The Trunk: MorphicExtras-nice.151.mcz

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The Trunk: MorphicExtras-nice.151.mcz

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of MorphicExtras to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: MorphicExtras-nice.151
Author: nice
Time: 20 July 2014, 10:33:57.067 pm
UUID: 2d247adf-926d-4df7-9733-8aebe93007a0
Ancestors: MorphicExtras-kfr.150

Don't use RWBinaryOrTextStream where a simple WriteStream would perfectly do the job.

=============== Diff against MorphicExtras-kfr.150 ===============

Item was changed:
  BooklikeMorph subclass: #BookMorph
  instanceVariableNames: 'pages currentPage'
  classVariableNames: 'MethodHolders VersionNames VersionTimes'
  poolDictionaries: ''
  category: 'MorphicExtras-Books'!
  !BookMorph commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
  A collection of pages, each of which is a place to put morphs.  Allows one or another page to show; orchestrates the page transitions; offers control panel for navigating among pages and for adding and deleting pages.
  To write a book out to the disk or to a file server, decide what folder it goes in.  Construct a url to a typical page:
  Choose "send all pages to server" from the book's menu (press the <> part of the controls).  Choose "use page numbers".  Paste in the url.
  To load an existing book, find its ".bo" file in the file list browser.  Choose "load as book".
  To load an existing book from its url, execute:
+ ¦(URLMorph grabURL: 'ftp://aServer/folder/myBook1.sp') book: true.
- ¦(URLMorph grabURL: 'ftp://aServer/folder/myBook1.sp') book: true.
  Multiple people may modify a book.  If other people may have changed a book you have on your screen, choose "reload all from server".
  Add or modify a page, and choose "send this page to server".
  The polite thing to do is to reload before changing a book.  Then write one or all pages soon after making your changes.  If you store a stale book, it will wipe out changes that other people made in the mean time.
  Pages may be linked to each other.  To create a named link to a new page, type the name of the page in a text area in a page.  Select it and do Cmd-6.  Choose 'link to'.  A new page of that name will be added at the back of the book.  Clicking on the blue text flips to that page.  
  To create a link to an existing page, first name the page.  Go to that page and Cmd-click on it.  The name of the page is below the page.  Click in it and backspace and type.  Return to the page you are linking from.  Type the name. Cmd-6, 'link to'.  
  Text search:  Search for a set of fragments.  allStrings collects text of fields.  Turn to page with all fragments on it and highlight the first one.  Save the container and offset in properties: #searchContainer, #searchOffset, #searchKey.  Search again from there.  Clear those at each page turn, or change of search key.  
  [rules about book indexes and pages:  Index and pages must live in the same directory. They have the same file prefix, followed by .bo for the index or 4.sp for a page (or x4.sp).  When a book is moved to a new directory, the load routine gets the new urls for all pages and saves those in the index.  Book stores index url in property #url.  
      Allow mulitple indexes (books) on the same shared set of pages.  If book has a url in same directory as pages, allow them to have different prefixes.
  save all pages first time, save one page first time, fromRemoteStream: (first time)
  save all pages normal , save one page normal, reload
  where I check if same dir]
  URLMorph holds url of both page and book.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: BooklikeMorph>>fullControlSpecs (in category 'page controls') -----
  ^ {
  {'-'. #deletePage. 'Delete this page' translated}.
+ {'«'. #firstPage. 'First page' translated}.
- {'«'. #firstPage. 'First page' translated}.
  {'<'. #previousPage. 'Previous page' translated}.
+ {'·'. #invokeBookMenu. 'Click here to get a menu of options for this book.' translated}.
- {'·'. #invokeBookMenu. 'Click here to get a menu of options for this book.' translated}.
  {'>'. #nextPage. 'Next page' translated}.
+ { '»'. #lastPage. 'Final page' translated}.
- { '»'. #lastPage. 'Final page' translated}.
  {'+'. #insertPage. 'Add a new page after this one' translated}.
+ {'³'. #fewerPageControls. 'Fewer controls' translated}
- {'³'. #fewerPageControls. 'Fewer controls' translated}

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: BooklikeMorph>>shortControlSpecs (in category 'page controls') -----
  ^ {
  {'<'. #previousPage. 'Previous page' translated}.
+ {'·'. #invokeBookMenu. 'Click here to get a menu of options for this book.' translated}.
- {'·'. #invokeBookMenu. 'Click here to get a menu of options for this book.' translated}.
  {'>'. #nextPage. 'Next page' translated}.
+ {'³'. #showMoreControls. 'More controls' translated}
- {'³'. #showMoreControls. 'More controls' translated}

Item was changed:
  SketchMorph subclass: #FatBitsPaint
  instanceVariableNames: 'formToEdit magnification brush brushSize brushColor lastMouse currentTools currentSelectionMorph selectionAnchor backgroundColor'
  classVariableNames: 'FormClipboard'
  poolDictionaries: ''
  category: 'MorphicExtras-AdditionalWidgets'!
  !FatBitsPaint commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
  Extensions to FatBitsPaint
  With the goal of making FatBitsPaint a fairly nifty Form fixer-upper in the Squeak/morphic environment, I have started this set of extensions. It will probably be updated as the mood strikes, so keep an eye out for new versions.
  First, some basic operating instructions:
  Get a Form and send it the message #morphEdit. To get started, you can try:
          (Form fromUser) morphEdit
  And there is the form in all its glory. Control click on the form to get theFatBitsPaint menu and choose the "keep this menu up" item. This will be your main tool/command palette. With it you can:
+ ¥ Change the magnification
+ ¥ Change the brush size (in original scale pixels)
+ ¥ Change the brush color (via a ColorPickerMorph)
- ¥ Change the magnification
- ¥ Change the brush size (in original scale pixels)
- ¥ Change the brush color (via a ColorPickerMorph)
  Now to some of the enhancements:
  (25 September 1999 2:38:25 pm )
+ ¥ ColorPickerMorphs now have a label below that indicates their use (you might have more than one open)
+ ¥ A quirk that could get the brush size out of alignment with the pixel size is fixed.
+ ¥ A background has been added so that you can see the full extent of the Form and so that you can observe the effect of translucent pixels in the form.
+ ¥ A menu item has been added to change the background color so that you can simulate the real environment the form will be displayed in.
+ ¥ The magnification and brush size menus now highlight their current value.
+ ¥ An inspect option has been added to the menu so that you can do arbitrary things to the form.
+ ¥ A file out option has been added to write the form to a file.
- ¥ ColorPickerMorphs now have a label below that indicates their use (you might have more than one open)
- ¥ A quirk that could get the brush size out of alignment with the pixel size is fixed.
- ¥ A background has been added so that you can see the full extent of the Form and so that you can observe the effect of translucent pixels in the form.
- ¥ A menu item has been added to change the background color so that you can simulate the real environment the form will be displayed in.
- ¥ The magnification and brush size menus now highlight their current value.
- ¥ An inspect option has been added to the menu so that you can do arbitrary things to the form.
- ¥ A file out option has been added to write the form to a file.
  (25 September 1999 10:02:13 pm )
+ ¥ New menu item: Tools allows you to choose between (for now) Paint Brush (all there was before) and Selections. Selections allows you to select rectangular regions of the form where the next menu takes over.
+ ¥ New menu item: Selections gives you choices:
+         Â¥ edit separately - opens a new editor on the selected rectangle. Useful for cropping.
+         Â¥ copy - copies the selection rectangle to a clipboard. Can be pasted to this or another FatBitsPaint.
+         Â¥ cut - does a copy and clears the selection to transparent.
+         Â¥ paste - paints the contents of the clipboard over the current selection. Only the starting point of the selection matters - the extent is controlled by the clipboard.
- ¥ New menu item: Tools allows you to choose between (for now) Paint Brush (all there was before) and Selections. Selections allows you to select rectangular regions of the form where the next menu takes over.
- ¥ New menu item: Selections gives you choices:
-         ¥ edit separately - opens a new editor on the selected rectangle. Useful for cropping.
-         ¥ copy - copies the selection rectangle to a clipboard. Can be pasted to this or another FatBitsPaint.
-         ¥ cut - does a copy and clears the selection to transparent.
-         ¥ paste - paints the contents of the clipboard over the current selection. Only the starting point of the selection matters - the extent is controlled by the clipboard.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GraphicalDictionaryMenu>>encodeToWorkspace (in category 'menu commands') -----
+ | stream encodedStream pict text |
+ pict := formChoices at: currentIndex.
+ stream := ByteArray new writeStream.
+ PNGReadWriter putForm: pict onStream: stream.
+ encodedStream := stream contents base64Encoded.
+ text := Workspace open model.
+ text contents: 'Form fromBinaryStream: (Base64MimeConverter mimeDecodeToBytes: ''', encodedStream,''' readStream)'!
- | stream encodedStream pict text |
- pict := formChoices at: currentIndex.
- stream := RWBinaryOrTextStream on: (String new).
- PNGReadWriter putForm: pict onStream: stream.
- encodedStream := stream contents asByteArray base64Encoded.
- text := (Workspace open) model.
- text contents: 'Form fromBinaryStream: (Base64MimeConverter mimeDecodeToBytes: ''', encodedStream,''' readStream)'!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PostscriptEncoder class>>macToPSCharacterChart (in category 'configuring') -----
  "mac char code, PS char code"
+ (128 999)  "Ä"
+ (129 999)  "Å"
+ (130 999)  "Ç"
+ (131 999)  "É"
+ (132 999)  "Ñ"
+ (133 999)  "Ö"
+ (134 999)  "Ü"
+ (135 999)  "á"
+ (136 999)  "à"
+ (137 999)  "â"
+ (138 999)  "ä"
+ (139 999)  "ã"
+ (140 999)  "Ã¥"
+ (141 999)  "ç"
+ (142 999)  "é"
+ (143 999)  "è"
+ (144 999)  "ê"
+ (145 999)  "ë"
+ (146 999)  "í"
+ (147 999)  "ì"
+ (148 999)  "î"
+ (149 999)  "ï"
+ (150 999)  "ñ"
+ (151 999)  "ó"
+ (152 999)  "ò"
+ (153 999)  "ô"
+ (154 999)  "ö"
+ (155 999)  "õ"
+ (156 999)  "ú"
+ (157 999)  "ù"
+ (158 999)  "û"
+ (159 999)  "ü"
+ (160 999)  "†"
+ (161 202)  "°"
+ (162 162)  "¢"
+ (163 163)  "£"
+ (164 167)  "§"
+ (165 183)  "·"
+ (166 182)  "¶"
+ (167 251)  "ß"
+ (168 999)  "®"
+ (169 999)  "©"
+ (170 999)  "™"
+ (171 999)  "´"
+ (172 999)  "¨"
+ (173 999)  "€"
+ (174 225)  "Æ"
+ (175 999)  "Ø"
+ (176 999)  ""
+ (177 999)  "±"
+ (178 999)  "Š"
+ (179 999)  ""
+ (180 165)  "Â¥"
+ (181 999)  "µ"
+ (182 999)  "Ž"
+ (183 999)  ""
+ (184 999)  ""
+ (185 999)  "š"
+ (186 999)  ""
+ (187 227)  "ª"
+ (188 235)  "º"
+ (189 999)  "ž"
+ (190 241)  "æ"
+ (191 999)  "ø"
+ (192 191)  "¿"
+ (193 166)  "¡"
+ (194 999)  "¬"
+ (195 999)  "¦"
+ (196 999)  "ƒ"
+ (197 999)  "­"
+ (198 999)  "²"
+ (199 171)  "«"
+ (200 187)  "»"
+ (201 188)  "…"
+ (202 999)  " "
+ (203 999)  "À"
+ (204 999)  "Ã"
+ (205 999)  "Õ"
+ (206 234)  "Œ"
+ (207 250)  "œ"
+ (208 999)  "–"
+ (209 999)  "—"
+ (210 999)  "“"
+ (211 999)  "”"
+ (212 999)  "‘"
+ (213 999)  "’"
+ (214 999)  "÷"
+ (215 999)  "³"
+ (216 999)  "ÿ"
+ (217 999)  "Ÿ"
+ (218 999)  "¹"
+ (219 999)  "¤"
+ (220 999)  "‹"
+ (221 999)  "›"
+ (222 999)  "¼"
+ (223 999)  "½"
+ (224 999)  "‡"
+ (225 999)  "·"
+ (226 999)  "‚"
+ (227 999)  "„"
+ (228 999)  "‰"
+ (229 999)  "Â"
+ (230 999)  "Ê"
+ (231 999)  "Á"
+ (232 999)  "Ë"
+ (233 999)  "È"
+ (234 999)  "Í"
+ (235 999)  "Î"
+ (236 999)  "Ï"
+ (237 999)  "Ì"
+ (238 999)  "Ó"
+ (239 999)  "Ô"
+ (240 999)  "¾"
+ (241 999)  "Ò"
+ (242 999)  "Ú"
+ (243 999)  "Û"
+ (244 999)  "Ù"
+ (245 999)  "Ð"
+ (246 999)  "ˆ"
+ (247 999)  "˜"
+ (248 999)  "¯"
+ (249 999)  "×"
+ (250 999)  "Ý"
+ (251 999)  "Þ"
+ (252 999)  "¸"
+ (253 999)  "ð"
+ (254 999)  "ý"
+ (255 999)  "þ"
- (128 999)  "Ä"
- (129 999)  "Å"
- (130 999)  "Ç"
- (131 999)  "É"
- (132 999)  "Ñ"
- (133 999)  "Ö"
- (134 999)  "Ü"
- (135 999)  "á"
- (136 999)  "à"
- (137 999)  "â"
- (138 999)  "ä"
- (139 999)  "ã"
- (140 999)  "å"
- (141 999)  "ç"
- (142 999)  "é"
- (143 999)  "è"
- (144 999)  "ê"
- (145 999)  "ë"
- (146 999)  "í"
- (147 999)  "ì"
- (148 999)  "î"
- (149 999)  "ï"
- (150 999)  "ñ"
- (151 999)  "ó"
- (152 999)  "ò"
- (153 999)  "ô"
- (154 999)  "ö"
- (155 999)  "õ"
- (156 999)  "ú"
- (157 999)  "ù"
- (158 999)  "û"
- (159 999)  "ü"
- (160 999)  "†"
- (161 202)  "°"
- (162 162)  "¢"
- (163 163)  "£"
- (164 167)  "§"
- (165 183)  "·"
- (166 182)  "¶"
- (167 251)  "ß"
- (168 999)  "®"
- (169 999)  "©"
- (170 999)  "™"
- (171 999)  "´"
- (172 999)  "¨"
- (173 999)  "€"
- (174 225)  "Æ"
- (175 999)  "Ø"
- (176 999)  ""
- (177 999)  "±"
- (178 999)  "Š"
- (179 999)  ""
- (180 165)  "¥"
- (181 999)  "µ"
- (182 999)  "Ž"
- (183 999)  ""
- (184 999)  ""
- (185 999)  "š"
- (186 999)  ""
- (187 227)  "ª"
- (188 235)  "º"
- (189 999)  "ž"
- (190 241)  "æ"
- (191 999)  "ø"
- (192 191)  "¿"
- (193 166)  "¡"
- (194 999)  "¬"
- (195 999)  "¦"
- (196 999)  "ƒ"
- (197 999)  "­"
- (198 999)  "²"
- (199 171)  "«"
- (200 187)  "»"
- (201 188)  "…"
- (202 999)  " "
- (203 999)  "À"
- (204 999)  "Ã"
- (205 999)  "Õ"
- (206 234)  "Œ"
- (207 250)  "œ"
- (208 999)  "–"
- (209 999)  "—"
- (210 999)  "“"
- (211 999)  "”"
- (212 999)  "‘"
- (213 999)  "’"
- (214 999)  "÷"
- (215 999)  "³"
- (216 999)  "ÿ"
- (217 999)  "Ÿ"
- (218 999)  "¹"
- (219 999)  "¤"
- (220 999)  "‹"
- (221 999)  "›"
- (222 999)  "¼"
- (223 999)  "½"
- (224 999)  "‡"
- (225 999)  "·"
- (226 999)  "‚"
- (227 999)  "„"
- (228 999)  "‰"
- (229 999)  "Â"
- (230 999)  "Ê"
- (231 999)  "Á"
- (232 999)  "Ë"
- (233 999)  "È"
- (234 999)  "Í"
- (235 999)  "Î"
- (236 999)  "Ï"
- (237 999)  "Ì"
- (238 999)  "Ó"
- (239 999)  "Ô"
- (240 999)  "¾"
- (241 999)  "Ò"
- (242 999)  "Ú"
- (243 999)  "Û"
- (244 999)  "Ù"
- (245 999)  "Ð"
- (246 999)  "ˆ"
- (247 999)  "˜"
- (248 999)  "¯"
- (249 999)  "×"
- (250 999)  "Ý"
- (251 999)  "Þ"
- (252 999)  "¸"
- (253 999)  "ð"
- (254 999)  "ý"
- (255 999)  "þ"

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Re: The Trunk: MorphicExtras-nice.151.mcz

Nicolas Cellier
Oups, sorry, I've got a local change on DataStream (use uft8 for storing Stream) that messed the mcz...
Could someone delete this commit?
I'll issue a new one...

2014-07-20 22:34 GMT+02:00 <[hidden email]>:
Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of MorphicExtras to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: MorphicExtras-nice.151
Author: nice
Time: 20 July 2014, 10:33:57.067 pm
UUID: 2d247adf-926d-4df7-9733-8aebe93007a0
Ancestors: MorphicExtras-kfr.150

Don't use RWBinaryOrTextStream where a simple WriteStream would perfectly do the job.

=============== Diff against MorphicExtras-kfr.150 ===============

Item was changed:
  BooklikeMorph subclass: #BookMorph
        instanceVariableNames: 'pages currentPage'
        classVariableNames: 'MethodHolders VersionNames VersionTimes'
        poolDictionaries: ''
        category: 'MorphicExtras-Books'!

  !BookMorph commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
  A collection of pages, each of which is a place to put morphs.  Allows one or another page to show; orchestrates the page transitions; offers control panel for navigating among pages and for adding and deleting pages.

  To write a book out to the disk or to a file server, decide what folder it goes in.  Construct a url to a typical page:

  Choose "send all pages to server" from the book's menu (press the <> part of the controls).  Choose "use page numbers".  Paste in the url.

  To load an existing book, find its ".bo" file in the file list browser.  Choose "load as book".

  To load an existing book from its url, execute:
+ ¦(URLMorph grabURL: 'ftp://aServer/folder/myBook1.sp') book: true.
- ¦(URLMorph grabURL: 'ftp://aServer/folder/myBook1.sp') book: true.

  Multiple people may modify a book.  If other people may have changed a book you have on your screen, choose "reload all from server".

  Add or modify a page, and choose "send this page to server".

  The polite thing to do is to reload before changing a book.  Then write one or all pages soon after making your changes.  If you store a stale book, it will wipe out changes that other people made in the mean time.

  Pages may be linked to each other.  To create a named link to a new page, type the name of the page in a text area in a page.  Select it and do Cmd-6.  Choose 'link to'.  A new page of that name will be added at the back of the book.  Clicking on the blue text flips to that page.
        To create a link to an existing page, first name the page.  Go to that page and Cmd-click on it.  The name of the page is below the page.  Click in it and backspace and type.  Return to the page you are linking from.  Type the name. Cmd-6, 'link to'.

  Text search:  Search for a set of fragments.  allStrings collects text of fields.  Turn to page with all fragments on it and highlight the first one.  Save the container and offset in properties: #searchContainer, #searchOffset, #searchKey.  Search again from there.  Clear those at each page turn, or change of search key.

  [rules about book indexes and pages:  Index and pages must live in the same directory. They have the same file prefix, followed by .bo for the index or 4.sp for a page (or x4.sp).  When a book is moved to a new directory, the load routine gets the new urls for all pages and saves those in the index.  Book stores index url in property #url.
      Allow mulitple indexes (books) on the same shared set of pages.  If book has a url in same directory as pages, allow them to have different prefixes.
        save all pages first time, save one page first time, fromRemoteStream: (first time)
        save all pages normal , save one page normal, reload
        where I check if same dir]
  URLMorph holds url of both page and book.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: BooklikeMorph>>fullControlSpecs (in category 'page controls') -----

        ^ {
                {'-'.           #deletePage.                            'Delete this page' translated}.
+               {'«'.           #firstPage.                             'First page' translated}.
-               {'«'.           #firstPage.                             'First page' translated}.
                {'<'.           #previousPage.                  'Previous page' translated}.
+               {'·'.           #invokeBookMenu.                'Click here to get a menu of options for this book.' translated}.
-               {'·'.           #invokeBookMenu.                'Click here to get a menu of options for this book.' translated}.
                {'>'.           #nextPage.                              'Next page' translated}.
+               { '»'.          #lastPage.                              'Final page' translated}.
-               { '»'.          #lastPage.                              'Final page' translated}.
                {'+'.           #insertPage.                            'Add a new page after this one' translated}.
+               {'³'.           #fewerPageControls.     'Fewer controls' translated}
-               {'³'.           #fewerPageControls.     'Fewer controls' translated}

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: BooklikeMorph>>shortControlSpecs (in category 'page controls') -----
  ^ {
                {'<'.           #previousPage.                  'Previous page' translated}.
+               {'·'.           #invokeBookMenu.                'Click here to get a menu of options for this book.' translated}.
-               {'·'.           #invokeBookMenu.                'Click here to get a menu of options for this book.' translated}.
                {'>'.           #nextPage.                              'Next page' translated}.
+               {'³'.           #showMoreControls.              'More controls' translated}
-               {'³'.           #showMoreControls.              'More controls' translated}

Item was changed:
  SketchMorph subclass: #FatBitsPaint
        instanceVariableNames: 'formToEdit magnification brush brushSize brushColor lastMouse currentTools currentSelectionMorph selectionAnchor backgroundColor'
        classVariableNames: 'FormClipboard'
        poolDictionaries: ''
        category: 'MorphicExtras-AdditionalWidgets'!

  !FatBitsPaint commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
  Extensions to FatBitsPaint

  With the goal of making FatBitsPaint a fairly nifty Form fixer-upper in the Squeak/morphic environment, I have started this set of extensions. It will probably be updated as the mood strikes, so keep an eye out for new versions.

  First, some basic operating instructions:

  Get a Form and send it the message #morphEdit. To get started, you can try:

          (Form fromUser) morphEdit

  And there is the form in all its glory. Control click on the form to get theFatBitsPaint menu and choose the "keep this menu up" item. This will be your main tool/command palette. With it you can:
+ ¥ Change the magnification
+ ¥ Change the brush size (in original scale pixels)
+ ¥ Change the brush color (via a ColorPickerMorph)
- ¥ Change the magnification
- ¥ Change the brush size (in original scale pixels)
- ¥ Change the brush color (via a ColorPickerMorph)

  Now to some of the enhancements:

  (25 September 1999 2:38:25 pm )

+ ¥ ColorPickerMorphs now have a label below that indicates their use (you might have more than one open)
+ ¥ A quirk that could get the brush size out of alignment with the pixel size is fixed.
+ ¥ A background has been added so that you can see the full extent of the Form and so that you can observe the effect of translucent pixels in the form.
+ ¥ A menu item has been added to change the background color so that you can simulate the real environment the form will be displayed in.
+ ¥ The magnification and brush size menus now highlight their current value.
+ ¥ An inspect option has been added to the menu so that you can do arbitrary things to the form.
+ ¥ A file out option has been added to write the form to a file.
- ¥ ColorPickerMorphs now have a label below that indicates their use (you might have more than one open)
- ¥ A quirk that could get the brush size out of alignment with the pixel size is fixed.
- ¥ A background has been added so that you can see the full extent of the Form and so that you can observe the effect of translucent pixels in the form.
- ¥ A menu item has been added to change the background color so that you can simulate the real environment the form will be displayed in.
- ¥ The magnification and brush size menus now highlight their current value.
- ¥ An inspect option has been added to the menu so that you can do arbitrary things to the form.
- ¥ A file out option has been added to write the form to a file.

  (25 September 1999 10:02:13 pm )

+ ¥ New menu item: Tools allows you to choose between (for now) Paint Brush (all there was before) and Selections. Selections allows you to select rectangular regions of the form where the next menu takes over.
+ ¥ New menu item: Selections gives you choices:
+         ¥ edit separately - opens a new editor on the selected rectangle. Useful for cropping.
+         ¥ copy - copies the selection rectangle to a clipboard. Can be pasted to this or another FatBitsPaint.
+         ¥ cut - does a copy and clears the selection to transparent.
+         ¥ paste - paints the contents of the clipboard over the current selection. Only the starting point of the selection matters - the extent is controlled by the clipboard.
- ¥ New menu item: Tools allows you to choose between (for now) Paint Brush (all there was before) and Selections. Selections allows you to select rectangular regions of the form where the next menu takes over.
- ¥ New menu item: Selections gives you choices:
-         ¥ edit separately - opens a new editor on the selected rectangle. Useful for cropping.
-         ¥ copy - copies the selection rectangle to a clipboard. Can be pasted to this or another FatBitsPaint.
-         ¥ cut - does a copy and clears the selection to transparent.
-         ¥ paste - paints the contents of the clipboard over the current selection. Only the starting point of the selection matters - the extent is controlled by the clipboard.


Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GraphicalDictionaryMenu>>encodeToWorkspace (in category 'menu commands') -----
+       | stream encodedStream pict text |
+       pict := formChoices at: currentIndex.
+       stream := ByteArray new writeStream.
+       PNGReadWriter putForm: pict onStream: stream.
+       encodedStream := stream contents base64Encoded.
+       text := Workspace open model.
+       text contents: 'Form fromBinaryStream: (Base64MimeConverter mimeDecodeToBytes: ''', encodedStream,''' readStream)'!
- | stream encodedStream pict text |
- pict := formChoices at: currentIndex.
- stream := RWBinaryOrTextStream on: (String new).
- PNGReadWriter putForm: pict onStream: stream.
- encodedStream := stream contents asByteArray base64Encoded.
- text := (Workspace open) model.
- text contents: 'Form fromBinaryStream: (Base64MimeConverter mimeDecodeToBytes: ''', encodedStream,''' readStream)'!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PostscriptEncoder class>>macToPSCharacterChart (in category 'configuring') -----
        "mac char code, PS char code"
+               (128 999)  "Ä"
+               (129 999)  "Å"
+               (130 999)  "Ç"
+               (131 999)  "É"
+               (132 999)  "Ñ"
+               (133 999)  "Ö"
+               (134 999)  "Ü"
+               (135 999)  "á"
+               (136 999)  "à"
+               (137 999)  "â"
+               (138 999)  "ä"
+               (139 999)  "ã"
+               (140 999)  "å"
+               (141 999)  "ç"
+               (142 999)  "é"
+               (143 999)  "è"
+               (144 999)  "ê"
+               (145 999)  "ë"
+               (146 999)  "í"
+               (147 999)  "ì"
+               (148 999)  "î"
+               (149 999)  "ï"
+               (150 999)  "ñ"
+               (151 999)  "ó"
+               (152 999)  "ò"
+               (153 999)  "ô"
+               (154 999)  "ö"
+               (155 999)  "õ"
+               (156 999)  "ú"
+               (157 999)  "ù"
+               (158 999)  "û"
+               (159 999)  "ü"
+               (160 999)  "†"
+               (161 202)  "°"
+               (162 162)  "¢"
+               (163 163)  "£"
+               (164 167)  "§"
+               (165 183)  "·"
+               (166 182)  "¶"
+               (167 251)  "ß"
+               (168 999)  "®"
+               (169 999)  "©"
+               (170 999)  "™"
+               (171 999)  "´"
+               (172 999)  "¨"
+               (173 999)  "€"
+               (174 225)  "Æ"
+               (175 999)  "Ø"
+               (176 999)  " "
+               (177 999)  "±"
+               (178 999)  "Š"
+               (179 999)  " "
+               (180 165)  "¥"
+               (181 999)  "µ"
+               (182 999)  "Ž"
+               (183 999)  " "
+               (184 999)  " "
+               (185 999)  "š"
+               (186 999)  " "
+               (187 227)  "ª"
+               (188 235)  "º"
+               (189 999)  "ž"
+               (190 241)  "æ"
+               (191 999)  "ø"
+               (192 191)  "¿"
+               (193 166)  "¡"
+               (194 999)  "¬"
+               (195 999)  "¦"
+               (196 999)  "ƒ"
+               (197 999)  "­"
+               (198 999)  "²"
+               (199 171)  "«"
+               (200 187)  "»"
+               (201 188)  "…"
+               (202 999)  " "
+               (203 999)  "À"
+               (204 999)  "Ã"
+               (205 999)  "Õ"
+               (206 234)  "Œ"
+               (207 250)  "œ"
+               (208 999)  "–"
+               (209 999)  "—"
+               (210 999)  "“"
+               (211 999)  "”"
+               (212 999)  "‘"
+               (213 999)  "’"
+               (214 999)  "÷"
+               (215 999)  "³"
+               (216 999)  "ÿ"
+               (217 999)  "Ÿ"
+               (218 999)  "¹"
+               (219 999)  "¤"
+               (220 999)  "‹"
+               (221 999)  "›"
+               (222 999)  "¼"
+               (223 999)  "½"
+               (224 999)  "‡"
+               (225 999)  "·"
+               (226 999)  "‚"
+               (227 999)  "„"
+               (228 999)  "‰"
+               (229 999)  "Â"
+               (230 999)  "Ê"
+               (231 999)  "Á"
+               (232 999)  "Ë"
+               (233 999)  "È"
+               (234 999)  "Í"
+               (235 999)  "Î"
+               (236 999)  "Ï"
+               (237 999)  "Ì"
+               (238 999)  "Ó"
+               (239 999)  "Ô"
+               (240 999)  "¾"
+               (241 999)  "Ò"
+               (242 999)  "Ú"
+               (243 999)  "Û"
+               (244 999)  "Ù"
+               (245 999)  "Ð"
+               (246 999)  "ˆ"
+               (247 999)  "˜"
+               (248 999)  "¯"
+               (249 999)  "×"
+               (250 999)  "Ý"
+               (251 999)  "Þ"
+               (252 999)  "¸"
+               (253 999)  "ð"
+               (254 999)  "ý"
+               (255 999)  "þ"
-               (128 999)  "Ä"
-               (129 999)  "Å"
-               (130 999)  "Ç"
-               (131 999)  "É"
-               (132 999)  "Ñ"
-               (133 999)  "Ö"
-               (134 999)  "Ü"
-               (135 999)  "á"
-               (136 999)  "à"
-               (137 999)  "â"
-               (138 999)  "ä"
-               (139 999)  "ã"
-               (140 999)  "å"
-               (141 999)  "ç"
-               (142 999)  "é"
-               (143 999)  "è"
-               (144 999)  "ê"
-               (145 999)  "ë"
-               (146 999)  "í"
-               (147 999)  "ì"
-               (148 999)  "î"
-               (149 999)  "ï"
-               (150 999)  "ñ"
-               (151 999)  "ó"
-               (152 999)  "ò"
-               (153 999)  "ô"
-               (154 999)  "ö"
-               (155 999)  "õ"
-               (156 999)  "ú"
-               (157 999)  "ù"
-               (158 999)  "û"
-               (159 999)  "ü"
-               (160 999)  "†"
-               (161 202)  "°"
-               (162 162)  "¢"
-               (163 163)  "£"
-               (164 167)  "§"
-               (165 183)  "·"
-               (166 182)  "¶"
-               (167 251)  "ß"
-               (168 999)  "®"
-               (169 999)  "©"
-               (170 999)  "™"
-               (171 999)  "´"
-               (172 999)  "¨"
-               (173 999)  "€"
-               (174 225)  "Æ"
-               (175 999)  "Ø"
-               (176 999)  " "
-               (177 999)  "±"
-               (178 999)  "Š"
-               (179 999)  " "
-               (180 165)  "¥"
-               (181 999)  "µ"
-               (182 999)  "Ž"
-               (183 999)  " "
-               (184 999)  " "
-               (185 999)  "š"
-               (186 999)  " "
-               (187 227)  "ª"
-               (188 235)  "º"
-               (189 999)  "ž"
-               (190 241)  "æ"
-               (191 999)  "ø"
-               (192 191)  "¿"
-               (193 166)  "¡"
-               (194 999)  "¬"
-               (195 999)  "¦"
-               (196 999)  "ƒ"
-               (197 999)  "­"
-               (198 999)  "²"
-               (199 171)  "«"
-               (200 187)  "»"
-               (201 188)  "…"
-               (202 999)  " "
-               (203 999)  "À"
-               (204 999)  "Ã"
-               (205 999)  "Õ"
-               (206 234)  "Œ"
-               (207 250)  "œ"
-               (208 999)  "–"
-               (209 999)  "—"
-               (210 999)  "“"
-               (211 999)  "”"
-               (212 999)  "‘"
-               (213 999)  "’"
-               (214 999)  "÷"
-               (215 999)  "³"
-               (216 999)  "ÿ"
-               (217 999)  "Ÿ"
-               (218 999)  "¹"
-               (219 999)  "¤"
-               (220 999)  "‹"
-               (221 999)  "›"
-               (222 999)  "¼"
-               (223 999)  "½"
-               (224 999)  "‡"
-               (225 999)  "·"
-               (226 999)  "‚"
-               (227 999)  "„"
-               (228 999)  "‰"
-               (229 999)  "Â"
-               (230 999)  "Ê"
-               (231 999)  "Á"
-               (232 999)  "Ë"
-               (233 999)  "È"
-               (234 999)  "Í"
-               (235 999)  "Î"
-               (236 999)  "Ï"
-               (237 999)  "Ì"
-               (238 999)  "Ó"
-               (239 999)  "Ô"
-               (240 999)  "¾"
-               (241 999)  "Ò"
-               (242 999)  "Ú"
-               (243 999)  "Û"
-               (244 999)  "Ù"
-               (245 999)  "Ð"
-               (246 999)  "ˆ"
-               (247 999)  "˜"
-               (248 999)  "¯"
-               (249 999)  "×"
-               (250 999)  "Ý"
-               (251 999)  "Þ"
-               (252 999)  "¸"
-               (253 999)  "ð"
-               (254 999)  "ý"
-               (255 999)  "þ"