David T. Lewis uploaded a new version of MultilingualTests to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/MultilingualTests-cbc.19.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: MultilingualTests-cbc.19
Author: cbc
Time: 16 August 2014, 6:00:20.609 pm
UUID: b3ccb0dc-5adc-3a4f-b722-98deab3ae9be
Ancestors: MultilingualTests-fbs.18
MultiByteFileStream>>testLineEndingChunk is failing on Windows platforms (maybe others). Tweaked test to show which of the 4 is failing.
=============== Diff against MultilingualTests-fbs.18 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testLineEndingChunk (in category 'testing') -----
+ | failures |
fileName := 'foolinend.txt'.
+ failures := OrderedCollection new.
MultiByteFileStream forceNewFileNamed: fileName do: [ :file |
wantsLineEndConversion: false;
nextPutAll: 'line 1'; cr;
nextPutAll: 'line 2'; crlf;
nextPutAll: 'line 3'; lf;
nextPutAll: 'line 4'; nextPut: $!! ].
{#cr. 'line 1' , String cr , 'line 2' , String cr , 'line 3' , String cr , 'line 4'}.
{#lf. 'line 1' , String cr , 'line 2' , String cr , 'line 3' , String cr , 'line 4'}.
{#crlf. 'line 1' , String cr , 'line 2' , String cr , 'line 3' , String cr , 'line 4'}.
{nil. 'line 1' , String cr , 'line 2' , String crlf , 'line 3' , String lf , 'line 4'}
} do: [:lineEndingResult |
+ MultiByteFileStream oldFileNamed: fileName do: [ :file | | actual |
- MultiByteFileStream oldFileNamed: fileName do: [ :file |
file lineEndConvention: lineEndingResult first.
+ lineEndingResult last = (actual := file nextChunk) ifFalse: [
+ failures add: (lineEndingResult copyWith: actual).
+ ].
+ ] ].
+ self assert: failures isEmpty!
- self assert: lineEndingResult last equals: file nextChunk ] ]!