Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of MorphicTests to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: MorphicTests-mt.32 Author: mt Time: 4 June 2016, 6:47:00.72143 pm UUID: 6e6d2a48-7a28-8244-9ade-c9db739c7b17 Ancestors: MorphicTests-mt.31 Adds tests for user input event handling and event filters. =============== Diff against MorphicTests-mt.31 =============== Item was changed: SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicTests-Basic'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicTests-Kernel'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicTests-Layouts'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicTests-Support'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicTests-Text Support'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicTests-ToolBuilder'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicTests-Widgets'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicTests-Worlds'! + SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MorphicTests-Events'! Item was added: + Morph subclass: #MorphForEventTests + instanceVariableNames: 'eventsDuringCapture eventsDuringBubble eventsRejected eventsFiltered handlesMouseDown' + classVariableNames: '' + poolDictionaries: '' + category: 'MorphicTests-Events'! Item was added: + ----- Method: MorphForEventTests>>eventsDuringBubble (in category 'accessing') ----- + eventsDuringBubble + ^ eventsDuringBubble ifNil: [eventsDuringBubble := OrderedCollection new]! Item was added: + ----- Method: MorphForEventTests>>eventsDuringCapture (in category 'accessing') ----- + eventsDuringCapture + ^ eventsDuringCapture ifNil: [eventsDuringCapture := OrderedCollection new]! Item was added: + ----- Method: MorphForEventTests>>eventsFiltered (in category 'accessing') ----- + eventsFiltered + ^ eventsFiltered ifNil: [eventsFiltered := OrderedCollection new]! Item was added: + ----- Method: MorphForEventTests>>eventsRejected (in category 'accessing') ----- + eventsRejected + ^ eventsRejected ifNil: [eventsRejected := OrderedCollection new]! Item was added: + ----- Method: MorphForEventTests>>filterEvent:for: (in category 'event filtering') ----- + filterEvent: anEvent for: aMorphOrNil + + self eventsFiltered add: anEvent copy -> aMorphOrNil. + ^ anEvent! Item was added: + ----- Method: MorphForEventTests>>handleEvent: (in category 'events-processing') ----- + handleEvent: anEvent + + self eventsDuringBubble add: anEvent copy. + ^ super handleEvent: anEvent! Item was added: + ----- Method: MorphForEventTests>>handlesKeyboard: (in category 'event handling') ----- + handlesKeyboard: evt + ^ true! Item was added: + ----- Method: MorphForEventTests>>handlesMouseDown: (in category 'event handling') ----- + handlesMouseDown: evt + ^ handlesMouseDown ifNil: [true]! Item was added: + ----- Method: MorphForEventTests>>handlesMouseMove: (in category 'event handling') ----- + handlesMouseMove: evt + ^ true! Item was added: + ----- Method: MorphForEventTests>>handlesMouseOver: (in category 'event handling') ----- + handlesMouseOver: evt + ^ true! Item was added: + ----- Method: MorphForEventTests>>handlesMouseOverDragging: (in category 'event handling') ----- + handlesMouseOverDragging: evt + ^ true! Item was added: + ----- Method: MorphForEventTests>>handlesMouseStillDown: (in category 'event handling') ----- + handlesMouseStillDown: evt + ^ true! Item was added: + ----- Method: MorphForEventTests>>noMouseDown (in category 'accessing') ----- + noMouseDown + + handlesMouseDown := false.! Item was added: + ----- Method: MorphForEventTests>>processEvent:using: (in category 'events-processing') ----- + processEvent: anEvent using: dispatcher + + self eventsDuringCapture add: anEvent copy. + ^ super processEvent: anEvent using: dispatcher! Item was added: + ----- Method: MorphForEventTests>>rejectsEvent: (in category 'events-processing') ----- + rejectsEvent: anEvent + + ^ (super rejectsEvent: anEvent) + ifTrue: [self eventsRejected add: anEvent copy. true] + ifFalse: [false]! Item was added: + UserInputEventTests subclass: #MorphicEventDispatcherTests + instanceVariableNames: '' + classVariableNames: '' + poolDictionaries: '' + category: 'MorphicTests-Events'! Item was added: + ----- Method: MorphicEventDispatcherTests>>test01EventBubbling (in category 'tests') ----- + test01EventBubbling + + | m1 m2 m3 | + m1 := MorphForEventTests new. + m2 := MorphForEventTests new. + m3 := MorphForEventTests new. + + m1 addMorph: m2. + m2 addMorph: m3. + + m1 openInWorld: world. + + self assert: m3 eventsDuringBubble isEmpty. + self assert: m2 eventsDuringBubble isEmpty. + self assert: m1 eventsDuringBubble isEmpty. + + hand handleEvent: (self redMouseDownAt: m3 center). + + self assert: (m3 eventsDuringBubble anySatisfy: [:ea | ea isMouseDown]). + self assert: (m2 eventsDuringBubble anySatisfy: [:ea | ea isMouseDown]). + self assert: (m1 eventsDuringBubble anySatisfy: [:ea | ea isMouseDown]).! Item was added: + ----- Method: MorphicEventDispatcherTests>>test02EventCapturing (in category 'tests') ----- + test02EventCapturing + + | m1 m2 m3 | + m1 := MorphForEventTests new. + m2 := MorphForEventTests new. + m3 := MorphForEventTests new. + + m1 addMorph: m2. + m2 addMorph: m3. + + m1 openInWorld: world. + + self assert: m3 eventsDuringCapture isEmpty. + self assert: m2 eventsDuringCapture isEmpty. + self assert: m1 eventsDuringCapture isEmpty. + + hand handleEvent: (self redMouseDownAt: m3 center). + + self assert: (m3 eventsDuringCapture anySatisfy: [:ea | ea isMouseDown]). + self assert: (m2 eventsDuringCapture anySatisfy: [:ea | ea isMouseDown]). + self assert: (m1 eventsDuringCapture anySatisfy: [:ea | ea isMouseDown]).! Item was added: + ----- Method: MorphicEventDispatcherTests>>test03EventRejecting (in category 'tests') ----- + test03EventRejecting + + | m1 m2 m3 | + m1 := MorphForEventTests new. + m2 := MorphForEventTests new. + m3 := MorphForEventTests new. + + m1 addMorph: m2. + m2 addMorph: m3. + + m2 lock. "to reject events" + m1 openInWorld: world. + + self assert: m2 eventsRejected isEmpty. + + hand handleEvent: (self redMouseDownAt: m3 center). + + self assert: (m2 eventsRejected anySatisfy: [:ea | ea isMouseDown]). + self assert: m2 eventsDuringBubble isEmpty. + self assert: m2 eventsDuringCapture notEmpty. + + self assert: m1 eventsRejected isEmpty. + self assert: m1 eventsDuringBubble notEmpty. + self assert: m1 eventsDuringCapture notEmpty. + + self assert: m3 eventsRejected isEmpty. + self assert: m3 eventsDuringBubble isEmpty. + self assert: m3 eventsDuringCapture isEmpty.! Item was added: + ----- Method: MorphicEventDispatcherTests>>test04OverlappingSiblings (in category 'tests') ----- + test04OverlappingSiblings + "Only one of two overlapping siblings gets the event." + + | m1 m2 m3 | + m1 := MorphForEventTests new. + m2 := MorphForEventTests new. + m3 := MorphForEventTests new. + + m1 addMorph: m2. + m1 addMorph: m3. + + m2 bounds: m3 bounds. "full overlap" + + m1 openInWorld: world. + + hand handleEvent: (self redMouseDownAt: m3 center). + + self assert: (m3 eventsDuringBubble anySatisfy: [:ea | ea isMouseDown]). + self assert: (m2 eventsDuringBubble isEmpty). + + self assert: (m3 eventsDuringCapture anySatisfy: [:ea | ea isMouseDown]). + self assert: (m2 eventsDuringCapture isEmpty).! Item was added: + ----- Method: MorphicEventDispatcherTests>>test05FocusEventBubbling (in category 'tests') ----- + test05FocusEventBubbling + + | m1 m2 m3 | + m1 := MorphForEventTests new. + m2 := MorphForEventTests new. + m3 := MorphForEventTests new. + + m1 addMorph: m2. + m2 addMorph: m3. + + m1 openInWorld: world. + + self assert: m3 eventsDuringBubble isEmpty. + self assert: m2 eventsDuringBubble isEmpty. + self assert: m1 eventsDuringBubble isEmpty. + + hand newMouseFocus: m2. "Not m3!! Due to focus, m3 is not considered during capturing/bubbling phase." + hand handleEvent: (self redMouseDownAt: m3 center). + + self assert: m3 eventsDuringBubble isEmpty. + self assert: (m2 eventsDuringBubble anySatisfy: [:ea | ea isMouseDown]). + self assert: (m1 eventsDuringBubble anySatisfy: [:ea | ea isMouseDown]). + + hand newKeyboardFocus: m2. + hand handleEvent: (self keystroke: $x at: m3 center). + + self assert: m3 eventsDuringBubble isEmpty. + self assert: (m2 eventsDuringBubble anySatisfy: [:ea | ea isKeystroke]). + self assert: (m1 eventsDuringBubble anySatisfy: [:ea | ea isKeystroke]). + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: MorphicEventDispatcherTests>>test06FocusEventCapturing (in category 'tests') ----- + test06FocusEventCapturing + "There is no capturing phase for focus events." + + | m1 m2 m3 | + m1 := MorphForEventTests new. + m2 := MorphForEventTests new. + m3 := MorphForEventTests new. + + m1 addMorph: m2. + m2 addMorph: m3. + + m1 openInWorld: world. + + self assert: m3 eventsDuringCapture isEmpty. + self assert: m2 eventsDuringCapture isEmpty. + self assert: m1 eventsDuringCapture isEmpty. + + hand newMouseFocus: m2. "Not m3!! Due to focus, m3 is not considered during capturing/bubbling phase." + hand handleEvent: (self redMouseDownAt: m3 center). + + self assert: m3 eventsDuringCapture isEmpty. + self assert: m2 eventsDuringCapture isEmpty. + self assert: m1 eventsDuringCapture isEmpty. + + hand newKeyboardFocus: m2. + hand handleEvent: (self keystroke: $x at: m3 center). + + self assert: m3 eventsDuringCapture isEmpty. + self assert: m2 eventsDuringCapture isEmpty. + self assert: m1 eventsDuringCapture isEmpty.! Item was added: + ----- Method: MorphicEventDispatcherTests>>test07EventNoBubbling (in category 'tests') ----- + test07EventNoBubbling + "There is no bubbling if no morph handles the event." + + | m1 m2 m3 | + m1 := MorphForEventTests new noMouseDown. + m2 := MorphForEventTests new noMouseDown. + m3 := MorphForEventTests new noMouseDown. + + m1 addMorph: m2. + m2 addMorph: m3. + + m1 openInWorld: world. + + self assert: m3 eventsDuringBubble isEmpty. + self assert: m2 eventsDuringBubble isEmpty. + self assert: m1 eventsDuringBubble isEmpty. + + hand handleEvent: (self redMouseDownAt: m3 center). + + self assert: (m3 eventsDuringBubble noneSatisfy: [:ea | ea isMouseDown]). + self assert: (m2 eventsDuringBubble noneSatisfy: [:ea | ea isMouseDown]). + self assert: (m1 eventsDuringBubble noneSatisfy: [:ea | ea isMouseDown]).! Item was added: + UserInputEventTests subclass: #MorphicEventFilterTests + instanceVariableNames: '' + classVariableNames: '' + poolDictionaries: '' + category: 'MorphicTests-Events'! Item was added: + ----- Method: MorphicEventFilterTests>>test01EventBubbleFilter (in category 'tests') ----- + test01EventBubbleFilter + + | m1 m2 m3 filter | + m1 := MorphForEventTests new. + m2 := MorphForEventTests new. + m3 := MorphForEventTests new. + + m1 addMorph: m2. + m2 addMorph: m3. + + m1 openInWorld: world. + + filter := MorphForEventTests new. + + m1 addEventBubbleFilter: filter. + m2 addEventBubbleFilter: filter. + m3 addEventBubbleFilter: filter. + + hand handleEvent: (self redMouseDownAt: m3 center). + + self assert: {m3.m2.m1} equals: (filter eventsFiltered select: [:ea | ea key isMouseDown] thenCollect: [:ea | ea value]) asArray.! Item was added: + ----- Method: MorphicEventFilterTests>>test02EventCaptureFilter (in category 'tests') ----- + test02EventCaptureFilter + + | m1 m2 m3 filter | + m1 := MorphForEventTests new. + m2 := MorphForEventTests new. + m3 := MorphForEventTests new. + + m1 addMorph: m2. + m2 addMorph: m3. + + m1 openInWorld: world. + + filter := MorphForEventTests new. + + m1 addEventCaptureFilter: filter. + m2 addEventCaptureFilter: filter. + m3 addEventCaptureFilter: filter. + + hand handleEvent: (self redMouseDownAt: m3 center). + + self assert: {m1.m2.m3} equals: (filter eventsFiltered select: [:ea | ea key isMouseDown] thenCollect: [:ea | ea value]) asArray.! Item was added: + ----- Method: MorphicEventFilterTests>>test03FocusEventBubbleFilter (in category 'tests') ----- + test03FocusEventBubbleFilter + + | m1 m2 m3 filter | + m1 := MorphForEventTests new. + m2 := MorphForEventTests new. + m3 := MorphForEventTests new. + + m1 addMorph: m2. + m2 addMorph: m3. + + m1 openInWorld: world. + + filter := MorphForEventTests new. + + m1 addEventBubbleFilter: filter. + m2 addEventBubbleFilter: filter. + m3 addEventBubbleFilter: filter. + + hand newMouseFocus: m2. + hand handleEvent: (self redMouseDownAt: m3 center). + + self assert: {m2.m1} equals: (filter eventsFiltered select: [:ea | ea key isMouseDown] thenCollect: [:ea | ea value]) asArray.! Item was added: + ----- Method: MorphicEventFilterTests>>test04FocusEventCaptureFilter (in category 'tests') ----- + test04FocusEventCaptureFilter + + | m1 m2 m3 filter | + m1 := MorphForEventTests new. + m2 := MorphForEventTests new. + m3 := MorphForEventTests new. + + m1 addMorph: m2. + m2 addMorph: m3. + + m1 openInWorld: world. + + filter := MorphForEventTests new. + + m1 addEventCaptureFilter: filter. + m2 addEventCaptureFilter: filter. + m3 addEventCaptureFilter: filter. + + hand newMouseFocus: m2. + hand handleEvent: (self redMouseDownAt: m3 center). + + self assert: {m1.m2} equals: (filter eventsFiltered select: [:ea | ea key isMouseDown] thenCollect: [:ea | ea value]) asArray.! Item was added: + ----- Method: MorphicEventFilterTests>>test05IgnoreEvent (in category 'tests') ----- + test05IgnoreEvent + + | m1 m2 m3 filter | + m1 := MorphForEventTests new. + m2 := MorphForEventTests new. + m3 := MorphForEventTests new. + + m1 addMorph: m2. + m2 addMorph: m3. + + m1 openInWorld: world. + + filter := PluggableEventFilter on: [:event | event ignore]. + + m1 addEventCaptureFilter: filter. + + hand handleEvent: (self redMouseDownAt: m3 center). + + self assert: m1 eventsDuringBubble isEmpty. + self assert: m2 eventsDuringBubble isEmpty. + self assert: m3 eventsDuringBubble isEmpty. + + self assert: m1 eventsDuringCapture notEmpty. + self assert: m2 eventsDuringCapture isEmpty. + self assert: m3 eventsDuringCapture isEmpty.! Item was added: + ----- Method: MorphicEventFilterTests>>test06IgnoreFocusEvent (in category 'tests') ----- + test06IgnoreFocusEvent + + | m1 m2 m3 filter | + m1 := MorphForEventTests new. + m2 := MorphForEventTests new. + m3 := MorphForEventTests new. + + m1 addMorph: m2. + m2 addMorph: m3. + + m1 openInWorld: world. + + filter := PluggableEventFilter on: [:event | event ignore]. + + m1 addEventCaptureFilter: filter. + + hand newMouseFocus: m3. + hand handleEvent: (self redMouseDownAt: m3 center). + + self assert: m1 eventsDuringBubble isEmpty. + self assert: m2 eventsDuringBubble isEmpty. + self assert: m3 eventsDuringBubble isEmpty. + + self assert: m1 eventsDuringCapture isEmpty. + self assert: m2 eventsDuringCapture isEmpty. + self assert: m3 eventsDuringCapture isEmpty.! Item was added: + ----- Method: MorphicEventFilterTests>>test07TransformEvent (in category 'tests') ----- + test07TransformEvent + + | m1 m2 m3 filter | + m1 := MorphForEventTests new. + m2 := MorphForEventTests new. + m3 := MorphForEventTests new. + + m1 addMorph: m2. + m2 addMorph: m3. + + m1 openInWorld: world. + + filter := PluggableEventFilter on: [:event | self keystroke: $x at: m3 center]. + m2 addEventCaptureFilter: filter. + + hand handleEvent: (self redMouseDownAt: m3 center). + + self assert: (m1 eventsDuringCapture anySatisfy: [:evt | evt isMouseDown]). + self assert: (m2 eventsDuringCapture anySatisfy: [:evt | evt isMouseDown]). + self assert: (m3 eventsDuringCapture anySatisfy: [:evt | evt isKeystroke]). + + self assert: (m3 eventsDuringBubble anySatisfy: [:evt | evt isKeystroke]). + self assert: (m2 eventsDuringBubble anySatisfy: [:evt | evt isKeystroke]). + self assert: (m1 eventsDuringBubble anySatisfy: [:evt | evt isKeystroke]). + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: MorphicEventFilterTests>>test08TransformEventAgain (in category 'tests') ----- + test08TransformEventAgain + + | m1 m2 m3 filter | + m1 := MorphForEventTests new. + m2 := MorphForEventTests new. + m3 := MorphForEventTests new. + + m1 addMorph: m2. + m2 addMorph: m3. + + m1 openInWorld: world. + + filter := PluggableEventFilter on: [:event | self keystroke: $x at: m3 center]. + m2 addEventBubbleFilter: filter. + + hand handleEvent: (self redMouseDownAt: m3 center). + + self assert: (m1 eventsDuringCapture anySatisfy: [:evt | evt isMouseDown]). + self assert: (m2 eventsDuringCapture anySatisfy: [:evt | evt isMouseDown]). + self assert: (m3 eventsDuringCapture anySatisfy: [:evt | evt isMouseDown]). + + self assert: (m3 eventsDuringBubble anySatisfy: [:evt | evt isMouseDown]). + self assert: (m2 eventsDuringBubble anySatisfy: [:evt | evt isMouseDown]). + self assert: (m1 eventsDuringBubble anySatisfy: [:evt | evt isKeystroke]). + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: MorphicEventFilterTests>>test09KeyboardShortcut (in category 'tests') ----- + test09KeyboardShortcut + + | m1 m2 m3 filter hit | + m1 := MorphForEventTests new. + m2 := MorphForEventTests new. + m3 := MorphForEventTests new. + + m1 addMorph: m2. + m2 addMorph: m3. + + m1 openInWorld: world. + + filter := PluggableEventFilter on: [:event | + hit := false. + (event isKeystroke and: [event keyCharacter = $x]) ifTrue: [ + hit := true. + event ignore]. + event]. + + m1 addKeyboardCaptureFilter: filter. + + hand handleEvent: (self keystroke: $x at: m3 center). + + self assert: hit. + + self assert: (m1 eventsDuringCapture anySatisfy: [:evt | evt isKeystroke]). + self assert: (m2 eventsDuringCapture noneSatisfy: [:evt | evt isKeystroke]). + self assert: (m3 eventsDuringCapture noneSatisfy: [:evt | evt isKeystroke]). + + self assert: (m3 eventsDuringBubble noneSatisfy: [:evt | evt isKeystroke]). + self assert: (m2 eventsDuringBubble noneSatisfy: [:evt | evt isKeystroke]). + self assert: (m1 eventsDuringBubble noneSatisfy: [:evt | evt isKeystroke]). + + m1 eventsDuringCapture removeAll. + hand handleEvent: (self keystroke: $o at: m3 center). + + self deny: hit. + + self assert: (m1 eventsDuringCapture anySatisfy: [:evt | evt isKeystroke]). + self assert: (m2 eventsDuringCapture anySatisfy: [:evt | evt isKeystroke]). + self assert: (m3 eventsDuringCapture anySatisfy: [:evt | evt isKeystroke]). + + self assert: (m3 eventsDuringBubble anySatisfy: [:evt | evt isKeystroke]). + self assert: (m2 eventsDuringBubble anySatisfy: [:evt | evt isKeystroke]). + self assert: (m1 eventsDuringBubble anySatisfy: [:evt | evt isKeystroke]). + + + + ! Item was added: + UserInputEventTests subclass: #MorphicEventTests + instanceVariableNames: '' + classVariableNames: '' + poolDictionaries: '' + category: 'MorphicTests-Events'! Item was added: + ----- Method: MorphicEventTests>>test01WantsKeyboardFocus (in category 'tests') ----- + test01WantsKeyboardFocus + + | ptm | + ptm := PluggableTextMorph new. + ptm setText: 'test01WantsKeyboardFocus'. + ptm openInWorld: world. + + self deny: (ptm hasKeyboardFocus: hand). + self deny: (ptm textMorph hasKeyboardFocus: hand). + + self assert: ptm wantsKeyboardFocus. + self assert: ptm keyboardFocusDelegate == ptm textMorph. + + hand handleEvent: (self redMouseDownAt: ptm center). + self assert: (ptm hasKeyboardFocus: hand). + self assert: (ptm textMorph hasKeyboardFocus: hand). + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: MorphicEventTests>>test02MouserOver (in category 'tests') ----- + test02MouserOver + + | m1 m2 | + m1 := MorphForEventTests new. + m2 := MorphForEventTests new. + + m1 extent: 20@20; topLeft: 0@0. + m2 extent: 20@20; topLeft: 40@0. + + m1 openInWorld: world. + m2 openInWorld: world. + + hand handleEvent: (self redMouseDownAt: m1 center). + hand handleEvent: (self redMouseUpAt: m1 center). + hand handleEvent: (self redMouseDownAt: m2 center). + hand handleEvent: (self redMouseUpAt: m2 center). + + self + checkEventOrder: #(mouseMove mouseEnter mouseDown mouseUp mouseLeave) + forEvents: m1 eventsDuringBubble + ignoreMouseOver: true. + + self + checkEventOrder: #(mouseMove mouseEnter mouseDown mouseUp) + forEvents: m2 eventsDuringBubble + ignoreMouseOver: true. + ! Item was added: + TestCase subclass: #UserInputEventTests + instanceVariableNames: 'hand world' + classVariableNames: '' + poolDictionaries: '' + category: 'MorphicTests-Events'! Item was added: + ----- Method: UserInputEventTests>>checkEventOrder:forEvents:ignoreMouseOver: (in category 'support') ----- + checkEventOrder: someEventTypes forEvents: someEvents ignoreMouseOver: ignoreMouseOver + "Use this to verify the order of events" + + ((someEvents + select: [:ea | ea isMouseOver not or: [ignoreMouseOver not]]) + collect: [:ea | ea type]) + with: someEventTypes + do: [:t1 :t2 | self assert: t2 equals: t1]. + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: UserInputEventTests>>keystroke:at: (in category 'support') ----- + keystroke: char at: point + + ^ KeyboardEvent new + setType: #keystroke + buttons: 0 "no modifiers" + position: point + keyValue: char asciiValue + hand: hand + stamp: Time millisecondClockValue! Item was added: + ----- Method: UserInputEventTests>>redMouseDownAt: (in category 'support') ----- + redMouseDownAt: point + + ^ MouseButtonEvent new + setType: #mouseDown + position: point + which: 2r000 "no change" + buttons: 2r100 "red/left pressed" + hand: hand + stamp: Time millisecondClockValue! Item was added: + ----- Method: UserInputEventTests>>redMouseUpAt: (in category 'support') ----- + redMouseUpAt: point + + ^ MouseButtonEvent new + setType: #mouseUp + position: point + which: 2r100 "red/left changed" + buttons: 2r000 "nothing pressed" + hand: hand + stamp: Time millisecondClockValue! Item was added: + ----- Method: UserInputEventTests>>setUp (in category 'running') ----- + setUp + + super setUp. + + world := (PasteUpMorph newWorldForProject: nil) + extent: 300@200; + viewBox: (0@0 extent: 300@200); + yourself. + + (world instVarNamed: #worldState) + instVarNamed: #canvas + put: (Form extent: 300@200 depth: 32) getCanvas. + + hand := world firstHand.! |
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