The Trunk: Multilingual-ul.206.mcz

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The Trunk: Multilingual-ul.206.mcz

Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of Multilingual to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Multilingual-ul.206
Author: ul
Time: 15 April 2015, 12:58:54.863 am
UUID: 87d8c067-7d51-4aec-b5bc-d439b821e143
Ancestors: Multilingual-topa.205

TextConverter >> #decodeString: and UTF8TextConverter >> #decodeString: does line end conversion as requested.
UTF8TextConverter >> #decodeString: takes into account the requested line end conversion.
UTF8TextConverter >> #nextChunkFromStream: uses #decodeString:, which does implements line end conversion.

=============== Diff against Multilingual-topa.205 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MultiByteFileStream>>nextChunk (in category 'fileIn/Out') -----
  "Answer the contents of the receiver, up to the next terminator character. Doubled terminators indicate an embedded terminator character."
+ ^converter nextChunkFromStream: self!
- ^(wantsLineEndConversion and: [ lineEndConvention notNil ])
- ifTrue: [converter nextChunkLineEndConvertingFromStream: self]
- ifFalse: [converter nextChunkFromStream: self]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TextConverter>>decodeString: (in category 'conversion') -----
  decodeString: aString
+ | result |
+ result := String new: aString size streamContents: [ :stream |
- ^String new: aString size streamContents: [ :stream |
  | readStream character |
  readStream := aString readStream.
  [ (character := self nextFromStream: readStream) == nil ]
+ whileFalse: [ stream nextPut: character ] ].
+ self class latin1Encodings == latin1Encodings ifTrue: [ ^result ].
+ ^result withSqueakLineEndings!
- whileFalse: [ stream nextPut: character ] ]
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: UTF8TextConverter>>decodeString: (in category 'conversion') -----
  decodeString: aString
+ | result |
+ aString isByteString ifFalse: [ ^super decodeString: aString ].
+ result := self class decodeByteString: aString.
+ self class latin1Encodings == latin1Encodings ifTrue: [ ^result ].
+ ^result withSqueakLineEndings!
- aString isByteString ifTrue: [ ^self class decodeByteString: aString ].
- ^super decodeString: aString!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: UTF8TextConverter>>encodeString: (in category 'conversion') -----
  encodeString: aString
+ | result |
+ aString isByteString ifFalse: [ ^super encodeString: aString ].
+ result := self class encodeByteString: aString.
+ self class latin1Encodings == latin1Encodings ifTrue: [ ^result ].
+ ^result withLineEndings: (latin1Encodings at: 14)
+ !
- aString isByteString ifTrue: [ ^self class encodeByteString: aString ].
- ^super encodeString: aString!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: UTF8TextConverter>>nextChunkFromStream: (in category 'fileIn/Out') -----
  nextChunkFromStream: input
  "Answer the contents of input, up to the next terminator character. Doubled terminators indicate an embedded terminator character."
  self skipSeparatorsFrom: input.
  parseLangTagFor: (
+ self decodeString: (
- self class decodeByteString: (
  String new: 1000 streamContents: [ :stream |
  stream nextPutAll: (input basicUpTo: $!!).
  input basicNext == $!! ]
  whileTrue: [
  stream nextPut: $!! ].
  input atEnd ifFalse: [ input skip: -1 ] ]))
  fromStream: input!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: UTF8TextConverter>>nextChunkLineEndConvertingFromStream: (in category 'fileIn/Out') -----
- nextChunkLineEndConvertingFromStream: input
- "Answer the contents of input, up to the next terminator character. Doubled terminators indicate an embedded terminator character."
- "Obey line end conversion."
- self skipSeparatorsFrom: input.
- ^self
- parseLangTagFor: (
- self class decodeByteString: (
- String new: 1000 streamContents: [ :stream |
- [
- stream nextPutAll: (input upTo: $!!).
- input basicNext == $!! ]
- whileTrue: [
- stream nextPut: $!! ].
- input atEnd ifFalse: [ input skip: -1 ] ]))
- fromStream: input!

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Re: The Trunk: Multilingual-ul.206.mcz

Tobias Pape
Thank you :)
On 16.04.2015, at 07:38, [hidden email] wrote:

> Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of Multilingual to project The Trunk:
> ==================== Summary ====================
> Name: Multilingual-ul.206
> Author: ul
> Time: 15 April 2015, 12:58:54.863 am
> UUID: 87d8c067-7d51-4aec-b5bc-d439b821e143
> Ancestors: Multilingual-topa.205
> TextConverter >> #decodeString: and UTF8TextConverter >> #decodeString: does line end conversion as requested.
> UTF8TextConverter >> #decodeString: takes into account the requested line end conversion.
> UTF8TextConverter >> #nextChunkFromStream: uses #decodeString:, which does implements line end conversion.
> =============== Diff against Multilingual-topa.205 ===============
> Item was changed: