A new version of MorphicExtras was added to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/MorphicExtras-kb.54.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: MorphicExtras-kb.54
Author: kb
Time: 12 November 2009, 11:24:56 am
UUID: e4a8d825-9157-41f0-94b7-66624dd625ed
Ancestors: MorphicExtras-nice.53
- fix:
http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=7411 Fixed the building of edge selection menu in Flaps class >> addLocalFlap.
=============== Diff against MorphicExtras-nice.53 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: Flaps class>>addLocalFlap (in category 'new flap') -----
"Menu command -- let the user add a new project-local flap. Once the new flap is born, the user can tell it to become a shared flap. Obtain an initial name and edge for the flap, launch the flap, and also launch a menu governing the flap, so that the user can get started right away with customizing it."
| aMenu reply aFlapTab aWorld edge |
+ edge := self askForEdgeOfNewFlap.
- aMenu := MenuMorph entitled: 'Where should the new flap cling?' translated.
- aMenu defaultTarget: aMenu.
- #(left right top bottom) do:
- [:sym | aMenu add: sym asString translated selector: #selectMVCItem: argument: sym].
- edge := aMenu invokeModalAt: self currentHand position in: self currentWorld.
edge ifNotNil:
[reply := UIManager default request: 'Wording for this flap: ' translated initialAnswer: 'Flap' translated.
reply isEmptyOrNil ifFalse:
[aFlapTab := self newFlapTitled: reply onEdge: edge.
(aWorld := self currentWorld) addMorphFront: aFlapTab.
aFlapTab adaptToWorld: aWorld.
aMenu := aFlapTab buildHandleMenu: ActiveHand.
aFlapTab addTitleForHaloMenu: aMenu.
aFlapTab computeEdgeFraction.
aMenu popUpEvent: ActiveEvent in: ActiveWorld]]
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Flaps class>>askForEdgeOfNewFlap (in category 'new flap') -----
+ askForEdgeOfNewFlap
+ ^MenuMorph
+ chooseFrom: (#('left' 'right' 'top' 'bottom') collect: [ :each | each translated ])
+ values: #(left right top bottom)
+ lines: #()
+ title: 'Where should the new flap cling?' translated.
+ !