Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of MorphicExtras to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: MorphicExtras-mt.265
Author: mt
Time: 26 September 2019, 1:54:11.371102 pm
UUID: cdf603c6-b37f-4141-802b-98bc37b28605
Ancestors: MorphicExtras-kfr.264
Use system scale for paint-box morph instead of new preference. Note that this code still as etoys dependencies that need to be resolved.
=============== Diff against MorphicExtras-kfr.264 ===============
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: PaintBoxMorph>>beSupersized (in category 'initialization') -----
+ beSupersized
+ | scaleFactor |
+ scaleFactor := RealEstateAgent scaleFactor.
+ self isFlexed
+ ifFalse: [self scaleFactor: scaleFactor.
+ self position: self position / scaleFactor.
+ self changed]!
Item was changed:
----- Method: SketchEditorMorph>>initializeFor:inBounds:pasteUpMorph:paintBoxPosition: (in category 'initialization') -----
initializeFor: aSketchMorph inBounds: boundsToUse pasteUpMorph: aPasteUpMorph paintBoxPosition: aPosition
"NB: if aPosition is nil, then it's assumed that the paintbox is obtained from a flap or some such, so do nothing special regarding a palette in this case. The palette needs already to be in the world for this to work."
| w |
(w := aPasteUpMorph world) addMorphInLayer: self. "in back of palette"
enclosingPasteUpMorph := aPasteUpMorph.
hostView := aSketchMorph. "may be ownerless"
self bounds: boundsToUse.
palette := w paintBox focusMorph: self.
palette beStatic. "give Nebraska whatever help we can"
palette addWeakDependent: self.
aPosition ifNotNil:
[w addMorphFront: palette. "bring to front"
palette position: aPosition.
+ palette beSupersized].
- Preferences useBiggerPaintingBox ifTrue: [palette beSupersized]].
paintingForm := Form extent: bounds extent depth: w assuredCanvas depth.
self dimTheWindow.
self addRotationScaleHandles.
aSketchMorph ifNotNil:
aSketchMorph form
displayOn: paintingForm
at: (hostView boundsInWorld origin - bounds origin - hostView form offset)
clippingBox: (0@0 extent: paintingForm extent)
rule: Form over
fillColor: nil. "assume they are the same depth".
undoBuffer := paintingForm deepCopy.
rotationCenter := aSketchMorph rotationCenter]!