Tim Felgentreff uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Morphic-tfel.1309.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Morphic-tfel.1309 Author: tfel Time: 23 September 2016, 1:51:11.868418 pm UUID: 3eebde93-d50b-bb42-bbb2-1d62eeb9b93a Ancestors: Morphic-jl.1308 when uniclasses are hidden from the global environment, we want to browse them with the InstanceBrowser =============== Diff against Morphic-jl.1308 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: Morph>>buildDebugMenu: (in category 'debug and other') ----- buildDebugMenu: aHand "Answer a debugging menu for the receiver. The hand argument is seemingly historical and plays no role presently" | aMenu aPlayer | aMenu := MenuMorph new defaultTarget: self. aMenu addStayUpItem. (self hasProperty: #errorOnDraw) ifTrue: [aMenu add: 'start drawing again' translated action: #resumeAfterDrawError. aMenu addLine]. (self hasProperty: #errorOnStep) ifTrue: [aMenu add: 'start stepping again' translated action: #resumeAfterStepError. aMenu addLine]. aMenu add: 'inspect morph' translated action: #inspectInMorphic:. aMenu add: 'inspect owner chain' translated action: #inspectOwnerChain. Smalltalk isMorphic ifFalse: [aMenu add: 'inspect morph (in MVC)' translated action: #inspect]. self isMorphicModel ifTrue: [aMenu add: 'inspect model' translated target: self model action: #inspect]. (aPlayer := self player) ifNotNil: [aMenu add: 'inspect player' translated target: aPlayer action: #inspect]. aMenu add: 'explore morph' translated target: self selector: #exploreInMorphic:. aMenu addLine. aPlayer ifNotNil: [ aMenu add: 'viewer for Player' translated target: self player action: #beViewed. aMenu balloonTextForLastItem: 'Opens a viewer on my Player -- this is the same thing you get if you click on the cyan "View" halo handle' translated ]. aMenu add: 'viewer for Morph' translated target: self action: #viewMorphDirectly. aMenu balloonTextForLastItem: 'Opens a Viewer on this Morph, rather than on its Player' translated. aMenu addLine. aPlayer ifNotNil: [aPlayer class isUniClass ifTrue: [ + aMenu add: 'browse player class' translated target: aPlayer selector: #haveFullProtocolBrowsedShowingSelector: argumentList: #(nil)]]. - aMenu add: 'browse player class' translated target: aPlayer action: #browseHierarchy]]. aMenu add: 'browse morph class' translated target: self selector: #browseHierarchy. (self isMorphicModel) ifTrue: [aMenu add: 'browse model class' target: self model selector: #browseHierarchy]. aMenu addLine. self addViewingItemsTo: aMenu. aMenu add: 'make own subclass' translated action: #subclassMorph; add: 'save morph in file' translated action: #saveOnFile; addLine; add: 'call #tempCommand' translated action: #tempCommand; add: 'define #tempCommand' translated action: #defineTempCommand; addLine; add: 'control-menu...' translated target: self selector: #invokeMetaMenu:; add: 'edit balloon help' translated action: #editBalloonHelpText. ^ aMenu! |
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