Chris Muller uploaded a new version of MorphicExtras to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: MorphicExtras-cmm.80
Author: cmm
Time: 15 March 2010, 6:56:03.728 pm
UUID: 02607708-4bb1-4f0d-a76f-60c7bce156a1
Ancestors: MorphicExtras-MAD.79
- More improved guads of authorInitialsPerSe.
=============== Diff against MorphicExtras-MAD.79 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: SqueakPage class>>newURLAndPageFor: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
newURLAndPageFor: aMorph
"Create a new SqueakPage whose contents is the given morph. Assign a URL for that page, record it in the page cache, and answer its URL."
| pg newURL stamp |
pg := self new.
+ stamp := Utilities authorInitialsPerSe.
+ stamp isEmptyOrNil ifTrue: [ stamp := '*' ].
- stamp := Utilities authorInitialsPerSe ifNil: ['*'].
pg saveMorph: aMorph author: stamp.
newURL := SqueakPageCache generateURL.
SqueakPageCache atURL: newURL put: pg.
+ ^ newURL!
- ^ newURL
- !
Item was changed:
----- Method: SqueakPage>>write (in category 'saving') -----
"Decide whether to write this page on the disk."
| sf |
policy == #neverWrite ifTrue: [^ self].
"demo mode, or write only when user explicitly orders it"
"All other policies do write: #now"
contentsMorph ifNil: [^ self].
dirty := dirty | ((contentsMorph valueOfProperty: #pageDirty) == true).
"set by layoutChanged"
dirty == true ifTrue: [
sf := ServerDirectory new fullPath: url.
"check for shared password"
"contentsMorph allMorphsDo: [:m | m prepareToBeSaved].
done in objectToStoreOnDataStream"
+ lastChangeAuthor := Utilities authorInitialsPerSe.
+ lastChangeAuthor isEmptyOrNil ifTrue: [ lastChangeAuthor := '*'].
- lastChangeAuthor := Utilities authorInitialsPerSe ifNil: ['*'].
lastChangeTime := Time totalSeconds.
Cursor wait showWhile: [ | remoteFile |
remoteFile := sf fileNamed: url. "no notification when overwriting"
remoteFile dataIsValid.
remoteFile fileOutClass: nil andObject: self.
"remoteFile close"].
contentsMorph setProperty: #pageDirty toValue: nil.
dirty := false].!