Tim Felgentreff uploaded a new version of MorphicExtras to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/MorphicExtras-tfel.198.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: MorphicExtras-tfel.198
Author: tfel
Time: 23 September 2016, 1:53:04.966418 pm
UUID: 356e739d-3d27-4341-ac87-b4b42b58766b
Ancestors: MorphicExtras-jl.197
Flag those hacks for the etoys viewer flaps so we can remember to clean them up
=============== Diff against MorphicExtras-jl.197 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: ViewerFlapTab>>adjustPositionAfterHidingFlap (in category 'show & hide') -----
"we add the width of flap itself to our referent, to reflect the actual width from the edge of the screen, including the space we leave for other flaps. see also ViewerFlapTab>>fitOnScreen"
+ self flag: #todo.
self referent width: self referent width + self width.
super adjustPositionAfterHidingFlap.!
Item was changed:
----- Method: ViewerFlapTab>>fitOnScreen (in category 'positioning') -----
| constrainer |
super fitOnScreen.
"We want to leave a margin for the flaps on the side and for the global flaps at the top (like the Sugar navbar) so we reduce the referents top and its width. We undo this before hiding the flap in ViewerFlapTab>>adjustPositionAfterHidingFlap"
+ self flag: #todo.
constrainer := (owner ifNil: [self]) clearArea.
self flapShowing ifTrue: [
Flaps globalFlapTabsIfAny
do: [:each |
(each edgeToAdhereTo = #top and: [each bottom > self referent top])
ifTrue: [self referent top: each bottom].
(each edgeToAdhereTo = #top and: [each bottom > self top])
ifTrue: [self top: each bottom]].
self referent width: constrainer right - self width - self right].!