tim Rowledge uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Morphic-tpr.1059.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Morphic-tpr.1059
Author: tpr
Time: 18 December 2015, 4:26:36.049 pm
UUID: ce2af9d7-dcb1-4225-8fea-1a0b3ae28ab4
Ancestors: Morphic-tpr.1058
When opening sub-menus with insufficient rightwards space on the Display we instead put them to the left of the parent. This change makes the leftward slide a bit smaller so that the mouse stays over menus was the user slides to the new menu; thus no strange closing of menus etc.
=============== Diff against Morphic-tpr.1058 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: MenuMorph>>popUpAdjacentTo:forHand:from: (in category 'control') -----
popUpAdjacentTo: rightOrLeftPoint forHand: hand from: sourceItem
"Present this menu at the given point under control of the given hand."
| tryToPlace selectedOffset rightPoint leftPoint |
hand world startSteppingSubmorphsOf: self.
popUpOwner := sourceItem.
self fullBounds.
self updateColor.
"ensure layout is current"
selectedOffset := (selectedItem
ifNil: [self items first]) position - self position.
tryToPlace := [:where :mustFit | | delta |
self position: where - selectedOffset.
delta := self boundsInWorld amountToTranslateWithin: sourceItem worldBounds.
(delta x = 0
or: [mustFit])
ifTrue: [delta = (0 @ 0)
ifFalse: [self position: self position + delta].
sourceItem world addMorphFront: self.
^ self]].
rightPoint := rightOrLeftPoint first + ((self layoutInset + self borderWidth) @ 0).
+ leftPoint := rightOrLeftPoint last + ((self layoutInset + self borderWidth - self width) @ 0).
- leftPoint := rightOrLeftPoint last - ((self layoutInset + self borderWidth + self width) @ 0).
value: rightPoint value: false;
value: leftPoint value: false;
value: rightPoint value: true.!