Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of Multilingual to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Multilingual-ul.82.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Multilingual-ul.82 Author: ul Time: 11 January 2010, 8:26:16.483 am UUID: bd49ca40-653d-a744-838c-44df4a8b9387 Ancestors: Multilingual-nice.81 - code critics =============== Diff against Multilingual-nice.81 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: EFontBDFFontReaderForRanges>>override:with:ranges:transcodingTable:additionalRange: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- override: chars with: otherFileName ranges: pairArray transcodingTable: table additionalRange: additionalRange | other rangeStream newChars currentRange | + other := BDFFontReader openFileNamed: otherFileName. - other := BDFFontReader readOnlyFileNamed: otherFileName. rangeStream := ReadStream on: pairArray. currentRange := rangeStream next. newChars := PluggableSet new. newChars hashBlock: [:elem | (elem at: 2) hash]. newChars equalBlock: [:a :b | (a at: 2) = (b at: 2)]. other readChars do: [:array | | code u j form | code := array at: 2. "code printStringHex printString displayAt: 0@0." code > currentRange last ifTrue: [ [rangeStream atEnd not and: [currentRange := rangeStream next. currentRange last < code]] whileTrue. rangeStream atEnd ifTrue: [ newChars addAll: chars. ^ newChars. ]. ]. (code between: currentRange first and: currentRange last) ifTrue: [ form := array at: 1. form ifNotNil: [ j := array at: 2. u := table at: (((j // 256) - 33 * 94 + ((j \\ 256) - 33)) + 1). u ~= -1 ifTrue: [ array at: 2 put: u. newChars add: array. additionalRange do: [:e | | newArray | e first = (array at: 2) ifTrue: [ newArray := array clone. newArray at: 2 put: e second. newChars add: newArray ]. ] ]. ]. ]. ]. self error: 'should not reach here'. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: JapaneseEnvironment class>>systemConverterClass (in category 'subclass responsibilities') ----- systemConverterClass | platformName osVersion encoding | platformName := SmalltalkImage current platformName. osVersion := SmalltalkImage current osVersion. (platformName = 'Win32' and: [osVersion = 'CE']) ifTrue: [^UTF8TextConverter]. (#('Win32' 'ZaurusOS') includes: platformName) ifTrue: [^ShiftJISTextConverter]. platformName = 'Mac OS' ifTrue: [^('10*' match: osVersion) ifTrue: [UTF8TextConverter] ifFalse: [ShiftJISTextConverter]]. platformName = 'unix' ifTrue: [encoding := X11Encoding encoding. encoding ifNil: [^EUCJPTextConverter]. (encoding = 'utf-8') ifTrue: [^UTF8TextConverter]. + (encoding = 'shiftjis' or: [ encoding = 'sjis' ]) - (encoding = 'shiftjis' | encoding = 'sjis') ifTrue: [^ShiftJISTextConverter]. ^EUCJPTextConverter]. ^MacRomanTextConverter! Item was changed: ----- Method: LanguageEditor class>>initCheckMethods (in category 'initialize-release') ----- initCheckMethods "LanguageEditor initCheckMethods" | registry | + registry := Dictionary new - registry := Dictionary new. - registry at: 'es' put: #checkSpanishPhrase:translation:; yourself. ^registry! |
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