Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of MorphicExtras to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: MorphicExtras-mt.181
Author: mt
Time: 10 August 2016, 1:12:33.664966 pm
UUID: ef08361f-6406-bb4b-ab24-4ae5467218c0
Ancestors: MorphicExtras-pre.180
Adapt to latest changes in menus and docking bars.
=============== Diff against MorphicExtras-pre.180 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: TabSorterMorph>>acceptSort (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
"Reconstitute the palette based on what is found in the sorter"
| rejects oldOwner tabsToUse oldTop |
tabsToUse := OrderedCollection new.
rejects := OrderedCollection new.
pageHolder submorphs doWithIndex:
[:m :i | | appearanceMorph toAdd aMenu |
toAdd := nil.
(m isKindOf: BookMorph) ifTrue: [toAdd := SorterTokenMorph forMorph: m].
(m isKindOf: SorterTokenMorph)
[toAdd := m morphRepresented.
(toAdd referent isKindOf: MenuMorph)
[(aMenu := toAdd referent) setProperty: #paletteMenu toValue: true.
(aMenu submorphs size > 1 and:
[(aMenu submorphs second isKindOf: MenuItemMorph)
and: [aMenu submorphs second contents = 'dismiss this menu']])
[aMenu submorphs first delete. "delete title"
aMenu submorphs first delete. "delete stay-up item"
+ (aMenu submorphs first knownName = #line)
- (aMenu submorphs first isKindOf: MenuLineMorph)
ifTrue: [aMenu submorphs first delete]]].
toAdd removeAllMorphs.
toAdd addMorph: (appearanceMorph := m submorphs first).
appearanceMorph position: toAdd position.
appearanceMorph lock.
toAdd fitContents].
toAdd ifNil: [rejects add: m] ifNotNil: [tabsToUse add: toAdd]].
tabsToUse isEmpty
ifTrue: [^self inform: 'Sorry, must have at least one tab'].
book newTabs: tabsToUse.
book tabsMorph color: pageHolder color.
oldTop := self topRendererOrSelf. "in case some maniac has flexed the sorter"
oldOwner := oldTop owner.
oldTop delete.
oldOwner addMorphFront: book!