David T. Lewis uploaded a new version of MorphicExtras to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/MorphicExtras-dtl.215.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: MorphicExtras-dtl.215 Author: dtl Time: 12 November 2017, 10:49:12.947981 am UUID: f2cff994-4297-4693-8d24-3c78b286a1ca Ancestors: MorphicExtras-dtl.214 Use "self world" instead of "Project current word" in Morph methods, and update a couple more methods. =============== Diff against MorphicExtras-dtl.214 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: BookMorph>>loadImagesIntoBook (in category 'menu') ----- loadImagesIntoBook "PowerPoint stores GIF presentations as individual slides named Slide1, Slide2, etc. Load these into the book. mjg 9/99" | directory filenumber form newpage | directory := ((StandardFileMenu oldFileFrom: FileDirectory default) ifNil: [^nil]) directory. directory isNil ifTrue: [^nil]. "Start loading 'em up!!" filenumber := 1. [directory fileExists: 'Slide' , filenumber asString] whileTrue: [Transcript show: 'Slide' , filenumber asString; cr. Smalltalk bytesLeft < 1000000 ifTrue: ["Make some room" (self valueOfProperty: #url) isNil ifTrue: [self savePagesOnURL] ifFalse: [self saveAsNumberedURLs]]. form := Form fromFileNamed: (directory fullNameFor: 'Slide' , filenumber asString). newpage := PasteUpMorph new extent: form extent. + newpage addMorph: (self world drawingClass withForm: form). - newpage addMorph: (Project current world drawingClass withForm: form). self pages addLast: newpage. filenumber := filenumber + 1]. "After adding all, delete the first page." self goToPage: 1. self deletePageBasic. "Save the book" (self valueOfProperty: #url) isNil ifTrue: [self savePagesOnURL] ifFalse: [self saveAsNumberedURLs]! Item was changed: ----- Method: GeePrinterPage>>fullDrawPostscriptOn: (in category 'Postscript Canvases') ----- fullDrawPostscriptOn: aCanvas | s | s := TextMorph new beAllFont: (TextStyle default fontOfSize: 30); contentsAsIs: ' Drawing page ',pageNumber printString,' of ',totalPages printString,' '. s layoutChanged; fullBounds. s := AlignmentMorph newRow hResizing: #shrinkWrap; vResizing: #shrinkWrap; addMorph: s; color: Color yellow. s position: Display center - (s width // 2 @ 0). + Project current world addMorphFront: s; + displayWorld. - World addMorphFront: s. - World displayWorld. printSpecs drawAsBitmapFlag ifTrue: [ aCanvas paintImage: self pageAsForm at: 0@0 ] ifFalse: [ aCanvas translateTo: bounds origin negated clippingTo: (0@0 extent: bounds extent) during: [ :c | pasteUp fullDrawForPrintingOn: c ]. ]. s delete. ! Item was changed: RectangleMorph subclass: #GradientFillMorph instanceVariableNames: 'fillColor2 gradientDirection colorArray colorDepth' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'MorphicExtras-Widgets'! + !GradientFillMorph commentStamp: 'dtl 11/11/2017 22:32' prior: 0! - !GradientFillMorph commentStamp: 'nice 3/25/2010 23:01' prior: 0! Class GradientFillMorph is obsolete. For getting gradient fills use a BorderedMorph with an appropriate fill style, e.g., | morph fs | morph := BorderedMorph new. fs := GradientFillStyle ramp: {0.0 -> Color red. 1.0 -> Color green}. fs origin: morph bounds center. fs direction: (morph bounds width // 2) @ 0. fs radial: true. morph fillStyle: fs. + Project current world primaryHand attachMorph: morph. - World primaryHand attachMorph: morph. Here's the old (obsolete) comment: GradientFills cache an array of bitpatterns for the colors across their rectangle. It costs a bit of space, but makes display fast enough to eschew the use of a bitmap. The array must be recomputed whenever the colors, dimensions or display depth change.! Item was changed: ----- Method: GraphicalDictionaryMenu>>handMeOne (in category 'menu commands') ----- handMeOne + self currentHand attachMorph: (self world drawingClass new form: (formChoices at: currentIndex))! - self currentHand attachMorph: (Project current world drawingClass new form: (formChoices at: currentIndex))! Item was changed: ----- Method: ProjectSorterMorph>>addControls (in category 'initialization') ----- addControls "Add the control bar at the top of the tool." | b r partsBinButton newButton aWrapper | + newButton := ImageMorph new image: (World project makeThumbnail scaledToSize: 48@36). - newButton := ImageMorph new image: (Project current makeThumbnail scaledToSize: 48@36). newButton on: #mouseDown send: #insertNewProject: to: self. newButton setBalloonText: 'Make a new Project' translated. (partsBinButton := UpdatingThreePhaseButtonMorph checkBox) target: self; actionSelector: #togglePartsBinStatus; arguments: #(); getSelector: #getPartsBinStatus. (r := AlignmentMorph newRow) color: Color transparent; borderWidth: 0; layoutInset: 0; cellInset: 10@0; wrapCentering: #center; cellPositioning: #leftCenter; hResizing: #shrinkWrap; vResizing: #shrinkWrap; extent: 5@5. b := SimpleButtonMorph new target: self; color: self defaultColor darker; borderColor: Color black. r addMorphBack: (self wrapperFor: (b label: 'Okay' translated font: ScriptingSystem fontForEToyButtons; actionSelector: #acceptSort)). b := SimpleButtonMorph new target: self; color: self defaultColor darker; borderColor: Color black. r addMorphBack: (self wrapperFor: (b label: 'Cancel' translated font: ScriptingSystem fontForEToyButtons; actionSelector: #delete)); addTransparentSpacerOfSize: 8 @ 0; addMorphBack: (self wrapperFor: (newButton)); addTransparentSpacerOfSize: 8 @ 0. aWrapper := AlignmentMorph newRow beTransparent. aWrapper cellInset: 0; layoutInset: 0; borderWidth: 0. aWrapper addMorphBack: (self wrapperFor: partsBinButton); addMorphBack: (self wrapperFor: (StringMorph contents: 'Parts bin' translated font: ScriptingSystem fontForEToyButtons) lock). r addMorphBack: aWrapper. self addMorphFront: r. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: SpeakerMorph>>addGraphic (in category 'initialization') ----- addGraphic | graphic | + graphic := self world drawingClass withForm: self speakerGraphic. - graphic := Project current world drawingClass withForm: self speakerGraphic. graphic position: bounds center - (graphic extent // 2). self addMorph: graphic. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: TabbedPalette class>>authoringPrototype (in category 'scripting') ----- authoringPrototype | aTabbedPalette aBook aTab | aTabbedPalette := self new markAsPartsDonor. aTabbedPalette pageSize: 200 @ 300. aTabbedPalette tabsMorph highlightColor: Color red regularColor: Color blue. aTabbedPalette addMenuTab. aBook := BookMorph new setNameTo: 'one'; pageSize: aTabbedPalette pageSize. aBook color: Color blue muchLighter. aBook removeEverything; insertPage; showPageControls. + aBook currentPage addMorphBack: (self world drawingClass withForm: ScriptingSystem squeakyMouseForm). - aBook currentPage addMorphBack: (Project current world drawingClass withForm: ScriptingSystem squeakyMouseForm). aTab := aTabbedPalette addTabForBook: aBook. aBook := BookMorph new setNameTo: 'two'; pageSize: aTabbedPalette pageSize. aBook color: Color red muchLighter. aBook removeEverything; insertPage; showPageControls. aBook currentPage addMorphBack: CurveMorph authoringPrototype. aTabbedPalette addTabForBook: aBook. aTabbedPalette selectTab: aTab. aTabbedPalette beSticky. aTabbedPalette tabsMorph hResizing: #spaceFill. ^ aTabbedPalette! Item was changed: ----- Method: TabbedPalette>>addMenuTab (in category 'palette menu') ----- addMenuTab "Add the menu tab. This is ancient code, not much in the spirit of anything current" | aMenu aTab aGraphic sk | aMenu := MenuMorph new defaultTarget: self. aMenu stayUp: true. "aMenu add: 'clear' translated action: #showNoPalette." aMenu add: 'sort tabs' translated action: #sortTabs:. aMenu add: 'choose new colors for tabs' translated action: #recolorTabs. aMenu setProperty: #paletteMenu toValue: true. "aMenu add: 'make me the Standard palette' translated action: #becomeStandardPalette." aTab := self addTabForBook: aMenu withBalloonText: 'a menu of palette-related controls' translated. aTab highlightColor: tabsMorph highlightColor; regularColor: tabsMorph regularColor. tabsMorph laySubpartsOutInOneRow; layoutChanged. aGraphic := ScriptingSystem formAtKey: 'TinyMenu'. aGraphic ifNotNil: [aTab removeAllMorphs. + aTab addMorph: (sk := self world drawingClass withForm: aGraphic). - aTab addMorph: (sk := Project current world drawingClass withForm: aGraphic). sk position: aTab position. sk lock. aTab fitContents]. self layoutChanged! |
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