Tobias Pape uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Morphic-topa.1321
Author: topa
Time: 9 February 2017, 4:56:13.396681 pm
UUID: 7b1a9e25-af9a-4aea-ae14-dd1944092bfc
Ancestors: Morphic-bf.1320
Let doit/printit attributes preserve the remaining attribtues.
=============== Diff against Morphic-bf.1320 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: SmalltalkEditor>>handleEmphasisExtra:with: (in category 'editing keys') -----
handleEmphasisExtra: index with: aKeyboardEvent
"Handle an extra emphasis menu item"
| action attribute thisSel |
action := {
[attribute := TextDoIt new.
+ thisSel := attribute analyze: self selection].
- thisSel := attribute analyze: self selection asString].
[attribute := TextPrintIt new.
+ thisSel := attribute analyze: self selection].
- thisSel := attribute analyze: self selection asString].
[attribute := TextLink new.
thisSel := attribute analyze: self selection asString with: 'Comment'].
[attribute := TextLink new.
thisSel := attribute analyze: self selection asString with: 'Definition'].
[attribute := TextLink new.
thisSel := attribute analyze: self selection asString with: 'Hierarchy'].
[attribute := TextLink new.
thisSel := attribute analyze: self selection asString].
[attribute := TextURL new.
thisSel := attribute analyze: self selection asString].
["Edit hidden info"
thisSel := self hiddenInfo. "includes selection"
attribute := TextEmphasis normal].
["Copy hidden info"
self copyHiddenInfo.
^true]. "no other action"
} at: index.
action value.
thisSel ifNil: [^true]. "Could not figure out what to link to"
attribute ifNotNil: [
thisSel ifEmpty:[ | oldAttributes |
"only change emphasisHere while typing"
oldAttributes := paragraph text attributesAt: self pointIndex.
emphasisHere := Text addAttribute: attribute toArray: oldAttributes.
] ifNotEmpty: [
self replaceSelectionWith: (thisSel asText addAttribute: attribute).