Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of MorphicExtras to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/MorphicExtras-eem.287.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: MorphicExtras-eem.287 Author: eem Time: 12 April 2021, 11:02:21.284327 am UUID: b74bcd77-a21f-4562-b441-5e2220720482 Ancestors: MorphicExtras-mt.286 Include the actual frame extent in the output of the CameraInterface test methods. =============== Diff against MorphicExtras-mt.286 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: CameraInterface class>>interruptDrivenVideoTest: (in category 'test') ----- interruptDrivenVideoTest: camNum "A quick test of video input. Displays video on the screen until the mouse is pressed. Answer nil if the interrupt-driven interface is unavailable." "self interruptDrivenVideoTest: 1" "self interruptDrivenVideoTest: 2" "[self interruptDrivenVideoTest: 2] fork. self interruptDrivenVideoTest: 1" + | semaphore height frameExtent | - | semaphore height | height := 16. 1 to: camNum - 1 do: [:camIndex| "N.B. the of an unopened camera is 0@0" + height := height + (self frameExtent: camIndex) y + 16]. + (self cameraIsOpen: camNum) ifFalse: + [(self openCamera: camNum width: 352 height: 288) ifNil: - height := height + (CameraInterface frameExtent: camIndex) y + 16]. - (CameraInterface cameraIsOpen: camNum) ifFalse: - [(CameraInterface openCamera: camNum width: 352 height: 288) ifNil: [self inform: 'no camera'. ^nil]]. semaphore := Semaphore new. + [self camera: camNum setSemaphore: (Smalltalk registerExternalObject: semaphore)] - [CameraInterface camera: camNum setSemaphore: (Smalltalk registerExternalObject: semaphore)] on: Error do: [:err| Smalltalk unregisterExternalObject: semaphore. self inform: 'interrupt-driven camera interface unavailable: ', err messageText. ^nil]. [| f n startTime frameCount msecs fps | [semaphore wait. "N.B. the frame extent may not be known until the delivery of the first frame. So we have to delay initialization." startTime ifNil: + [(frameExtent := self frameExtent: camNum) x = 0 ifTrue: [self inform: 'no camera'. ^nil]. + f := Form extent: (self frameExtent: camNum) depth: 32. - [(self frameExtent: camNum) x = 0 ifTrue: [self inform: 'no camera'. ^nil]. - f := Form extent: (CameraInterface frameExtent: camNum) depth: 32. frameCount := 0. startTime := Time millisecondClockValue]. Sensor anyButtonPressed] whileFalse: + [n := self getFrameForCamera: camNum into: f bits. - [n := CameraInterface getFrameForCamera: camNum into: f bits. n > 0 ifTrue: [frameCount := frameCount + 1. f displayAt: 16 @ height]]. msecs := Time millisecondClockValue - startTime. fps := (frameCount * 1000) // msecs. + ^(self cameraName: camNum), ': ', frameExtent printString, ' ', frameCount printString, ' frames at ', fps printString, ' frames/sec'] - ^(CameraInterface cameraName: camNum), ': ', frameCount printString, ' frames at ', fps printString, ' frames/sec'] ensure: + [self closeCamera: camNum. - [CameraInterface closeCamera: camNum. Smalltalk unregisterExternalObject: semaphore. Sensor waitNoButton]! Item was changed: ----- Method: CameraInterface class>>videoTest: (in category 'test') ----- videoTest: camNum "A quick test of video input. Displays video on the screen until the mouse is pressed." "self videoTest: 1" "self videoTest: 2" + | frameExtent f n startTime frameCount msecs fps | + (self openCamera: camNum width: 320 height: 240) ifNil: [^ self inform: 'no camera']. - | f n startTime frameCount msecs fps | - (CameraInterface openCamera: camNum width: 320 height: 240) ifNil: [^ self inform: 'no camera']. self waitForCameraStart: camNum. + (frameExtent := self frameExtent: camNum) x = 0 ifTrue: [^ self inform: 'no camera']. + f := Form extent: (self frameExtent: camNum) depth: 32. - (self frameExtent: camNum) x = 0 ifTrue: [^ self inform: 'no camera']. - f := Form extent: (CameraInterface frameExtent: camNum) depth: 32. frameCount := 0. startTime := nil. + [Sensor anyButtonPressed] whileFalse: + [n := self getFrameForCamera: camNum into: f bits. + n > 0 ifTrue: + [startTime ifNil: [startTime := Time millisecondClockValue]. - [Sensor anyButtonPressed] whileFalse: [ - n := CameraInterface getFrameForCamera: camNum into: f bits. - n > 0 ifTrue: [ - startTime ifNil: [startTime := Time millisecondClockValue]. frameCount := frameCount + 1. f display]]. Sensor waitNoButton. msecs := Time millisecondClockValue - startTime. + self closeCamera: camNum. + fps := frameCount * 1000 // msecs. + ^frameExtent printString, ' ', frameCount printString, ' frames at ', fps printString, ' frames/sec'! - CameraInterface closeCamera: camNum. - fps := (frameCount * 1000) // msecs. - ^ frameCount printString, ' frames at ', fps printString, ' frames/sec'! |
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