Tim Felgentreff uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Morphic-tfel.1121.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Morphic-tfel.1121
Author: tfel
Time: 20 April 2016, 1:45:24.733021 pm
UUID: 796c4fe3-21f2-fd4e-a4f9-ccc9905b3503
Ancestors: Morphic-cmm.1120
fix incorrect use of Canvas>>isVisible:. Needs to get a rectangle (but accidentally worked for morphs too *only* on FormCanvas)
=============== Diff against Morphic-cmm.1120 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: SimpleHierarchicalListMorph>>drawLinesOn: (in category 'drawing') -----
drawLinesOn: aCanvas
| lColor |
lColor := self lineColor.
transformBy: scroller transform
clippingTo: scroller innerBounds
during:[:clippedCanvas |
scroller submorphs
select: [:submorph | submorph visible]
thenDo: [ :submorph |
((submorph isExpanded
or: [clippedCanvas isVisible: submorph fullBounds] )
+ or: [ submorph nextSibling notNil and: [clippedCanvas isVisible: submorph nextSibling bounds]])
- or: [ submorph nextSibling notNil and: [clippedCanvas isVisible: submorph nextSibling]])
ifTrue: [submorph drawLinesOn: clippedCanvas lineColor: lColor indentThreshold: 0] ] ]
smoothing: scroller smoothing.