The Trunk: MultilingualTests-ar.6.mcz

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The Trunk: MultilingualTests-ar.6.mcz

Andreas Raab uploaded a new version of MultilingualTests to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: MultilingualTests-ar.6
Author: ar
Time: 4 January 2010, 4:31:19 am
UUID: 971f1e73-e841-7d4e-bbd6-1df88d10127f
Ancestors: MultilingualTests-nice.5

Making Tests unloadable: Move tests from Multilingual to MultilingualTests.

=============== Diff against MultilingualTests-nice.5 ===============

Item was added:
+ TestCase subclass: #FontTest
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'MultilingualTests-Display'!
+ !FontTest commentStamp: 'tak 3/11/2005 14:31' prior: 0!
+ I am mainly a test for fallback font.
+ FontTest buildSuite run!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FontTest>>testParagraphFallback (in category 'testing') -----
+ testParagraphFallback
+ "self debug: #testParagraphFallback"
+ | text p style height width e expect |
+ e := (Character value: 257) asString.
+ text := ('test' , e , e , e , e , 'test') asText.
+ expect := 'test????test'.
+ p := MultiNewParagraph new.
+ style := TextStyle default.
+ p
+ compose: text
+ style: style
+ from: 1
+ in: (0 @ 0 corner: 100 @ 100).
+ "See CompositionScanner>>setActualFont: &  
+ CompositionScanner>>composeFrom:inRectangle:firstLine:leftSide:rightSide:"
+ height := style defaultFont height + style leading.
+ width := expect
+ inject: 0
+ into: [:tally :next | tally
+ + (style defaultFont widthOf: next)].
+ p adjustRightX.
+ self assert: p extent = (width @ height).
+ "Display getCanvas
+ paragraph: p
+ bounds: (10 @ 10 extent: 100 @ 100)
+ color: Color black"!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FontTest>>testFallback (in category 'testing') -----
+ testFallback
+ "self debug: #testFallback"
+ | text font bb destPoint |
+ text := (Character value: 257) asString asText.
+ font := TextStyle default fontOfSize: 21.
+ text addAttribute: (TextFontReference toFont: font).
+ bb := (Form extent: 100 @ 30) getCanvas privatePort.
+ bb combinationRule: Form paint.
+ font installOn: bb foregroundColor: Color black backgroundColor: Color white.
+ destPoint := font displayString: text asString on: bb from: 1 to: 1 at: 0@0 kern: 1.
+ "bb destForm asMorph openInHand."
+ self assert: destPoint x = ((font widthOf: $?) + 1).
+ !

Item was added:
+ SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MultilingualTests-TextConversion'!
+ SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MultilingualTests-Display'!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FontTest>>testMultistringFallbackFont (in category 'testing') -----
+ testMultistringFallbackFont
+ "self debug: #testMultistringFallbackFont"
+ | text p style height width |
+ [(TextStyle default fontArray at: JapaneseEnvironment leadingChar)
+ ifNil: [^ self]]
+ ifError: [:err :rcvr | ^ self].
+ text := ((#(20983874 20983876 20983878 )
+ collect: [:e | e asCharacter])
+ as: String) asText.
+ p := MultiNewParagraph new.
+ style := TextStyle new leading: 0; newFontArray: {Preferences standardFlapFont}.
+ p
+ compose: text
+ style: style
+ from: 1
+ in: (0 @ 0 corner: 100 @ 100).
+ "See CompositionScanner>>setActualFont: &  
+ CompositionScanner>>composeFrom:inRectangle:firstLine:leftSide:rightSide:"
+ height := style defaultFont height + style leading.
+ width := text
+ inject: 0
+ into: [:tally :next | tally
+ + (style defaultFont widthOf: next)].
+ p adjustRightX.
+ self assert: p extent = (width @ height).
+ "Display getCanvas
+ paragraph: p
+ bounds: (10 @ 10 extent: 100 @ 100)
+ color: Color black"!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FontTest>>testMultistringFont (in category 'testing') -----
+ testMultistringFont
+ "self debug: #testMultistringFont"
+ | text p style height width |
+ [(TextStyle default fontArray at: JapaneseEnvironment leadingChar)
+ ifNil: [^ self]]
+ ifError: [:err :rcvr | ^ self].
+ text := ((#(20983874 20983876 20983878 )
+ collect: [:e | e asCharacter])
+ as: String) asText.
+ p := MultiNewParagraph new.
+ style := TextStyle default.
+ p
+ compose: text
+ style: style
+ from: 1
+ in: (0 @ 0 corner: 100 @ 100).
+ "See CompositionScanner>>setActualFont: &  
+ CompositionScanner>>composeFrom:inRectangle:firstLine:leftSide:rightSide:"
+ height := style defaultFont height + style leading.
+ width := text
+ inject: 0
+ into: [:tally :next | tally
+ + (style defaultFont widthOf: next)].
+ p adjustRightX.
+ self assert: p extent = (width @ height).
+ "Display getCanvas
+ paragraph: p
+ bounds: (10 @ 10 extent: 100 @ 100)
+ color: Color black"!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FontTest>>testParagraph (in category 'testing') -----
+ testParagraph
+ "self debug: #testParagraph"
+ | text p style height width |
+ text := 'test' asText.
+ p := MultiNewParagraph new.
+ style := TextStyle default.
+ p
+ compose: text
+ style: style
+ from: 1
+ in: (0 @ 0 corner: 100 @ 100).
+ "See CompositionScanner>>setActualFont: &  
+ CompositionScanner>>composeFrom:inRectangle:firstLine:leftSide:rightSide:"
+ height := style defaultFont height + style leading.
+ width := text
+ inject: 0
+ into: [:tally :next | tally
+ + (style defaultFont widthOf: next)].
+ p adjustRightX.
+ self assert: p extent = (width @ height)!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FontTest>>testResetAfterEmphasized (in category 'testing') -----
+ testResetAfterEmphasized
+ "self debug: #testResetAfterEmphasized"
+ | normal derivative |
+ normal := TextStyle defaultFont.
+ derivative := normal emphasized: 3.
+ self assert: (normal derivativeFonts at: 3) == derivative.
+ normal reset.
+ self assert: (normal derivativeFonts select:[:any| any isSynthetic]) isEmpty
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FontTest>>testDisplay (in category 'testing') -----
+ testDisplay
+ "self debug: #testDisplay"
+ | text font bb destPoint width |
+ text := 'test' asText.
+ font := TextStyle default fontOfSize: 21.
+ text addAttribute: (TextFontReference toFont: font).
+ bb := (Form extent: 100 @ 30) getCanvas privatePort.
+ bb combinationRule: Form paint.
+ font installOn: bb foregroundColor: Color black backgroundColor: Color white.
+ destPoint := font displayString: text asString on: bb from: 1 to: 4 at: 0@0 kern: 1.
+ width := text inject: 0 into: [:max :char | max + (font widthOf: char)].
+ self assert: destPoint x = (width + 4).
+ "bb destForm asMorph openInHand."
+ !

Item was removed:
- SystemOrganization addCategory: #'MultilingualTests-TextConversion'!