Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of MorphicExtras to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: MorphicExtras-mt.171
Author: mt
Time: 19 April 2016, 1:06:17.613134 pm
UUID: 5f029570-c24b-9f4b-b371-0f70d4f9fcbb
Ancestors: MorphicExtras-mt.170
Improves usage of #refreshWorld to avoid direct calls to #displayWorldSafely, which requires a check whether the morph in in a world or not.
=============== Diff against MorphicExtras-mt.170 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: PaintBoxMorph>>eyedropper:action:cursor:evt: (in category 'actions') -----
eyedropper: aButton action: aSelector cursor: aCursor evt: evt
"Take total control and pick up a color!!!!"
| pt feedbackColor delay |
delay := Delay forMilliseconds: 10.
aButton state: #on.
tool ifNotNil: [tool state: #off].
currentCursor := aCursor.
evt hand showTemporaryCursor: currentCursor
hotSpotOffset: 6 negated @ 4 negated.
"<<<< the form was changed a bit??"
feedbackColor := Display colorAt: Sensor cursorPoint.
colorMemory align: colorMemory bounds topRight
with: colorMemoryThin bounds topRight.
self addMorphFront: colorMemory.
"Full color picker"
[Sensor anyButtonPressed] whileFalse:
[pt := Sensor cursorPoint.
"deal with the fact that 32 bit displays may have garbage in the
alpha bits"
feedbackColor := Display depth = 32
[Color colorFromPixelValue: ((Display pixelValueAt: pt) bitOr: 16rFF000000)
depth: 32]
ifFalse: [Display colorAt: pt].
"the hand needs to be drawn"
evt hand position: pt.
currentColor ~= feedbackColor ifTrue: [
currentColor := feedbackColor.
self showColor ].
+ self refreshWorld.
- self world displayWorldSafely.
delay wait].
"Now wait for the button to be released."
[Sensor anyButtonPressed] whileTrue:
[ pt := Sensor cursorPoint.
"the hand needs to be drawn"
evt hand position: pt.
+ self refreshWorld.
- self world displayWorldSafely.
delay wait].
evt hand showTemporaryCursor: nil hotSpotOffset: 0 @ 0.
self currentColor: feedbackColor evt: evt.
colorMemory delete.
tool ifNotNil:
[tool state: #on.
currentCursor := tool arguments third].
aButton state: #off