The Trunk: Morphic-tpr.645.mcz

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The Trunk: Morphic-tpr.645.mcz

tim Rowledge uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Morphic-tpr.645
Author: tpr
Time: 25 March 2013, 2:12:47.714 pm
UUID: 26d49d4a-210b-4691-b474-f1e1fe3c1e35
Ancestors: Morphic-fbs.644

Remove BitBlt|WarpBlt>current usage - it's a vestige of an old experiment

=============== Diff against Morphic-fbs.644 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: BalloonCanvas>>image:at:sourceRect:rule: (in category 'private') -----
  image: aForm at: aPoint sourceRect: sourceRect rule: rule
  | warp dstRect srcQuad dstOffset center |
  (self ifNoTransformWithIn: sourceRect) & false
  ifTrue:[^super image: aForm at: aPoint sourceRect: sourceRect rule: rule].
  dstRect := (transform localBoundsToGlobal: (aForm boundingBox translateBy: aPoint)).
  dstOffset := 0@0. "dstRect origin."
  "dstRect := 0@0 corner: dstRect extent."
  center := 0@0."transform globalPointToLocal: dstRect origin."
  srcQuad := transform globalPointsToLocal: (dstRect innerCorners).
  srcQuad := srcQuad collect:[:pt| pt - aPoint].
+ warp := (WarpBlt toForm: form)
- warp := (WarpBlt current toForm: form)
  sourceForm: aForm;
  cellSize: 2;  "installs a new colormap if cellSize > 1"
  combinationRule: Form over.
  warp copyQuad: srcQuad toRect: (dstRect translateBy: dstOffset).
  self frameRectangle: (aForm boundingBox translateBy: aPoint) color: Color green.
  "... TODO ... create a bitmap fill style from the form and use it for a simple rectangle."!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FormCanvas>>portClass (in category 'private') -----
  "Return the class used as port"
+ ^BitBlt asGrafPort!
- ^Display defaultBitBltClass asGrafPort!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FormCanvas>>privateWarp:transform:at:sourceRect:cellSize: (in category 'private') -----
  privateWarp: aForm transform: aTransform at: extraOffset sourceRect: sourceRect cellSize: cellSize
  "Warp the given using the appropriate transform and offset."
  | globalRect sourceQuad warp tfm |
  tfm := aTransform.
  globalRect := tfm localBoundsToGlobal: sourceRect.
  sourceQuad := (tfm sourceQuadFor: globalRect) collect:[:p| p - sourceRect topLeft].
  extraOffset ifNotNil:[globalRect := globalRect translateBy: extraOffset].
+      warp := (WarpBlt toForm: port destForm)
-      warp := (WarpBlt current toForm: port destForm)
                  combinationRule: Form paint;
                  sourceQuad: sourceQuad destRect: (globalRect origin corner: globalRect corner+(1@1));
                  clipRect: port clipRect.
  warp cellSize: cellSize.
  warp sourceForm: aForm.
  warp warpBits!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FormCanvas>>showAt:invalidRects: (in category 'other') -----
  showAt: pt invalidRects: updateRects
  | blt |
+ blt := (BitBlt toForm: Display)
- blt := (BitBlt current toForm: Display)
  sourceForm: form;
  combinationRule: Form over.
  updateRects do:
  [:rect |
  blt sourceRect: rect;
  destOrigin: rect topLeft + pt;

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FormCanvas>>warpFrom:toRect: (in category 'other') -----
  warpFrom: sourceQuad toRect: destRect
+         ^ (WarpBlt toForm: port destForm)
-         ^ (WarpBlt current toForm: port destForm)
                  combinationRule: Form paint;
                  sourceQuad: sourceQuad destRect: (destRect translateBy: origin);
                  clipRect: clipRect!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Morph>>drawRolloverBorderOn: (in category 'drawing') -----
  drawRolloverBorderOn: aCanvas
  | colorToUse offsetToUse myShadow newForm f |
  colorToUse := self
  valueOfProperty: #rolloverColor
  ifAbsent: [Color blue alpha: 0.5].
  offsetToUse := self
  valueOfProperty: #rolloverWidth
  ifAbsent: [10 @ 10].
  self hasRolloverBorder: false.
  myShadow := self shadowForm.
  self hasRolloverBorder: true.
  myShadow offset: 0 @ 0.
  f := ColorForm extent: myShadow extent depth: 1.
  myShadow displayOn: f.
  f colors: {Color transparent. colorToUse}.
  newForm := Form extent: offsetToUse * 2 + myShadow extent depth: 32.
+ (WarpBlt toForm: newForm) sourceForm: f;
- (WarpBlt current toForm: newForm) sourceForm: f;
  cellSize: 1;
  combinationRule: 3;
  copyQuad: f boundingBox innerCorners toRect: newForm boundingBox.
  translateBy: offsetToUse negated
  during: [:shadowCanvas |
  shadowCanvas shadowColor: colorToUse.
  shadowCanvas paintImage: newForm at: self position]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PasteUpMorph>>flashRects:color: (in category 'world state') -----
  flashRects: rectangleList color: aColor
  "For testing. Flashes the given list of rectangles on the Display so you can watch incremental redisplay at work."
  "Details: Uses two reverses so that the display is restored to its original state. This is necessary when in deferred update mode."
  | blt |
+ blt := (BitBlt toForm: Display)
- blt := (BitBlt current toForm: Display)
  sourceForm: nil;
  sourceOrigin: 0@0;
  clipRect: self viewBox;
  combinationRule: Form reverse.
  rectangleList do: [:r | | screenRect |
  screenRect := r translateBy: self viewBox origin.
  blt destRect: screenRect; copyBits.
  Display forceToScreen: screenRect; forceDisplayUpdate.
  (Delay forMilliseconds: 15) wait.
  blt destRect: screenRect; copyBits.
  Display forceToScreen: screenRect; forceDisplayUpdate].

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PolygonMorph>>computeArrowFormAt:from: (in category 'private') -----
  computeArrowFormAt: endPoint from: priorPoint
  "Compute a triangle oriented along the line from priorPoint to  
  endPoint. Then draw those lines in a form and return that  
  form, with appropriate offset"
  | p1 pts box arrowForm bb origin |
  pts := self arrowBoundsAt: endPoint from: priorPoint.
  box := ((pts first rect: pts last) encompass: (pts second)) expandBy: 1.
  arrowForm := Form extent: box extent asIntegerPoint.
+ bb := (BitBlt toForm: arrowForm)
- bb := (BitBlt current toForm: arrowForm)
  sourceForm: nil;
  fillColor: Color black;
  combinationRule: Form over;
  width: 1;
  height: 1.
  origin := box topLeft.
  p1 := pts last - origin.
  pts do:
  [:p |
  bb drawFrom: p1 to: p - origin.
  p1 := p - origin].
  arrowForm convexShapeFill: Color black.
  ^arrowForm offset: box topLeft!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PolygonMorph>>filledForm (in category 'private') -----
  "Note: The filled form is actually 2 pixels bigger than bounds, and the point corresponding to this morphs' position is at 1@1 in the form.  This is due to the details of the fillig routines, at least one of which requires an extra 1-pixel margin around the outside.  Computation of the filled form is done only on demand."
  | bb origin |
  closed ifFalse: [^ filledForm := nil].
  filledForm ifNotNil: [^ filledForm].
  filledForm := Form extent: bounds extent+2.
  "Draw the border..."
+ bb := (BitBlt toForm: filledForm) sourceForm: nil; fillColor: Color black;
- bb := (BitBlt current toForm: filledForm) sourceForm: nil; fillColor: Color black;
  combinationRule: Form over; width: 1; height: 1.
  origin := bounds topLeft asIntegerPoint-1.
  self lineSegmentsDo: [:p1 :p2 | bb drawFrom: p1 asIntegerPoint-origin
  to: p2 asIntegerPoint-origin].
  "Fill it in..."
  filledForm convexShapeFill: Color black.
  (borderColor isColor and: [borderColor isTranslucentColor]) ifTrue:
  ["If border is stored as a form, then erase any overlap now."
  filledForm copy: self borderForm boundingBox from: self borderForm
  to: 1@1 rule: Form erase].
  ^ filledForm!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ProjectViewMorph>>updateImageFrom: (in category 'drawing') -----
  updateImageFrom: sourceForm
+ (WarpBlt toForm: image)
- (WarpBlt current toForm: image)
  sourceForm: sourceForm;
  cellSize: 2;  "installs a colormap"
  combinationRule: Form over;
  copyQuad: (sourceForm boundingBox) innerCorners
  toRect: image boundingBox.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SketchMorph>>generateRotatedForm (in category 'drawing') -----
  "Compute my rotatedForm and offsetWhenRotated."
  | scalePt smoothPix pair |
  scalePoint ifNil: [scalePoint := 1 @ 1].
  scalePt := scalePoint x abs @ scalePoint y abs.
  rotationStyle == #none ifTrue: [scalePt := 1 @ 1].
  smoothPix := (scalePt x < 1.0 or: [scalePt y < 1.0])
  ifTrue: [2]
  ifFalse: [1].
  rotationStyle = #leftRight
  [self heading asSmallAngleDegrees < 0.0
  ifTrue: [scalePt := scalePt x negated @ scalePt y]].
  rotationStyle = #upDown
  [self heading asSmallAngleDegrees abs > 90.0
  ifTrue: [scalePt := scalePt x @ scalePt y negated]].
  rotatedForm := scalePt = (1 @ 1)
  ifTrue: [originalForm]
  ["ar 11/19/2001: I am uncertain what happens in the case of rotationStyle ~~ normal"
  (rotationStyle == #normal and: [self useInterpolation])
  ifTrue: [^self generateInterpolatedForm].
+ pair := WarpBlt
- pair := WarpBlt current
  rotate: originalForm
  degrees: 0
  center: originalForm boundingBox center
  scaleBy: scalePt
  smoothing: smoothPix.
  pair first]!