The Trunk: MorphicExtras-fbs.112.mcz

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The Trunk: MorphicExtras-fbs.112.mcz

Frank Shearar uploaded a new version of MorphicExtras to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: MorphicExtras-fbs.112
Author: fbs
Time: 3 July 2013, 9:50:50.965 pm
UUID: 3d28e62d-4971-f14f-bbf1-29b3ab896170
Ancestors: MorphicExtras-nice.111

Some stuff that's easily movable from Morphic to MorphicExtras.

=============== Diff against MorphicExtras-nice.111 ===============

Item was changed:
- SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-Demo'!
- SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-AdditionalSupport'!
  SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-AdditionalMorphs'!
+ SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-AdditionalSupport'!
- SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-Widgets'!
- SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-Books'!
- SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-Postscript Filters'!
- SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-Support'!
- SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-SoundInterface'!
- SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-Undo'!
- SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-Postscript Canvases'!
- SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-PartsBin'!
  SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-AdditionalWidgets'!
+ SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-Books'!
+ SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-Demo'!
+ SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-EToy-Download'!
  SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-Flaps'!
- SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-Navigators'!
  SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-GeeMail'!
- SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-Palettes'!
  SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-Leds'!
+ SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-Navigators'!
+ SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-Obsolete'!
+ SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-Palettes'!
+ SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-PartsBin'!
+ SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-Postscript Canvases'!
+ SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-Postscript Filters'!
+ SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-SoundInterface'!
  SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-SqueakPage'!
+ SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-Support'!
  SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-Text Support'!
+ SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-Undo'!
+ SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-Widgets'!
- SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-Obsolete'!
- SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicExtras-EToy-Download'!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: HandMorph>>pauseEventRecorderIn: (in category '*MorphicExtras-event handling') -----
+ pauseEventRecorderIn: aWorld
+ "Suspend any recorder prior to a project change, and return it.
+ It will be resumed after starting the new project."
+ eventListeners ifNil:[^nil].
+ eventListeners do:
+ [:er | (er isKindOf: EventRecorderMorph) ifTrue: [^ er pauseIn: aWorld]].
+ ^ nil!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>asEPS (in category '*MorphicExtras-postscript') -----
+ asEPS
+ ^ EPSCanvas morphAsPostscript: self rotated: false.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>asPostscriptPrintJob (in category '*MorphicExtras-postscript') -----
+ asPostscriptPrintJob
+ ^ DSCPostscriptCanvas morphAsPostscript: self rotated: false.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>printPSToFileNamed: (in category '*MorphicExtras-menus') -----
+ printPSToFileNamed: aString
+ "Ask the user for a filename and print this morph as postscript."
+ | fileName rotateFlag psCanvasType psExtension |
+ fileName := aString asFileName.
+ psCanvasType := PostscriptCanvas defaultCanvasType.
+ psExtension := psCanvasType defaultExtension.
+ fileName := UIManager default request: (String streamContents: [ :s |
+ s nextPutAll: ('File name? ("{1}" will be added to end)' translated format: {psExtension})])
+ initialAnswer: fileName.
+ fileName isEmpty
+ ifTrue: [^ Beeper beep].
+ (fileName endsWith: psExtension)
+ ifFalse: [fileName := fileName , psExtension].
+ rotateFlag := (UIManager default chooseFrom: {
+ 'portrait (tall)' translated.
+ 'landscape (wide)' translated.
+ } title: 'Choose orientation...' translated) = 2.
+ ((FileStream newFileNamed: fileName asFileName) converter: TextConverter defaultSystemConverter)
+ nextPutAll: (psCanvasType morphAsPostscript: self rotated: rotateFlag);
+ close!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: PasteUpMorph class>>newWorldTesting (in category '*MorphicExtras-project') -----
+ newWorldTesting
+ | world ex |
+ ex := 500@500.
+ world := PasteUpMorph newWorldForProject: nil.
+ world extent: ex; color: Color orange.
+ world openInWorld.
+ world viewBox: (0@0 extent: ex).
+ BouncingAtomsMorph new openInWorld: world.
+ "-----
+ | world window |
+ world := PasteUpMorph newWorldForProject: nil.
+ world extent: 300@300; color: Color orange.
+ world viewBox: (0@0 extent: 300@300).
+ window := (SystemWindow labelled: 'the new world') model: world.
+ window color: Color orange.
+ window addMorph: world frame: (0@0 extent: 1.0@1.0).
+ window openInWorld.
+ ---"
+ !