The Trunk: Multilingual-mt.256.mcz

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The Trunk: Multilingual-mt.256.mcz

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Multilingual to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Multilingual-mt.256
Author: mt
Time: 17 March 2021, 9:43:06.41861 am
UUID: 6f033acc-a184-ed43-9a20-375a849bcfc0
Ancestors: Multilingual-eem.255

Complements EToys-mt.434

=============== Diff against Multilingual-eem.255 ===============

Item was added:
+ TextConverter subclass: #KOI8RTextConverter
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ classVariableNames: 'FromTable'
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Multilingual-TextConversion'!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: KOI8RTextConverter class>>encodingNames (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ encodingNames
+ ^ #('koi8-r') copy
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: KOI8RTextConverter class>>initialize (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ initialize
+ "
+ KOI8RTextConverter initialize
+ "
+ FromTable := Dictionary new.
+ FromTable at: 16r2500 put: 16r80.
+ FromTable at: 16r2502 put: 16r81.
+ FromTable at: 16r250C put: 16r82.
+ FromTable at: 16r2510 put: 16r83.
+ FromTable at: 16r2514 put: 16r84.
+ FromTable at: 16r2518 put: 16r85.
+ FromTable at: 16r251C put: 16r86.
+ FromTable at: 16r2524 put: 16r87.
+ FromTable at: 16r252C put: 16r88.
+ FromTable at: 16r2534 put: 16r89.
+ FromTable at: 16r253C put: 16r8A.
+ FromTable at: 16r2580 put: 16r8B.
+ FromTable at: 16r2584 put: 16r8C.
+ FromTable at: 16r2588 put: 16r8D.
+ FromTable at: 16r258C put: 16r8E.
+ FromTable at: 16r2590 put: 16r8F.
+ FromTable at: 16r2591 put: 16r90.
+ FromTable at: 16r2592 put: 16r91.
+ FromTable at: 16r2593 put: 16r92.
+ FromTable at: 16r2320 put: 16r93.
+ FromTable at: 16r25A0 put: 16r94.
+ FromTable at: 16r2219 put: 16r95.
+ FromTable at: 16r221A put: 16r96.
+ FromTable at: 16r2248 put: 16r97.
+ FromTable at: 16r2264 put: 16r98.
+ FromTable at: 16r2265 put: 16r99.
+ FromTable at: 16r00A0 put: 16r9A.
+ FromTable at: 16r2321 put: 16r9B.
+ FromTable at: 16r00B0 put: 16r9C.
+ FromTable at: 16r00B2 put: 16r9D.
+ FromTable at: 16r00B7 put: 16r9E.
+ FromTable at: 16r00F7 put: 16r9F.
+ FromTable at: 16r2550 put: 16rA0.
+ FromTable at: 16r2551 put: 16rA1.
+ FromTable at: 16r2552 put: 16rA2.
+ FromTable at: 16r0451 put: 16rA3.
+ FromTable at: 16r2553 put: 16rA4.
+ FromTable at: 16r2554 put: 16rA5.
+ FromTable at: 16r2555 put: 16rA6.
+ FromTable at: 16r2556 put: 16rA7.
+ FromTable at: 16r2557 put: 16rA8.
+ FromTable at: 16r2558 put: 16rA9.
+ FromTable at: 16r2559 put: 16rAA.
+ FromTable at: 16r255A put: 16rAB.
+ FromTable at: 16r255B put: 16rAC.
+ FromTable at: 16r255C put: 16rAD.
+ FromTable at: 16r255D put: 16rAE.
+ FromTable at: 16r255E put: 16rAF.
+ FromTable at: 16r255F put: 16rB0.
+ FromTable at: 16r2560 put: 16rB1.
+ FromTable at: 16r2561 put: 16rB2.
+ FromTable at: 16r0401 put: 16rB3.
+ FromTable at: 16r2562 put: 16rB4.
+ FromTable at: 16r2563 put: 16rB5.
+ FromTable at: 16r2564 put: 16rB6.
+ FromTable at: 16r2565 put: 16rB7.
+ FromTable at: 16r2566 put: 16rB8.
+ FromTable at: 16r2567 put: 16rB9.
+ FromTable at: 16r2568 put: 16rBA.
+ FromTable at: 16r2569 put: 16rBB.
+ FromTable at: 16r256A put: 16rBC.
+ FromTable at: 16r256B put: 16rBD.
+ FromTable at: 16r256C put: 16rBE.
+ FromTable at: 16r00A9 put: 16rBF.
+ FromTable at: 16r044E put: 16rC0.
+ FromTable at: 16r0430 put: 16rC1.
+ FromTable at: 16r0431 put: 16rC2.
+ FromTable at: 16r0446 put: 16rC3.
+ FromTable at: 16r0434 put: 16rC4.
+ FromTable at: 16r0435 put: 16rC5.
+ FromTable at: 16r0444 put: 16rC6.
+ FromTable at: 16r0433 put: 16rC7.
+ FromTable at: 16r0445 put: 16rC8.
+ FromTable at: 16r0438 put: 16rC9.
+ FromTable at: 16r0439 put: 16rCA.
+ FromTable at: 16r043A put: 16rCB.
+ FromTable at: 16r043B put: 16rCC.
+ FromTable at: 16r043C put: 16rCD.
+ FromTable at: 16r043D put: 16rCE.
+ FromTable at: 16r043E put: 16rCF.
+ FromTable at: 16r043F put: 16rD0.
+ FromTable at: 16r044F put: 16rD1.
+ FromTable at: 16r0440 put: 16rD2.
+ FromTable at: 16r0441 put: 16rD3.
+ FromTable at: 16r0442 put: 16rD4.
+ FromTable at: 16r0443 put: 16rD5.
+ FromTable at: 16r0436 put: 16rD6.
+ FromTable at: 16r0432 put: 16rD7.
+ FromTable at: 16r044C put: 16rD8.
+ FromTable at: 16r044B put: 16rD9.
+ FromTable at: 16r0437 put: 16rDA.
+ FromTable at: 16r0448 put: 16rDB.
+ FromTable at: 16r044D put: 16rDC.
+ FromTable at: 16r0449 put: 16rDD.
+ FromTable at: 16r0447 put: 16rDE.
+ FromTable at: 16r044A put: 16rDF.
+ FromTable at: 16r042E put: 16rE0.
+ FromTable at: 16r0410 put: 16rE1.
+ FromTable at: 16r0411 put: 16rE2.
+ FromTable at: 16r0426 put: 16rE3.
+ FromTable at: 16r0414 put: 16rE4.
+ FromTable at: 16r0415 put: 16rE5.
+ FromTable at: 16r0424 put: 16rE6.
+ FromTable at: 16r0413 put: 16rE7.
+ FromTable at: 16r0425 put: 16rE8.
+ FromTable at: 16r0418 put: 16rE9.
+ FromTable at: 16r0419 put: 16rEA.
+ FromTable at: 16r041A put: 16rEB.
+ FromTable at: 16r041B put: 16rEC.
+ FromTable at: 16r041C put: 16rED.
+ FromTable at: 16r041D put: 16rEE.
+ FromTable at: 16r041E put: 16rEF.
+ FromTable at: 16r041F put: 16rF0.
+ FromTable at: 16r042F put: 16rF1.
+ FromTable at: 16r0420 put: 16rF2.
+ FromTable at: 16r0421 put: 16rF3.
+ FromTable at: 16r0422 put: 16rF4.
+ FromTable at: 16r0423 put: 16rF5.
+ FromTable at: 16r0416 put: 16rF6.
+ FromTable at: 16r0412 put: 16rF7.
+ FromTable at: 16r042C put: 16rF8.
+ FromTable at: 16r042B put: 16rF9.
+ FromTable at: 16r0417 put: 16rFA.
+ FromTable at: 16r0428 put: 16rFB.
+ FromTable at: 16r042D put: 16rFC.
+ FromTable at: 16r0429 put: 16rFD.
+ FromTable at: 16r0427 put: 16rFE.
+ FromTable at: 16r042A put: 16rFF.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: KOI8RTextConverter>>fromSqueak: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ fromSqueak: char
+ ^ Character value: (FromTable at: char charCode ifAbsent: [char asciiValue])!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: KOI8RTextConverter>>nextFromStream: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ nextFromStream: aStream
+ | character1 |
+ aStream isBinary ifTrue: [^ aStream basicNext].
+ character1 := aStream basicNext.
+ character1 isNil ifTrue: [^ nil].
+ ^ self toSqueak: character1.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: KOI8RTextConverter>>nextPut:toStream: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ nextPut: aCharacter toStream: aStream
+ | charCode |
+ aStream isBinary ifTrue: [ ^aCharacter storeBinaryOn: aStream ].
+ (charCode := aCharacter charCode) < 256
+ ifFalse: [ aStream basicNextPut: ((Character value: (self fromSqueak: aCharacter) charCode)) ]
+ ifTrue: [
+ (latin1Encodings at: charCode + 1)
+ ifNil: [ aStream basicNextPut: aCharacter ]
+ ifNotNil: [ :encodedString | aStream basicNextPutAll: encodedString ] ].
+ ^aCharacter
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: KOI8RTextConverter>>toSqueak: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ toSqueak: char
+ | value |
+ value := char charCode.
+ value < 128 ifTrue: [^ char].
+ value > 255 ifTrue: [^ char].
+ ^ Character leadingChar: RussianEnvironment leadingChar code: (#(
+ 16r2500 16r2502 16r250C 16r2510 16r2514 16r2518 16r251C 16r2524
+ 16r252C 16r2534 16r253C 16r2580 16r2584 16r2588 16r258C 16r2590
+ 16r2591 16r2592 16r2593 16r2320 16r25A0 16r2219 16r221A 16r2248
+ 16r2264 16r2265 16r00A0 16r2321 16r00B0 16r00B2 16r00B7 16r00F7
+ 16r2550 16r2551 16r2552 16r0451 16r2553 16r2554 16r2555 16r2556
+ 16r2557 16r2558 16r2559 16r255A 16r255B 16r255C 16r255D 16r255E
+ 16r255F 16r2560 16r2561 16r0401 16r2562 16r2563 16r2564 16r2565
+ 16r2566 16r2567 16r2568 16r2569 16r256A 16r256B 16r256C 16r00A9
+ 16r044E 16r0430 16r0431 16r0446 16r0434 16r0435 16r0444 16r0433
+ 16r0445 16r0438 16r0439 16r043A 16r043B 16r043C 16r043D 16r043E
+ 16r043F 16r044F 16r0440 16r0441 16r0442 16r0443 16r0436 16r0432
+ 16r044C 16r044B 16r0437 16r0448 16r044D 16r0449 16r0447 16r044A
+ 16r042E 16r0410 16r0411 16r0426 16r0414 16r0415 16r0424 16r0413
+ 16r0425 16r0418 16r0419 16r041A 16r041B 16r041C 16r041D 16r041E
+ 16r041F 16r042F 16r0420 16r0421 16r0422 16r0423 16r0416 16r0412
+ 16r042C 16r042B 16r0417 16r0428 16r042D 16r0429 16r0427 16r042A
+ ) at: (value - 128 + 1)).
+ !