Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of Multilingual to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Multilingual-ul.224.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Multilingual-ul.224
Author: ul
Time: 24 April 2017, 1:05:20.241257 pm
UUID: 5c20047f-883b-41a7-8355-cf1aa3b58a47
Ancestors: Multilingual-pre.223
- rewrote senders of #clone to use #shallowCopy
=============== Diff against Multilingual-pre.223 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: CompoundTextConverter>>saveStateOf: (in category 'friend') -----
saveStateOf: aStream
| inst |
+ inst := state shallowCopy.
- inst := state clone.
inst streamPosition: aStream position.
^ inst.
Item was changed:
----- Method: EFontBDFFontReaderForRanges>>override:with:ranges:transcodingTable:additionalRange: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
override: chars with: otherFileName ranges: pairArray transcodingTable: table additionalRange: additionalRange
| other rangeStream newChars currentRange |
other := BDFFontReader openFileNamed: otherFileName.
rangeStream := ReadStream on: pairArray.
currentRange := rangeStream next.
newChars := PluggableSet new.
newChars hashBlock: [:elem | (elem at: 2) hash].
newChars equalBlock: [:a :b | (a at: 2) = (b at: 2)].
other readChars do: [:array | | code u j form |
code := array at: 2.
"code printStringHex printString displayAt: 0@0."
code > currentRange last ifTrue: [
[rangeStream atEnd not and: [currentRange := rangeStream next. currentRange last < code]] whileTrue.
rangeStream atEnd ifTrue: [
newChars addAll: chars.
^ newChars.
(code between: currentRange first and: currentRange last) ifTrue: [
form := array at: 1.
form ifNotNil: [
j := array at: 2.
u := table at: (((j // 256) - 33 * 94 + ((j \\ 256) - 33)) + 1).
u ~= -1 ifTrue: [
array at: 2 put: u.
newChars add: array.
additionalRange do: [:e | | newArray |
e first = (array at: 2) ifTrue: [
+ newArray := array shallowCopy.
- newArray := array clone.
newArray at: 2 put: e second.
newChars add: newArray
self error: 'should not reach here'.