Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of Multilingual to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Multilingual-ul.114.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Multilingual-ul.114 Author: ul Time: 27 March 2010, 8:38:42.093 pm UUID: fb6bc83b-7972-5142-afff-b4de65f2a5a5 Ancestors: Multilingual-bf.110 - removed unused selectors and instance variables from UTF8TextConverter - added string encoding/decoding capabilities to TextConverter - copied ByteString's #utf8ToSqueak and #squeakToUtf8 implementation to UTF8TextConverter class without the Latin-1 fallback code (an error is raised if the input is not valid) =============== Diff against Multilingual-bf.110 =============== Item was added: + ----- Method: UTF8TextConverter class>>decodeByteString: (in category 'conversion') ----- + decodeByteString: aByteString + "Convert the given string from UTF-8 using the fast path if converting to Latin-1" + + | outStream lastIndex nextIndex byte1 byte2 byte3 byte4 unicode | + lastIndex := 1. + (nextIndex := ByteString findFirstInString: aByteString inSet: latin1Map startingAt: lastIndex) = 0 + ifTrue: [ ^aByteString ]. + outStream := (String new: aByteString size) writeStream. + [ + outStream next: nextIndex - lastIndex putAll: aByteString startingAt: lastIndex. + byte1 := aByteString byteAt: nextIndex. + (byte1 bitAnd: 16rE0) = 192 ifTrue: [ "two bytes" + byte2 := aByteString byteAt: (nextIndex := nextIndex + 1). + (byte2 bitAnd: 16rC0) = 16r80 ifFalse:[ ^self errorMalformedInput ]. + unicode := ((byte1 bitAnd: 31) bitShift: 6) + (byte2 bitAnd: 63)]. + (byte1 bitAnd: 16rF0) = 224 ifTrue: [ "three bytes" + byte2 := aByteString byteAt: (nextIndex := nextIndex + 1). + (byte2 bitAnd: 16rC0) = 16r80 ifFalse:[ ^self errorMalformedInput ]. + byte3 := aByteString byteAt: (nextIndex := nextIndex + 1). + (byte3 bitAnd: 16rC0) = 16r80 ifFalse:[ ^self errorMalformedInput ]. + unicode := ((byte1 bitAnd: 15) bitShift: 12) + ((byte2 bitAnd: 63) bitShift: 6) + + (byte3 bitAnd: 63)]. + (byte1 bitAnd: 16rF8) = 240 ifTrue: [ "four bytes" + byte2 := aByteString byteAt: (nextIndex := nextIndex + 1). + (byte2 bitAnd: 16rC0) = 16r80 ifFalse:[ ^self errorMalformedInput ]. + byte3 := aByteString byteAt: (nextIndex := nextIndex + 1). + (byte3 bitAnd: 16rC0) = 16r80 ifFalse:[ ^self errorMalformedInput ]. + byte4 := aByteString byteAt: (nextIndex := nextIndex + 1). + (byte4 bitAnd: 16rC0) = 16r80 ifFalse:[ ^self errorMalformedInput ]. + unicode := ((byte1 bitAnd: 16r7) bitShift: 18) + + ((byte2 bitAnd: 63) bitShift: 12) + + ((byte3 bitAnd: 63) bitShift: 6) + + (byte4 bitAnd: 63)]. + unicode ifNil: [ ^self errorMalformedInput ]. + unicode = 16rFEFF ifFalse: [ "Skip byte order mark" + outStream nextPut: (Unicode value: unicode) ]. + lastIndex := nextIndex + 1. + (nextIndex := ByteString findFirstInString: aByteString inSet: latin1Map startingAt: lastIndex) = 0 ] whileFalse. + ^outStream + next: aByteString size - lastIndex + 1 putAll: aByteString startingAt: lastIndex; + contents + ! Item was changed: ----- Method: UTF8TextConverter>>errorMalformedInput (in category 'conversion') ----- errorMalformedInput + + ^self class errorMalformedInput! - ^self error: 'Invalid utf8 input detected'! Item was added: + ----- Method: TextConverter>>encodeString: (in category 'conversion') ----- + encodeString: aString + + ^String new: aString size streamContents: [ :stream | + self + nextPutAll: aString + toStream: stream ]! Item was added: + ----- Method: UTF8TextConverter>>encodeString: (in category 'conversion') ----- + encodeString: aString + + aString isByteString ifTrue: [ ^self class encodeByteString: aString ]. + ^super encodeString: aString! Item was added: + ----- Method: UTF8TextConverter class>>encodeByteString: (in category 'conversion') ----- + encodeByteString: aByteString + "Convert the given string from UTF-8 using the fast path if converting to Latin-1" + + | outStream lastIndex nextIndex | + lastIndex := 1. + (nextIndex := ByteString findFirstInString: aByteString inSet: latin1Map startingAt: lastIndex) = 0 + ifTrue: [ ^aByteString ]. + outStream := (String new: aByteString size + 1) writeStream. + [ + outStream + next: nextIndex - lastIndex putAll: aByteString startingAt: lastIndex; + nextPutAll: (latin1Encodings at: (aByteString byteAt: nextIndex) + 1). + lastIndex := nextIndex + 1. + (nextIndex := ByteString findFirstInString: aByteString inSet: latin1Map startingAt: lastIndex) = 0 ] whileFalse. + ^outStream + next: aByteString size - lastIndex + 1 putAll: aByteString startingAt: lastIndex; + contents! Item was changed: ----- Method: UTF8TextConverter>>nextFromStream: (in category 'conversion') ----- nextFromStream: aStream | character1 value1 character2 value2 unicode character3 value3 character4 value4 | aStream isBinary ifTrue: [^ aStream basicNext]. character1 := aStream basicNext. character1 isNil ifTrue: [^ nil]. value1 := character1 asciiValue. value1 <= 127 ifTrue: [ "1-byte character" - currentCharSize := 1. ^ character1 ]. "at least 2-byte character" character2 := aStream basicNext. character2 = nil ifTrue: [^self errorMalformedInput]. value2 := character2 asciiValue. (value1 bitAnd: 16rE0) = 192 ifTrue: [ - currentCharSize := 2. ^ Unicode value: ((value1 bitAnd: 31) bitShift: 6) + (value2 bitAnd: 63). ]. "at least 3-byte character" character3 := aStream basicNext. character3 = nil ifTrue: [^self errorMalformedInput]. value3 := character3 asciiValue. (value1 bitAnd: 16rF0) = 224 ifTrue: [ unicode := ((value1 bitAnd: 15) bitShift: 12) + ((value2 bitAnd: 63) bitShift: 6) + (value3 bitAnd: 63). - currentCharSize := 3. ]. (value1 bitAnd: 16rF8) = 240 ifTrue: [ "4-byte character" character4 := aStream basicNext. character4 = nil ifTrue: [^self errorMalformedInput]. value4 := character4 asciiValue. - currentCharSize := 4. unicode := ((value1 bitAnd: 16r7) bitShift: 18) + ((value2 bitAnd: 63) bitShift: 12) + ((value3 bitAnd: 63) bitShift: 6) + (value4 bitAnd: 63). ]. unicode isNil ifTrue: [^self errorMalformedInput]. unicode > 16r10FFFD ifTrue: [^self errorMalformedInput]. unicode = 16rFEFF ifTrue: [^ self nextFromStream: aStream]. ^ Unicode value: unicode. ! Item was changed: TextConverter subclass: #UTF8TextConverter + instanceVariableNames: '' - instanceVariableNames: 'currentCharSize forceToEncodingTag' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Multilingual-TextConversion'! !UTF8TextConverter commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0! Text converter for UTF-8. Since the BOM is used to distinguish the MacRoman code and UTF-8 code, BOM is written for UTF-8 by #writeBOMOn: which is called by client.! Item was added: + ----- Method: UTF8TextConverter class>>errorMalformedInput (in category 'utilities') ----- + errorMalformedInput + + ^self error: 'Invalid utf8 input detected'! Item was added: + ----- Method: TextConverter>>decodeString: (in category 'conversion') ----- + decodeString: aString + + ^String new: aString size streamContents: [ :stream | + | readStream character | + readStream := aString readStream. + [ (character := self nextFromStream: readStream) == nil ] + whileFalse: [ stream nextPut: character ] ] + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: CompoundTextConverter>>encodeString: (in category 'conversion') ----- + encodeString: aString + + ^String new: aString size streamContents: [ :stream | + self + nextPutAll: aString + toStream: stream. + Latin1 + emitSequenceToResetStateIfNeededOn: stream + forState: state ]! Item was added: + ----- Method: UTF8TextConverter>>decodeString: (in category 'conversion') ----- + decodeString: aString + + aString isByteString ifTrue: [ ^self class decodeByteString: aString ]. + ^super decodeString: aString! Item was removed: - ----- Method: UTF8TextConverter>>currentCharSize (in category 'friend') ----- - currentCharSize - - ^ currentCharSize. - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: UTF8TextConverter>>forceToEncodingTag: (in category 'accessing') ----- - forceToEncodingTag: encodingTagOrNil - - forceToEncodingTag := encodingTagOrNil. - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: UTF8TextConverter>>forceToEncodingTag (in category 'accessing') ----- - forceToEncodingTag - - ^ forceToEncodingTag. - ! |
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