Patrick Rein uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Morphic-pre.1489
Author: pre
Time: 14 June 2019, 8:31:21.288862 pm
UUID: 5e2933e1-ce9f-1c44-9362-7292158da7eb
Ancestors: Morphic-pre.1488
Moves two methods from Collections belonging to Morphic to that package.
=============== Diff against Morphic-pre.1488 ===============
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Text>>embeddedMorphs (in category '*Morphic-Text Support') -----
+ embeddedMorphs
+ "return the list of morphs embedded in me"
+ | morphs |
+ morphs := IdentitySet new.
+ runs withStartStopAndValueDo:
+ [:start :stop :attribs |
+ attribs
+ do: [:attrib | attrib anchoredMorph ifNotNil: [morphs add: attrib anchoredMorph]]].
+ ^morphs select: [:m | m isMorph]!
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Text>>embeddedMorphsFrom:to: (in category '*Morphic-Text Support') -----
+ embeddedMorphsFrom: start to: stop
+ "return the list of morphs embedded in me"
+ | morphs |
+ morphs := IdentitySet new.
+ runs
+ runsFrom: start
+ to: stop
+ do:
+ [:attribs |
+ attribs
+ do: [:attr | attr anchoredMorph ifNotNil: [morphs add: attr anchoredMorph]]].
+ ^morphs select: [:m | m isMorph]!