The Trunk: Morphic-tbn.295.mcz

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The Trunk: Morphic-tbn.295.mcz

Torsten Bergmann
David wrote:
>Hello Torsten! Good to see you here adding to trunk.

Thanks - but thats naturally since I'm with Squeak since V1.0
and distributions with a different focus (like Pharo) have
not lowered my interest in it.

Andreas wrote:
>Apologies for the conflict

Dont bother - its working now, thats what counts.

>BTW, a small technical note on the merge: ...

I updated my image to the latest, wrote the small fix and
then added the issue to mantis. Meanwhile you were uploading
(which I didnt noticed) and after updating again with a
new image I wondered why my fix was not in the updates.

That was the point where I noticed your changes - I should
have checked again before committing. Merge would have been
better - anyway all roads lead to Rome.




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