Torsten Bergmann uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Morphic-tbn.414
Author: tbn
Time: 7 April 2010, 3:39:49.171 pm
UUID: f0b9c7d8-a24b-914a-8c8b-de6fe27230fd
Ancestors: Morphic-laza.413
fix from Diff against Morphic-laza.413 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: Morph>>showActions (in category 'meta-actions') -----
"Put up a message list browser of all the code that this morph
would run for mouseUp, mouseDown, mouseMove, mouseEnter,
mouseLeave, and
mouseLinger. tk 9/13/97"
| list cls selector adder |
list := SortedCollection new.
adder := [:mrClass :mrSel | list
add: (MethodReference new setStandardClass: mrClass methodSymbol: mrSel)].
"the eventHandler"
self eventHandler
ifNotNil: [list := self eventHandler methodRefList.
(self eventHandler handlesMouseDown: nil)
ifFalse: [adder value: HandMorph value: #grabMorph:]].
"If not those, then non-default raw events"
#(#keyStroke: #mouseDown: #mouseEnter: #mouseLeave: #mouseMove: #mouseUp: #doButtonAction )
do: [:sel |
cls := self class whichClassIncludesSelector: sel.
ifNotNil: ["want more than default behavior"
cls == Morph
ifFalse: [adder value: cls value: sel]]].
"The mechanism on a Button"
(self respondsTo: #actionSelector)
ifTrue: ["A button"
selector := self actionSelector.
cls := self target class whichClassIncludesSelector: selector.
ifNotNil: ["want more than default behavior"
cls == Morph
ifFalse: [adder value: cls value: selector]]].
+ MessageSet openMessageList: list name: 'Actions
+ of ' , self printString autoSelect: nil!
- ToolSet openMessageList: list name: 'Actions of ' , self printString autoSelect: false!