Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of MorphicExtras to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: MorphicExtras-nice.207
Author: nice
Time: 10 June 2017, 5:52:47.062634 pm
UUID: 157ef560-9a00-4d80-a341-9b1292a4cbae
Ancestors: MorphicExtras-nice.206
Massively replace ifNotNilDo: by ifNotNil:
We don't need two different selectors to do a single thing.
=============== Diff against MorphicExtras-nice.206 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: Flaps class>>addAndEnableEToyFlaps (in category 'predefined flaps') -----
"Initialize the standard default out-of-box set of global flaps. This method creates them and places them in my class variable #SharedFlapTabs, but does not itself get them displayed."
| aSuppliesFlap |
ifNotNil: [^ self].
SharedFlapTabs := OrderedCollection new.
aSuppliesFlap := self newSuppliesFlapFromQuads: self quadsDefiningPlugInSuppliesFlap positioning: #right.
aSuppliesFlap referent setNameTo: 'Supplies Flap' translated. "Per request from Kim Rose, 7/19/02"
SharedFlapTabs add: aSuppliesFlap. "The #center designation doesn't quite work at the moment"
(Smalltalk globals at: #SugarNavigatorBar ifPresent: [:c | c showSugarNavigator] ifAbsent: [false])
ifTrue: [SharedFlapTabs add: self newSugarNavigatorFlap]
ifFalse: [Preferences showProjectNavigator
ifTrue:[ SharedFlapTabs add: self newNavigatorFlap]].
self enableGlobalFlapWithID: 'Supplies' translated.
(Smalltalk globals at: #SugarNavigatorBar ifPresent: [:c | c showSugarNavigator] ifAbsent: [false])
[self enableGlobalFlapWithID: 'Sugar Navigator Flap' translated.
+ (self globalFlapTabWithID: 'Sugar Navigator Flap' translated) ifNotNil:
- (self globalFlapTabWithID: 'Sugar Navigator Flap' translated) ifNotNilDo:
[:navTab | aSuppliesFlap sugarNavTab: navTab]]
ifFalse: [
Preferences showProjectNavigator
ifTrue:[ self enableGlobalFlapWithID: 'Navigator' translated]].
SharedFlapsAllowed := true.
Project current flapsSuppressed: false.
^ SharedFlapTabs
"Flaps addAndEnableEToyFlaps"!