The Trunk: Morphic-ul.1102.mcz

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The Trunk: Morphic-ul.1102.mcz

Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Morphic-ul.1102
Author: ul
Time: 7 April 2016, 8:44:58.454544 pm
UUID: 13b607fc-9dee-4ffa-96c6-8f7a3d0b6a79
Ancestors: Morphic-mt.1101

- always initialize SimpleBorder's instance variables, so that we can simplify accessors and make them quicker
- added #smallDeleteIcon to the 'remove (x)' menu item in MenuIcons
- String >> #, with a non-string argument has unexpected results. Fix that in TextEditor >> #querySymbol:.

=============== Diff against Morphic-mt.1101 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MenuIcons class>>itemsIcons (in category 'menu decoration') -----
  "answer a collection of associations wordings -> icon to  
  the menus all over the image"
  | icons |
  icons := OrderedCollection new.
  "icons add: #('Test Runner' ) -> self smallTrafficIcon."
  world menu"
  "icons add: #('previous project' 'go to previous project') -> self smallProjectBackIcon."
  icons add: #('go to next project') -> self smallProjectNextIcon.
  icons add: #('select' ) -> self smallSelectIcon.
  icons add: #('jump to project...' ) -> self smallProjectJumpIcon.
  icons add: #('open...' ) -> self smallOpenIcon.
  icons add: #('appearance...' ) -> self smallConfigurationIcon.
  icons add: #('help...' ) -> self smallHelpIcon.
  "icons add: #('windows...' ) -> self smallWindowIcon."
  icons add: #('changes...' ) -> self smallDocumentClockIcon.
  icons add: #('print PS to file...' ) -> self smallPrintIcon.
  icons add: #('debug...' ) -> self smallDebugIcon.
  icons add: #('export...' ) -> self smallExportIcon.
  icons add: #('save' ) -> self smallSaveIcon.
  "icons add: #('save project on file...' ) -> self smallProjectSaveIcon."
  "icons add: #('save as...') -> self smallSaveAsIcon.
  icons add: #('save as new version') -> self smallSaveNewIcon.
  icons add: #('save and quit' ) -> self smallQuitIcon."
  icons add: #('quit') -> self smallQuitNoSaveIcon.
  "icons add: #('load project from file...' ) -> self smallProjectLoadIcon."
  icons add: #('do it (d)' ) -> self smallDoItIcon.
  icons add: #('inspect it (i)' 'inspect world' 'explore world' 'inspect model' 'inspect morph' 'explore morph' 'inspect owner chain' 'explore' 'inspect' 'explore (I)' 'inspect (i)' 'basic inspect' ) -> self smallInspectItIcon.
  icons add: #('print it (p)' ) -> self smallPrintIcon.
  icons add: #('debug it (D)' ) -> self smallDebugIcon.
  icons add: #('tally it' ) -> self smallTimerIcon.
  icons add: #('copy (c)' 'copy to paste buffer' 'copy text' ) -> self smallCopyIcon.
  icons add: #('paste (v)') -> self smallPasteIcon.
  icons add: #('cut (x)' ) -> self smallCutIcon.
  icons add: #('accept (s)' 'yes' 'Yes' ) -> self smallOkIcon.
  icons add: #('cancel (l)' 'no' 'No' ) -> self smallCancelIcon.
  icons add: #('redo (Z)' ) -> self smallRedoIcon.
  icons add: #('undo (z)' ) -> self smallUndoIcon.
  icons add: #( 'find class... (f)' 'find method...' ) -> self smallSearchIcon.
  icons add: #('find...(f)') -> self smallFindIcon.
+ icons add: #('remove' 'remove (x)' 'remove class (x)' 'delete method from changeset (d)' 'remove method from system (x)' 'delete class from change set (d)' 'remove class from system (x)' 'destroy change set (X)' ) -> self smallDeleteIcon.
- icons add: #('remove' 'remove class (x)' 'delete method from changeset (d)' 'remove method from system (x)' 'delete class from change set (d)' 'remove class from system (x)' 'destroy change set (X)' ) -> self smallDeleteIcon.
  icons add: #('add item...' 'new category...' 'new change set... (n)' ) -> self smallNewIcon.
  icons add: #('objects (o)' ) -> self smallObjectCatalogIcon.
  icons add: #('authoring tools...')  -> self smallAuthoringToolsIcon.
  icons add: #('projects...')  -> self smallProjectIcon.
  icons add: #('make screenshot')  -> self smallScreenshotIcon.
  icons add: #('leftFlush' ) -> self smallLeftFlushIcon.
  icons add: #('rightFlush' ) -> self smallRightFlushIcon.
  icons add: #('centered' 'set alignment... (u)' ) -> self smallCenteredIcon.
  icons add: #('justified' ) -> self smallJustifiedIcon.
  icons add: #('set font... (k)' 'list font...' 'set subtitles font' 'change font' 'system fonts...' 'change font...' 'default text font...' 'flaps font...' 'eToys font...' 'eToys title font...' 'halo label font...' 'menu font...' 'window-title font...' 'balloon-help font...' 'code font...' 'button font...') -> self smallFontsIcon.
  icons add: #('full screen on') -> self smallFullscreenOnIcon.
  icons add: #('full screen off' ) -> self smallFullscreenOffIcon.
  ^ icons!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SimpleBorder>>baseColor (in category 'accessing') -----
+ ^baseColor!
- ^baseColor ifNil:[Color transparent]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SimpleBorder>>baseColor: (in category 'accessing') -----
  baseColor: aColor
+ baseColor = aColor ifTrue:[^self].
+ baseColor := aColor.
+ self color: aColor "#color: will do  #releaseCachedState"!
- | cc |
- cc := aColor isTransparent ifTrue:[nil] ifFalse:[aColor].
- baseColor = cc ifTrue:[^self].
- baseColor := cc.
- self releaseCachedState.
- self color: cc.
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SimpleBorder>>color (in category 'accessing') -----
+ ^color!
- ^color ifNil:[Color transparent]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SimpleBorder>>initialize (in category 'initialize-release') -----
+ initialize
+ width := 0.
+ baseColor := color := Color transparent!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SimpleBorder>>width (in category 'accessing') -----
+ ^width!
- ^width ifNil:[0]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TextEditor>>querySymbol: (in category 'typing/selecting keys') -----
  querySymbol: aKeyboardEvent
  "Invoked by Ctrl-q to query the Symbol table and display alternate symbols."
  | hintText lastOffering offering |
  self isTypingIn
  ifFalse: [
  self selectPrecedingIdentifier.
  hintText := self selection string]
  ifTrue: [
  self history current type = #query
  ifFalse: [
  self closeTypeIn.
  self selectPrecedingIdentifier.
  hintText := self selection string]
  ifTrue: [
  self history hasPrevious
  ifFalse: [morph flash. self closeTypeIn. ^ true].
  hintText := self history previous contentsAfter string.
  hintText := hintText copyFrom: (hintText
+ lastIndexOfAnyOf: Character separators, '#'
- lastIndexOfAnyOf: Character separators, #($#)
  startingAt: hintText size ifAbsent: [0])+1 to: hintText size.
  self selectPrecedingIdentifier.
  lastOffering := self selection string]].
  offering := '-'.
  [offering allSatisfy: [:ea | ea tokenish]] whileFalse: [
  offering := (Symbol thatStarts: hintText skipping: lastOffering) ifNil: [hintText].
  lastOffering := offering].
  self openTypeInFor: #query.
  self typeAhead nextPutAll: offering.
  ^ false!