Tim Felgentreff uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Morphic-tfel.1305.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Morphic-tfel.1305 Author: tfel Time: 31 August 2016, 11:11:43.198793 am UUID: 556342b2-8907-b240-ba46-ac3638687c87 Ancestors: Morphic-tfel.1304 remove ugly owner hacks when we draw a new sketch and add its flex shell =============== Diff against Morphic-tfel.1304 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: Morph>>addFlexShell (in category 'rotate scale and flex') ----- addFlexShell "Wrap a rotating and scaling shell around this morph." + | oldHalo myWorld flexMorph anIndex | - | oldHalo flexMorph myWorld anIndex morphOwner | - myWorld := self world. oldHalo:= self halo. + myWorld := self world. + self owner + ifNil: [flexMorph := self newTransformationMorph asFlexOf: self] + ifNotNil: [:myOwner | + anIndex := myOwner submorphIndexOf: self. + flexMorph := self newTransformationMorph asFlexOf: self. + myOwner addMorph: flexMorph asElementNumber: anIndex. + myWorld ifNotNil: [myWorld startSteppingSubmorphsOf: flexMorph]]. - self owner ifNotNil:[ morphOwner := self owner] - ifNil:[morphOwner := self currentWorld]. - - anIndex := morphOwner submorphIndexOf: self. - morphOwner addMorph: (flexMorph := self newTransformationMorph asFlexOf: self) - asElementNumber: anIndex. self transferStateToRenderer: flexMorph. oldHalo ifNotNil: [oldHalo setTarget: flexMorph]. - myWorld ifNotNil: [myWorld startSteppingSubmorphsOf: flexMorph]. ^ flexMorph! Item was changed: ----- Method: PasteUpMorph>>makeNewDrawing:at: (in category 'world menu') ----- makeNewDrawing: evt at: aPoint "make a new drawing, triggered by the given event, with the painting area centered around the given point" | w newSketch newPlayer sketchEditor aPalette rect aPaintBox aPaintTab aWorld | w := self world. w assureNotPaintingElse: [^ self]. rect := self paintingBoundsAround: aPoint. aPalette := self standardPalette. aPalette ifNotNil: [aPalette showNoPalette; layoutChanged]. w prepareToPaint. newSketch := self drawingClass new. Smalltalk at: #UnscriptedPlayer ifPresent:[:aClass| newSketch player: (newPlayer := aClass newUserInstance). newPlayer costume: newSketch. ]. newSketch nominalForm: (Form extent: rect extent depth: w assuredCanvas depth). newSketch bounds: rect. sketchEditor := SketchEditorMorph new. w addMorphFront: sketchEditor. sketchEditor initializeFor: newSketch inBounds: rect pasteUpMorph: self. sketchEditor + afterNewPicDo: [:aForm :aRect | | tfx whereToPresent | - afterNewPicDo: [:aForm :aRect | | tfx ownerBeforeHack whereToPresent | whereToPresent := self presenter. newSketch form: aForm. tfx := self transformFrom: w. newSketch position: (tfx globalPointToLocal: aRect origin). newSketch rotationStyle: sketchEditor rotationStyle. newSketch forwardDirection: sketchEditor forwardDirection. - ownerBeforeHack := newSketch owner. "about to break the invariant!!!!" - newSketch privateOwner: self. "temp for halo access" newPlayer ifNotNil:[newPlayer setHeading: sketchEditor forwardDirection]. (aPaintTab := (aWorld := self world) paintingFlapTab) ifNotNil:[aPaintTab hideFlap] ifNil:[(aPaintBox := aWorld paintBox) ifNotNil:[aPaintBox delete]]. - "Includes newSketch rotationDegrees: sketchEditor forwardDirection." - newSketch privateOwner: ownerBeforeHack. "probably nil, but let's be certain" - self addMorphFront: (newPlayer ifNil:[newSketch] ifNotNil:[newPlayer costume]). w startSteppingSubmorphsOf: newSketch. whereToPresent drawingJustCompleted: newSketch] ifNoBits:[ (aPaintTab := (aWorld := self world) paintingFlapTab) ifNotNil:[aPaintTab hideFlap] ifNil:[(aPaintBox := aWorld paintBox) ifNotNil:[aPaintBox delete]]. aPalette ifNotNil: [aPalette showNoPalette].]! |
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