Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of MorphicExtras to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/MorphicExtras-ul.165.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: MorphicExtras-ul.165
Author: ul
Time: 14 August 2015, 7:01:59.85 pm
UUID: cbb0e98c-88bf-446c-8478-8b2e8ed7c451
Ancestors: MorphicExtras-cmm.164
#includesSubString: -> #includesSubstring:
=============== Diff against MorphicExtras-cmm.164 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: BooklikeMorph>>makePageControlsFrom: (in category 'page controls') -----
makePageControlsFrom: controlSpecs
"From the controlSpecs, create a set of page control and return them -- this method does *not* add the controls to the receiver."
| c col row |
c := (color saturation > 0.1) ifTrue: [color slightlyLighter] ifFalse: [color slightlyDarker].
col := AlignmentMorph newColumn.
col color: c; borderWidth: 0; layoutInset: 0.
col hResizing: #spaceFill; vResizing: #shrinkWrap; extent: 5@5.
row := AlignmentMorph newRow.
row color: c; borderWidth: 0; layoutInset: 0.
row hResizing: #spaceFill; vResizing: #shrinkWrap; extent: 5@5.
controlSpecs do: [:spec | | lastGuy b |
spec == #spacer
[row addTransparentSpacerOfSize: (10 @ 0)]
[spec == #variableSpacer
[row addMorphBack: AlignmentMorph newVariableTransparentSpacer]
[b := SimpleButtonMorph new target: self; borderWidth: 1;
borderColor: Color veryLightGray; color: c.
b label: spec first;
actionSelector: spec second;
borderWidth: 0;
setBalloonText: spec third.
row addMorphBack: b.
+ (((lastGuy := spec last asLowercase) includesSubstring: 'menu') or:
+ [lastGuy includesSubstring: 'designations'])
- (((lastGuy := spec last asLowercase) includesSubString: 'menu') or:
- [lastGuy includesSubString: 'designations'])
ifTrue: [b actWhen: #buttonDown]]]]. "pop up menu on mouseDown"
col addMorphBack: row.
^ col!