Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Multilingual to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Multilingual-nice.104
Author: nice
Time: 19 March 2010, 7:23:17.008 pm
UUID: 1ec39db1-4838-084c-a246-2b392acc1c62
Ancestors: Multilingual-nice.103
Let nextPut: answer the put object.
Same for nextPutAll:, answer the collection argument
=============== Diff against Multilingual-nice.103 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: MultiByteBinaryOrTextStream>>nextPut: (in category 'public') -----
nextPut: aCharacter
aCharacter isInteger ifTrue: [^ super nextPut: aCharacter asCharacter].
+ self converter nextPut: aCharacter toStream: self.
+ ^aCharacter
- ^ self converter nextPut: aCharacter toStream: self
Item was changed:
----- Method: UnicodeCompositionStream>>nextPut: (in category 'accessing') -----
nextPut: anObject
self isCombining ifFalse: [
combinedChar := CombinedChar new.
combinedChar simpleAdd: anObject.
] ifTrue: [
(combinedChar simpleAdd: anObject) ifFalse: [
super nextPut: combinedChar combined.
combinedChar := CombinedChar new.
combinedChar simpleAdd: anObject.
+ ^anObject
Item was changed:
----- Method: MultiByteBinaryOrTextStream>>nextPutAll: (in category 'public') -----
nextPutAll: aCollection
self isBinary ifTrue: [
^ super nextPutAll: aCollection.
+ ^aCollection do: [:e | self nextPut: e].
- aCollection do: [:e | self nextPut: e].
Item was changed:
----- Method: MultiByteFileStream>>nextPut: (in category 'public') -----
nextPut: aCharacter
aCharacter isInteger ifTrue: [ ^super nextPut: aCharacter ].
(wantsLineEndConversion == true and: [ lineEndConvention notNil ]) "#doConversion is inlined here"
ifTrue: [
aCharacter = Cr
ifTrue: [
(LineEndStrings at: lineEndConvention) do: [ :each |
converter nextPut: each toStream: self ] ]
ifFalse: [
converter nextPut: aCharacter toStream: self ].
^aCharacter ].
+ self converter nextPut: aCharacter toStream: self.
+ ^aCharacter
- ^self converter nextPut: aCharacter toStream: self
Item was changed:
----- Method: UnicodeCompositionStream>>nextPutAll: (in category 'accessing') -----
nextPutAll: aCollection
+ ^aCollection do: [:e | self nextPut: e].
- aCollection do: [:e | self nextPut: e].
Item was changed:
----- Method: MultiByteFileStream>>nextPutAll: (in category 'public') -----
nextPutAll: aCollection
(self isBinary or: [aCollection class == ByteArray]) ifTrue: [
^ super nextPutAll: aCollection.
+ self converter nextPutAll: aCollection toStream: self.
+ ^aCollection!
- self converter nextPutAll: aCollection toStream: self.!