Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of MorphicExtras to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/MorphicExtras-ul.61.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: MorphicExtras-ul.61 Author: ul Time: 12 December 2009, 2:45:15 am UUID: a20ba135-56e1-8f4a-8e1c-dca1119bd410 Ancestors: MorphicExtras-ul.60 - replace sends of #ifNotNilDo: to #ifNotNil:, #ifNil:ifNotNilDo: to #ifNil:ifNotNil:, #ifNotNilDo:ifNil: to #ifNotNil:ifNil: =============== Diff against MorphicExtras-ul.60 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: URLMorph>>enclosingPage (in category 'private') ----- enclosingPage "Answer the inner-most SqueakPage contents that contains this morph, or nil if there isn't one." self allOwnersDo: [:m | (m isKindOf: PasteUpMorph) + ifTrue: [(SqueakPageCache pageForMorph: m) ifNotNil: [:pg | ^ pg]]]. - ifTrue: [(SqueakPageCache pageForMorph: m) ifNotNilDo: [:pg | ^ pg]]]. ^ nil ! Item was changed: ----- Method: Flaps class>>twiddleSuppliesButtonsIn: (in category 'predefined flaps') ----- twiddleSuppliesButtonsIn: aStrip "Munge item(s) in the strip whose names as seen in the parts bin should be different from the names to be given to resulting torn-off instances" (aStrip submorphs detect: [:m | m target == StickyPadMorph] ifNone: [nil]) + ifNotNil: - ifNotNilDo: [:aButton | aButton arguments: {#newStandAlone. 'tear off'}]! Item was changed: ----- Method: Flaps class>>sharedFlapsAlongBottom (in category 'shared flaps') ----- sharedFlapsAlongBottom "Put all shared flaps (except Painting which can't be moved) along the bottom" "Flaps sharedFlapsAlongBottom" | leftX unordered ordered | unordered _ self globalFlapTabsIfAny asIdentitySet. ordered _ Array streamContents: [:s | { 'Squeak' translated. 'Navigator' translated. 'Supplies' translated. 'Widgets' translated. 'Stack Tools' translated. 'Tools' translated. 'Painting' translated. } do: + [:id | (self globalFlapTabWithID: id) ifNotNil: - [:id | (self globalFlapTabWithID: id) ifNotNilDo: [:ft | unordered remove: ft. id = 'Painting' translated ifFalse: [s nextPut: ft]]]]. "Pace off in order from right to left, setting positions" leftX _ Display width-15. ordered , unordered asArray reverseDo: [:ft | ft setEdge: #bottom. ft right: leftX - 3. leftX _ ft left]. "Put Nav Bar centered under tab if possible" + (self globalFlapTabWithID: 'Navigator' translated) ifNotNil: - (self globalFlapTabWithID: 'Navigator' translated) ifNotNilDo: [:ft | ft referent left: (ft center x - (ft referent width//2) max: 0)]. self positionNavigatorAndOtherFlapsAccordingToPreference. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: BookMorph>>adjustCurrentPageForFullScreen (in category 'other') ----- adjustCurrentPageForFullScreen "Adjust current page to conform to whether or not I am in full-screen mode. Also, enforce uniform page size constraint if appropriate" self isInFullScreenMode ifTrue: [(currentPage hasProperty: #sizeWhenNotFullScreen) ifFalse: [currentPage setProperty: #sizeWhenNotFullScreen toValue: currentPage extent]. currentPage extent: Display extent] ifFalse: [(currentPage hasProperty: #sizeWhenNotFullScreen) ifTrue: [currentPage extent: (currentPage valueOfProperty: #sizeWhenNotFullScreen). currentPage removeProperty: #sizeWhenNotFullScreen]. + self uniformPageSize ifNotNil: - self uniformPageSize ifNotNilDo: [:anExtent | currentPage extent: anExtent]]. + (self valueOfProperty: #floatingPageControls) ifNotNil: - (self valueOfProperty: #floatingPageControls) ifNotNilDo: [:pc | pc isInWorld ifFalse: [pc openInWorld]]! Item was changed: ----- Method: PostscriptCanvas>>textStyled:at:font:color:justified:parwidth: (in category 'private') ----- textStyled: s at: ignored0 font: ignored1 color: c justified: justify parwidth: parwidth | fillC oldC | fillC := c. self shadowColor + ifNotNil: [:sc | - ifNotNilDo: [:sc | self comment: ' shadow color: ' , sc printString. fillC := sc]. self comment: ' text color: ' , c printString. oldC := currentColor. self setColor: fillC. self comment: ' origin ' , origin printString. "self moveto: point." "now done by sender" target print: ' ('; print: s asPostscript; print: ') '. justify ifTrue: [target write: parwidth; print: ' jshow'; cr] ifFalse: [target print: 'show']. target cr. self setColor: oldC.! |
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