Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of MorphicExtras to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/MorphicExtras-ul.94.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: MorphicExtras-ul.94 Author: ul Time: 16 November 2010, 5:23:10.252 am UUID: 76d7c3ca-a550-3b4c-9fce-50f56da22c63 Ancestors: MorphicExtras-ul.93 - use #= for integer comparison instead of #== (http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=2788 ) =============== Diff against MorphicExtras-ul.93 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: CommandHistory>>undoTo (in category 'called from the ui') ----- undoTo "Not yet functional, and not yet sent. Allow the user to choose a point somewhere in the undo/redo tape, and undo his way to there. Applicable only if infiniteUndo is set. " | anIndex commandList reply | + (anIndex := self historyIndexOfLastCommand) = 0 ifTrue: [^ Beeper beep]. - (anIndex := self historyIndexOfLastCommand) == 0 ifTrue: [^ Beeper beep]. commandList := history copyFrom: ((anIndex - 10) max: 1) to: ((anIndex + 10) min: history size). reply := UIManager default chooseFrom: (commandList collect: [:cmd | cmd cmdWording truncateWithElipsisTo: 20]) values: commandList title: 'undo or redo to...'. reply ifNotNil: [self inform: #deferred] "ActiveWorld commandHistory undoTo" ! Item was changed: ----- Method: FrameRateMorph>>step (in category 'stepping and presenter') ----- step "Compute and display (every half second or so) the current framerate" | now mSecs mSecsPerFrame framesPerSec newContents | framesSinceLastDisplay := framesSinceLastDisplay + 1. now := Time millisecondClockValue. mSecs := now - lastDisplayTime. (mSecs > 500 or: [mSecs < 0 "clock wrap-around"]) ifTrue: [mSecsPerFrame := mSecs // framesSinceLastDisplay. framesPerSec := (framesSinceLastDisplay * 1000) // mSecs. + newContents := mSecsPerFrame printString, ' mSecs (', framesPerSec printString, ' frame', (framesPerSec = 1 ifTrue: [''] ifFalse: ['s']), '/sec)'. - newContents := mSecsPerFrame printString, ' mSecs (', framesPerSec printString, ' frame', (framesPerSec == 1 ifTrue: [''] ifFalse: ['s']), '/sec)'. self contents: newContents. lastDisplayTime := now. framesSinceLastDisplay := 0]! Item was changed: ----- Method: PostscriptCanvas class>>postscriptFontInfoForFont: (in category 'font mapping') ----- postscriptFontInfoForFont: font | decoded decodedName keys match fontName | fontName := font textStyleName asString. decoded := TextStyle decodeStyleName: fontName. decodedName := decoded second. keys := self fontMap keys asArray sort: [ :a :b | a size > b size ]. match := keys select: [ :k | decoded first = k or: [ fontName = k ] ]. match do: [ :key | | subD desired mask | subD := self fontMap at: key. desired := font emphasis. mask := 31. [ desired := desired bitAnd: mask. subD at: desired ifPresent: [ :answer | ^answer]. mask := mask bitShift: -1. desired > 0 ] whileTrue. ]. "No explicit lookup found; try to convert the style name into the canonical Postscript name. This name will probably still be wrong." fontName := String streamContents: [ :s | s nextPutAll: decodedName. decoded third do: [ :nm | s nextPut: $-; nextPutAll: nm ]. + (font emphasis = 0 and: [ (decoded last includes: 0) not ]) - (font emphasis == 0 and: [ (decoded last includes: 0) not ]) ifTrue: [ s nextPutAll: '-Regular' ]. + (font emphasis = 1 and: [ (decoded first anyMask: 1) not ]) - (font emphasis == 1 and: [ (decoded first anyMask: 1) not ]) ifTrue: [ s nextPutAll: '-Bold' ]. + (font emphasis = 2 and: [ (decoded first anyMask: 2) not ]) - (font emphasis == 2 and: [ (decoded first anyMask: 2) not ]) ifTrue: [ s nextPutAll: '-Italic' ]. + (font emphasis = 3 and: [ (decoded first anyMask: 3) not ]) - (font emphasis == 3 and: [ (decoded first anyMask: 3) not ]) ifTrue: [ s nextPutAll: '-BoldItalic' ]. ]. ^ {fontName. 1.0} ! Item was changed: ----- Method: PostscriptCanvas>>endGStateForMorph: (in category 'private') ----- endGStateForMorph: aMorph + morphLevel = 1 - morphLevel == 1 ifTrue: [ target showpage; print: 'grestore'; cr ]! Item was changed: ----- Method: PostscriptCanvas>>setupGStateForMorph: (in category 'private') ----- setupGStateForMorph: aMorph + morphLevel = 1 - morphLevel == 1 ifTrue: [self writePageSetupFor: aMorph]! Item was changed: ----- Method: ReferenceMorph>>fitContents (in category 'misc') ----- fitContents + submorphs size = 1 ifTrue: - submorphs size == 1 ifTrue: [self extent: submorphs first extent + (2 * self borderWidth). submorphs first position: self position + self borderWidth]! Item was changed: ----- Method: SketchEditorMorph>>setRotations: (in category 'start & finish') ----- setRotations: num "Tell the palette what number of rotations (or background) to show. " | key | key := 'ItTurns'. "default and value for num > 1" + num = 1 ifTrue: [key := 'JustAsIs']. + num = 18 ifTrue: [key := 'ItTurns']. + num = 99 ifTrue: [key := 'ToAndFro']. - num == 1 ifTrue: [key := 'JustAsIs']. - num == 18 ifTrue: [key := 'ItTurns']. - num == 99 ifTrue: [key := 'ToAndFro']. num == #Background ifTrue: [key := 'Background']. num == #Repeated ifTrue: [key := 'Repeated']. palette setRotations: (palette contentsAtKey: key).! Item was changed: ----- Method: SorterTokenMorph>>fitContents (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- fitContents + submorphs size = 1 ifTrue: [self bounds: (submorphs first bounds insetBy: (-1 @ -1))]! - submorphs size == 1 ifTrue: [self bounds: (submorphs first bounds insetBy: (-1 @ -1))]! |
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