The Trunk: MultilingualTests-nice.4.mcz

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The Trunk: MultilingualTests-nice.4.mcz

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of MultilingualTests to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: MultilingualTests-nice.4
Author: nice
Time: 22 December 2009, 12:21:37 pm
UUID: 2fd29bf7-ae88-4462-923a-121e7d695028
Ancestors: MultilingualTests-nice.3

Add a few tests for MultiByteFileStream.
Includes an expected failure for backChunk.

=============== Diff against MultilingualTests-nice.3 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testNextLine (in category 'testing') -----
+ testNextLine
+ | foo fileName |
+ fileName := 'foolinend.txt'.
+ foo := MultiByteFileStream forceNewFileNamed: fileName.
+ [foo wantsLineEndConversion: false.
+ foo nextPutAll: 'line 1'; cr; nextPutAll: 'line 2'; nextPutAll: String crlf; nextPutAll: 'line 3'; nextPut: Character lf; nextPutAll: 'line 4'] ensure: [foo close].
+ #(cr lf crlf nil) do: [:lineEnding |
+ foo := MultiByteFileStream oldFileNamed: fileName.
+ [foo lineEndConvention: lineEnding.
+ self assert: (foo nextLine) = ('line 1').
+ self assert: (foo nextLine) = ('line 2').
+ self assert: (foo nextLine) = ('line 3').
+ self assert: (foo nextLine) = ('line 4').
+ self assert: (foo nextLine) = nil] ensure: [foo close]].
+ FileDirectory default deleteFileNamed: fileName!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testNonAsciiBackChunk (in category 'testing') -----
+ testNonAsciiBackChunk
+ "Note: this is an expected failure: MultiByteFileStream is not equipped to read back non ASCII String... (no comment)
+ As a consequence, never use non ASCII in method category nor in your initials. That would make a few tools blind..."
+ | foo fileName |
+ fileName := 'foobackchunk.txt'.
+ foo := MultiByteFileStream forceNewFileNamed: fileName.
+ [foo lineEndConvention: #cr; converter: UTF8TextConverter new.
+ foo cr; nextChunkPut: 'testé' printString.
+ foo cr; nextChunkPut: 'test' printString.
+ self assert: foo backChunk = (String cr , 'test' printString).
+ self assert: foo backChunk = (String cr , 'testé' printString).] ensure: [foo close].
+ FileDirectory default deleteFileNamed: fileName!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>expectedFailures (in category 'testing') -----
+ expectedFailures
+ ^#(#testNonAsciiBackChunk)!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testLineEnding (in category 'testing') -----
+ testLineEnding
+ | foo fileName |
+ fileName := 'foolinend.txt'.
+ foo := MultiByteFileStream forceNewFileNamed: fileName.
+ [foo wantsLineEndConversion: false.
+ foo nextPutAll: 'line 1'; cr; nextPutAll: 'line 2'; nextPutAll: String crlf; nextPutAll: 'line 3'; nextPut: Character lf; nextPutAll: 'line 4'] ensure: [foo close].
+ {
+ {#cr.  'line 1' , String cr , 'line 2' , String cr , 'line 3' , String cr , 'line 4'}.
+ {#lf.  'line 1' , String cr , 'line 2' , String cr , 'line 3' , String cr , 'line 4'}.
+ {#crlf.  'line 1' , String cr , 'line 2' , String cr , 'line 3' , String cr , 'line 4'}.
+ {nil.  'line 1' , String cr , 'line 2' , String crlf , 'line 3' , String lf , 'line 4'}
+ } do: [:lineEndingResult |
+ foo := MultiByteFileStream oldFileNamed: fileName.
+ [foo lineEndConvention: lineEndingResult first.
+ self assert: (foo upToEnd) = lineEndingResult last] ensure: [foo close]].
+ FileDirectory default deleteFileNamed: fileName!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testAsciiBackChunk (in category 'testing') -----
+ testAsciiBackChunk
+ | foo fileName |
+ fileName := 'foobackchunk.txt'.
+ foo := MultiByteFileStream forceNewFileNamed: fileName.
+ [foo lineEndConvention: #cr; converter: UTF8TextConverter new.
+ foo cr; nextChunkPut: 'test1' printString.
+ foo cr; nextChunkPut: 'test2' printString.
+ self assert: foo backChunk = (String cr , 'test2' printString).
+ self assert: foo backChunk = (String cr , 'test1' printString).] ensure: [foo close].
+ FileDirectory default deleteFileNamed: fileName!