Tim Felgentreff uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Morphic-tfel.1318.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Morphic-tfel.1318
Author: tfel
Time: 23 January 2017, 9:29:29.465369 am
UUID: 0a89c742-2294-8146-9196-afa7557a1cc4
Ancestors: Morphic-tfel.1317
- put font resizing on command key, so it works across platforms
- when we update the label area of a system window, also update the boxes
=============== Diff against Morphic-tfel.1317 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: PasteUpMorph>>filterEvent:for: (in category 'events-processing') -----
filterEvent: aKeyboardEvent for: anObject
"Provide keyboard shortcuts."
"Delegate keyboard shortcuts to my docking bars."
self submorphsDo: [:ea | ea isDockingBar ifTrue: [
ea filterEvent: aKeyboardEvent for: anObject. "No support for converting events here!!"
aKeyboardEvent wasIgnored ifTrue: [^ aKeyboardEvent "early out"]]].
aKeyboardEvent isKeystroke
ifFalse: [^ aKeyboardEvent].
aKeyboardEvent commandKeyPressed ifTrue: [
aKeyboardEvent keyCharacter caseOf: {
[$R] -> [Utilities browseRecentSubmissions].
[$L] -> [self findAFileList: aKeyboardEvent].
[$O] -> [self findAMonticelloBrowser].
[$P] -> [self findAPreferencesPanel: aKeyboardEvent].
"[$Z] -> [ChangeList browseRecentLog]."
[$]] -> [Smalltalk snapshot: true andQuit: false].
- } otherwise: [^ aKeyboardEvent "no hit"].
- ^ aKeyboardEvent ignore "hit!!"].
- aKeyboardEvent controlKeyPressed ifTrue: [
- aKeyboardEvent keyCharacter caseOf: {
[$+] -> [Preferences increaseFontSize].
[$-] -> [Preferences decreaseFontSize].
[$=] -> [Preferences restoreDefaultFonts].
} otherwise: [^ aKeyboardEvent "no hit"].
^ aKeyboardEvent ignore "hit!!"].
^ aKeyboardEvent "no hit"!
Item was changed:
----- Method: SystemWindow>>setFramesForLabelArea (in category 'initialization') -----
"an aid to converting old instances, but then I found
convertAlignment (jesse welton's note)"
| frame |
labelArea ifNil: [^ self].
layoutPolicy: TableLayout new;
listDirection: #leftToRight;
hResizing: #spaceFill;
layoutInset: 0.
label hResizing: #spaceFill.
+ {closeBox. menuBox. expandBox. collapseBox} do: [:box |
+ box ifNotNil: [box extent: self boxExtent]].
+ frame := LayoutFrame new.
+ frame leftFraction: 0;
+ topFraction: 0;
+ rightFraction: 1;
+ bottomFraction: 0;
+ topOffset: self labelHeight negated.
+ labelArea layoutFrame: frame!
- labelArea
- ifNotNil: [frame := LayoutFrame new.
- frame leftFraction: 0;
- topFraction: 0;
- rightFraction: 1;
- bottomFraction: 0;
- topOffset: self labelHeight negated.
- labelArea layoutFrame: frame]!