Patrick Rein uploaded a new version of MultilingualTests to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: MultilingualTests-pre.34 Author: pre Time: 13 October 2018, 2:39:02.980477 pm UUID: 3fcfb4f8-6659-6641-8d7f-4759fd167b80 Ancestors: MultilingualTests-ul.33 Marks several UTF8 and UTF16 tests as expectedFailures as they have never been implemented. While at it, i recategorized the tests. =============== Diff against MultilingualTests-ul.33 =============== Item was changed: + ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>expectBytesToFailDecoding: (in category 'asserting') ----- - ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>expectBytesToFailDecoding: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- expectBytesToFailDecoding: aByteArray self should: [aByteArray utf8Decoded] raise: InvalidUTF8! Item was changed: + ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>expectHex:toDecodeToCodepoint: (in category 'asserting') ----- - ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>expectHex:toDecodeToCodepoint: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- expectHex: aString toDecodeToCodepoint: anInteger self expectHex: aString toDecodeToCodepoints: { anInteger } ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>expectHex:toDecodeToCodepoints: (in category 'asserting') ----- - ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>expectHex:toDecodeToCodepoints: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- expectHex: aString toDecodeToCodepoints: anArray | s | s := (ByteArray readHexFrom: aString) utf8Decoded. self assert: anArray size equals: s size. self assert: anArray asArray equals: (s asArray collect: [:c | c asInteger]).! Item was changed: + ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>expectHexToFailDecoding: (in category 'asserting') ----- - ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>expectHexToFailDecoding: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- expectHexToFailDecoding: aString self should: [(ByteArray readHexFrom: aString) utf8Decoded] raise: InvalidUTF8. ! Item was added: + ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>expectedFailures (in category 'failures') ----- + expectedFailures + + ^ #(testMaximumOverlongSequences testOverlongAsciiSequences + testOverlongNUL testOverlongNUL testPairedUTF16Surrogates testSingleUTF16Surrogates)! Item was changed: + ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>testConcatenationOfIncompleteSequences (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>testConcatenationOfIncompleteSequences (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- testConcatenationOfIncompleteSequences "Concatenation of incomplete sequences" self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'c0e080'. "Should fail between the c0 and the e0" "(similar omitted)"! Item was changed: + ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>testFirstPossibleSequenceOfACertainLength (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>testFirstPossibleSequenceOfACertainLength (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- testFirstPossibleSequenceOfACertainLength "First possible sequence of a certain length" self expectHex: '00' toDecodeToCodepoint: 0. self expectHex: 'c280' toDecodeToCodepoint: 16r80. self expectHex: 'e0a080' toDecodeToCodepoint: 16r800. self expectHex: 'f0908080' toDecodeToCodepoint: 16r10000. "self expectHex: 'f888808080' toDecodeToCodepoint: 16r200000." "Codepoint is out of range." "self expectHex: 'fc8480808080' toDecodeToCodepoint: 16r4000000." "Codepoint is out of range."! Item was changed: + ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>testImpossibleBytes (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>testImpossibleBytes (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- testImpossibleBytes "Impossible bytes" self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'fe'. self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'ff'. self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'fefeffff'.! Item was changed: + ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>testLastPossibleSequenceOfACertainLength (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>testLastPossibleSequenceOfACertainLength (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- testLastPossibleSequenceOfACertainLength self expectHex: '7f' toDecodeToCodepoint: 16r7f. self expectHex: 'dfbf' toDecodeToCodepoint: 16r7ff. self expectHex: 'efbfbf' toDecodeToCodepoint: 16rffff. self expectHex: 'f7bfbfbf' toDecodeToCodepoint: 16r1fffff. "self expectHex: 'fbbfbfbfbf' toDecodeToCodepoint: 16r3ffffff." "Codepoint is out of range." "self expectHex: 'fdbfbfbfbfbf' toDecodeToCodepoint: 16r7fffffff." "Codepoint is out of range." ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>testLonelyStartCharacters (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>testLonelyStartCharacters (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- testLonelyStartCharacters "Lonely start characters" " All 32 first bytes of 2-byte sequences (0xc0-0xdf), All 16 first bytes of 3-byte sequences (0xe0-0xef), All 8 first bytes of 4-byte sequences (0xf0-0xf7), All 4 first bytes of 5-byte sequences (0xf8-0xfb), All 2 first bytes of 6-byte sequences (0xfc-0xfd), ... each followed by a space character " (16rc0 to: 16rfd) do: [:i | self expectBytesToFailDecoding: (ByteArray with: i with: 32)]. ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>testMaximumOverlongSequences (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>testMaximumOverlongSequences (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- testMaximumOverlongSequences "Maximum overlong sequences" self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'c1bf'. self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'e09fbf'. self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'f08fbfbf'. self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'f887bfbfbf'. self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'fc83bfbfbfbf'. ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>testNoncharacterCodePositions (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>testNoncharacterCodePositions (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- testNoncharacterCodePositions "Noncharacter code positions" self expectHex: 'efbfbe' toDecodeToCodepoint: 16rfffe. self expectHex: 'efbfbf' toDecodeToCodepoint: 16rffff. self expectHex: 'efb790efb791efb792efb793efb794efb795efb796efb797efb798efb799efb79aefb79befb79cefb79defb79eefb79fefb7a0efb7a1efb7a2efb7a3efb7a4efb7a5efb7a6efb7a7efb7a8efb7a9efb7aaefb7abefb7acefb7adefb7aeefb7af' toDecodeToCodepoints: ((16rFDD0 to: 16rFDEF) asArray). self expectHex: 'f09fbfbef09fbfbff0afbfbef0afbfbff0bfbfbef0bfbfbff18fbfbef18fbfbff19fbfbef19fbfbff1afbfbef1afbfbff1bfbfbef1bfbfbff28fbfbef28fbfbff29fbfbef29fbfbff2afbfbef2afbfbff2bfbfbef2bfbfbff38fbfbef38fbfbff39fbfbef39fbfbff3afbfbef3afbfbff3bfbfbef3bfbfbff48fbfbef48fbfbf' toDecodeToCodepoints: ([ | a | a := OrderedCollection new. (1 to: 16r10) do: [:n | a add: n * 16r10000 + 16rFFFE. a add: n * 16r10000 + 16rFFFF]. a] value). ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>testOtherBoundaryConditions (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>testOtherBoundaryConditions (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- testOtherBoundaryConditions "Other boundary conditions" self expectHex: 'ed9fbf' toDecodeToCodepoint: 16rd7ff. self expectHex: 'ee8080' toDecodeToCodepoint: 16re000. self expectHex: 'efbfbd' toDecodeToCodepoint: 16rfffd. "REPLACEMENT CHARACTER" self expectHex: 'f48fbfbf' toDecodeToCodepoint: 16r10ffff. "Last valid code point (happens to be a NONCHARACTER)" self expectHex: 'f4908080' toDecodeToCodepoint: 16r110000. "First number beyond valid code point space"! Item was changed: + ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>testOverlongAsciiSequences (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>testOverlongAsciiSequences (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- testOverlongAsciiSequences "Overlong sequences" "ASCII 2F" self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'c0af'. self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'e080af'. self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'f08080af'. self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'f8808080af'. self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'fc80808080af'. ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>testOverlongNUL (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>testOverlongNUL (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- testOverlongNUL "Overlong representation of the NUL character" self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'c080'. self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'e08080'. self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'f0808080'. self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'f880808080'. self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'fc8080808080'. ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>testPairedUTF16Surrogates (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>testPairedUTF16Surrogates (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- testPairedUTF16Surrogates "Illegal code positions" "Paired UTF-16 surrogates" self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'eda080edb080'. self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'eda080edbfbf'. self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'edadbfedb080'. self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'edadbfedbfbf'. self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'edae80edb080'. self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'edae80edbfbf'. self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'edafbfedb080'. self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'edafbfedbfbf'. ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>testSequencesWithLastContinuationByteMissing (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>testSequencesWithLastContinuationByteMissing (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- testSequencesWithLastContinuationByteMissing "Sequences with last continuation byte missing" self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'c0'. "U+0000" self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'e080'. "U+0000" self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'f08080'. "U+0000" self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'f8808080'. "U+0000" self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'fc80808080'. "U+0000" self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'df'. "U+07FF" self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'efbf'. "U+FFFF" self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'f7bfbf'. "U+1FFFFF" self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'fbbfbfbf'. "U+3FFFFFF" self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'fdbfbfbfbf'. "U+7FFFFFFF" "Additional tests not in Kuhn's document, testing for presence of off-by-two errors:" self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'e0'. "U+0000" self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'f080'. "U+0000" self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'f88080'. "U+0000" self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'fc808080'. "U+0000" self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'ef'. "U+FFFF" self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'f7bf'. "U+1FFFFF" self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'fbbfbf'. "U+3FFFFFF" self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'fdbfbfbf'. "U+7FFFFFFF" ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>testSingleUTF16Surrogates (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>testSingleUTF16Surrogates (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- testSingleUTF16Surrogates "Illegal code positions" "Single UTF-16 surrogates" self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'eda080'. self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'edadbf'. self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'edae80'. self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'edafbf'. self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'edb080'. self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'edbe80'. self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'edbfbf'. ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>testUnexpectedContinuationBytes (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>testUnexpectedContinuationBytes (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- testUnexpectedContinuationBytes "Unexpected continuation bytes" self expectHexToFailDecoding: '80'. "First continuation byte" self expectHexToFailDecoding: 'bf'. "Last continuation byte" self expectHexToFailDecoding: '80bf'. "Two continuation bytes" self expectHexToFailDecoding: '80bf80'. "Three continuation bytes" self expectHexToFailDecoding: '80bf80bf'. "Four continuation bytes" self expectHexToFailDecoding: '80bf80bf80'. "Five continuation bytes" self expectHexToFailDecoding: '80bf80bf80bf'. "Six continuation bytes" self expectHexToFailDecoding: '80bf80bf80bf80'. "Seven continuation bytes" "(Skipping 'sequence of all 64 possible continuation bytes (0x80-0xbf)')"! |
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