]) ifTrue: [^ true].
- (borderColor isColor and: [borderColor isTranslucentColor]) ifTrue: [^ true].
- ^ false
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TextMorph>>newContents: (in category 'accessing') -----
  newContents: stringOrText
  "Accept new text contents."
  | newText embeddedMorphs oldSelection |
- "If my text is all the same font, use the font for my new contents"
  newText := stringOrText isString
  ifTrue: [Text fromString: stringOrText copy ]
  ifFalse: [ stringOrText copy asText. "should be veryDeepCopy?" ].
  (text = newText and: [text runs = newText runs]) ifTrue: [^ self]. "No substantive change"
  text ifNotNil: [(embeddedMorphs := text embeddedMorphs)
  [self removeAllMorphsIn: embeddedMorphs.
  embeddedMorphs do: [:m | m delete]]].
  oldSelection := editor ifNotNil: [:ed | ed selectionInterval].
  text := newText.
  "add all morphs off the visible region; they'll be moved into the right
  place when they become visible. (this can make the scrollable area too
  large, though)"
  newText embeddedMorphs do:
  [:m |
  self addMorph: m.
  m position: -1000 @ 0].
  self releaseParagraph.
  "update the paragraph cache"
  self paragraph.
  oldSelection ifNotNil: [:sel | self selectFrom: sel first to: sel last].
  "re-instantiate to set bounds"
  self world ifNotNil: [self world startSteppingSubmorphsOf: self]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TextMorph>>predecessorChanged (in category 'private') -----
  | newStart oldStart |
  (self hasProperty: #CreatingParagraph) ifTrue: [^self].
  newStart := predecessor isNil
  ifTrue: [1]
  ifFalse: [predecessor lastCharacterIndex + 1].
  (self paragraph adjustedFirstCharacterIndex ~= newStart
  or: [newStart >= text size])
  [paragraph composeAllStartingAt: newStart.
  self fit]
  ["If the offset to end of text has not changed, just slide"
  oldStart := self firstCharacterIndex.
  self withSuccessorsDo: [:m | m adjustLineIndicesBy: newStart - oldStart]]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TextMorph>>recognizerArena (in category 'containment') -----
  "Answer the rectangular area, in world coordinates, that the character recognizer should regard as its tablet"
  | outer |
  ^ (outer := self ownerThatIsA: PluggableTextMorph)
+ ifNotNil: [outer boundsInWorld]
+ ifNil: [self boundsInWorld]!
- ifNotNil:
- [outer boundsInWorld]
- ifNil:
- [self boundsInWorld]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TextMorph>>resetBlinkCursor (in category 'blinking') -----
  "Reset the blinking cursor"
  | para |
  self blinkStart: Time millisecondClockValue + 500.
  para := paragraph ifNil: [^self].
  para showCaret = para focused ifFalse:[
  para caretRect ifNotNil: [ :r | self invalidRect: r].
+ para showCaret: para focused.].
- para showCaret: para focused.
- ].