Patrick Rein uploaded a new version of MultilingualTests to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: MultilingualTests-pre.37 Author: pre Time: 6 December 2018, 8:26:00.740566 pm UUID: 01733a34-a005-1d4d-a679-fd99c2fe27c3 Ancestors: MultilingualTests-pre.36 Similar to the commit in Multilingual, this commit categorizes un-categorized methods and moves tests from testing to tests. =============== Diff against MultilingualTests-pre.36 =============== Item was changed: + ----- Method: FontTest>>testDisplay (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: FontTest>>testDisplay (in category 'testing') ----- testDisplay "self debug: #testDisplay" | text font bb destPoint width | text := 'test' asText. font := TextStyle default fontOfSize: 21. text addAttribute: (TextFontReference toFont: font). bb := (Form extent: 100 @ 30) getCanvas privatePort. bb combinationRule: Form paint. font installOn: bb foregroundColor: Color black backgroundColor: Color white. destPoint := font displayString: text asString on: bb from: 1 to: 4 at: 0@0 kern: 1. width := text inject: 0 into: [:max :char | max + (font widthOf: char)]. self assert: destPoint x = (width + 4). "bb destForm asMorph openInHand." ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: FontTest>>testFallback (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: FontTest>>testFallback (in category 'testing') ----- testFallback "self debug: #testFallback" | text font bb destPoint | text := (Character value: 257) asString asText. font := TextStyle default fontOfSize: 21. text addAttribute: (TextFontReference toFont: font). bb := (Form extent: 100 @ 30) getCanvas privatePort. bb combinationRule: Form paint. font installOn: bb foregroundColor: Color black backgroundColor: Color white. destPoint := font displayString: text asString on: bb from: 1 to: 1 at: 0@0 kern: 1. "bb destForm asMorph openInHand." self assert: destPoint x = ((font widthOf: $?) + 1). ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: FontTest>>testMultistringFallbackFont (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: FontTest>>testMultistringFallbackFont (in category 'testing') ----- testMultistringFallbackFont "self debug: #testMultistringFallbackFont" | text p style height width | [(TextStyle default fontArray at: JapaneseEnvironment leadingChar) ifNil: [^ self]] ifError: [:err :rcvr | ^ self]. text := ((#(20983874 20983876 20983878 ) collect: [:e | e asCharacter]) as: String) asText. p := NewParagraph new. style := TextStyle new leading: 0; newFontArray: {Preferences standardFlapFont}. p compose: text style: style from: 1 in: (0 @ 0 corner: 100 @ 100). "See CompositionScanner>>setActualFont: & CompositionScanner>>composeFrom:inRectangle:firstLine:leftSide:rightSide:" height := style defaultFont height + style leading. width := p caretWidth + (text inject: 0 into: [:tally :next | tally + (style defaultFont widthOf: next)]). p adjustRightX. self assert: p extent = (width @ height). "Display getCanvas paragraph: p bounds: (10 @ 10 extent: 100 @ 100) color: Color black"! Item was changed: + ----- Method: FontTest>>testMultistringFont (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: FontTest>>testMultistringFont (in category 'testing') ----- testMultistringFont "self debug: #testMultistringFont" | text p style height width | [(TextStyle default fontArray at: JapaneseEnvironment leadingChar) ifNil: [^ self]] ifError: [:err :rcvr | ^ self]. text := ((#(20983874 20983876 20983878 ) collect: [:e | e asCharacter]) as: String) asText. p := NewParagraph new. style := TextStyle default. p compose: text style: style from: 1 in: (0 @ 0 corner: 100 @ 100). "See CompositionScanner>>setActualFont: & CompositionScanner>>composeFrom:inRectangle:firstLine:leftSide:rightSide:" height := style defaultFont height + style leading. width := p caretWidth + (text inject: 0 into: [:tally :next | tally + (style defaultFont widthOf: next)]). p adjustRightX. self assert: p extent = (width @ height). "Display getCanvas paragraph: p bounds: (10 @ 10 extent: 100 @ 100) color: Color black"! Item was changed: + ----- Method: FontTest>>testParagraph (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: FontTest>>testParagraph (in category 'testing') ----- testParagraph "self debug: #testParagraph" | text p style height width | text := 'test' asText. p := NewParagraph new. style := TextStyle default. p compose: text style: style from: 1 in: (0 @ 0 corner: 100 @ 100). "See CompositionScanner>>setActualFont: & CompositionScanner>>composeFrom:inRectangle:firstLine:leftSide:rightSide:" height := style defaultFont height + style leading. width := (text inject: 0 into: [:tally :next | tally + (style defaultFont widthOf: next)]) + p caretWidth. "because it is added by the paragraph formatting" p adjustRightX. self assert: p extent = (width @ height)! Item was changed: + ----- Method: FontTest>>testParagraphFallback (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: FontTest>>testParagraphFallback (in category 'testing') ----- testParagraphFallback "self debug: #testParagraphFallback" | text p style height width e expect | e := (Character value: 257) asString. text := ('test' , e , e , e , e , 'test') asText. expect := 'test????test'. p := NewParagraph new. style := TextStyle default. p compose: text style: style from: 1 in: (0 @ 0 corner: 100 @ 100). "See CompositionScanner>>setActualFont: & CompositionScanner>>composeFrom:inRectangle:firstLine:leftSide:rightSide:" height := style defaultFont height + style leading. width := (expect inject: 0 into: [:tally :next | tally + (style defaultFont widthOf: next)]) + p caretWidth. p adjustRightX. self assert: p extent = (width @ height). "Display getCanvas paragraph: p bounds: (10 @ 10 extent: 100 @ 100) color: Color black"! Item was changed: + ----- Method: FontTest>>testResetAfterEmphasized (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: FontTest>>testResetAfterEmphasized (in category 'testing') ----- testResetAfterEmphasized "self debug: #testResetAfterEmphasized" | normal derivative | normal := TextStyle defaultFont. derivative := normal emphasized: 3. self assert: (normal derivativeFonts at: 3) == derivative. normal reset. self assert: (normal derivativeFonts select:[:any| any isSynthetic]) isEmpty ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>expectedFailures (in category 'failures') ----- - ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>expectedFailures (in category 'testing') ----- expectedFailures ^ #(testLineEndConversionExpectedFailures)! Item was changed: + ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testAsciiBackChunk (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testAsciiBackChunk (in category 'testing') ----- testAsciiBackChunk fileName := 'foobackchunk.txt'. MultiByteFileStream forceNewFileNamed: fileName do: [ :file | file lineEndConvention: #cr; converter: UTF8TextConverter new; cr; nextChunkPut: 'test1' printString; cr; nextChunkPut: 'test2' printString. self assert: file backChunk = (String cr , 'test2' printString); assert: file backChunk = (String cr , 'test1' printString) ]! Item was changed: + ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testBinaryUpTo (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testBinaryUpTo (in category 'testing') ----- testBinaryUpTo "This is a non regression test for bug" fileName := 'foobug6933'. MultiByteFileStream forceNewFileNamed: fileName do: [ :file | file binary; nextPutAll: #[ 1 2 3 4 ] ]. MultiByteFileStream oldFileNamed: fileName do: [ :file | file binary. self assert: (file upTo: 3) = #[ 1 2 ] ]! Item was changed: + ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testByteTextConverter (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testByteTextConverter (in category 'testing') ----- testByteTextConverter | byteCharacters converterClasses | byteCharacters := Character allByteCharacters. converterClasses := ByteTextConverter allSubclasses copyWithoutAll: {ISO8859TextConverter . WinCPTextConverter . MacOSCPTextConverter}. converterClasses do: [ :converterClass | | converter stream encoded decoded encoded2 | converter := converterClass new. stream := byteCharacters readStream. "Find bytes that can be decoded by this converter." encoded := byteCharacters select: [ :e | (converter nextFromStream: stream) notNil ]. "Decode those bytes." stream := encoded readStream. decoded := encoded collect: [ :e | converter nextFromStream: stream ]. self assert: stream atEnd. "Re-encode the decoded bytes using #nextPutAll:toStream:, and check if they match the original bytes." encoded2 := String streamContents: [ :writeStream | converter nextPutAll: decoded toStream: writeStream ]. encoded with: encoded2 do: [ :original :reencoded | self assert: original charCode = reencoded charCode description: [ '{1} could not decode or re-encode {2} using #nextPutAll:toStream:. Instead, it yielded {3}.' format: { converterClass name. original charCode. reencoded charCode } ] ]. "Re-encode the decoded bytes using #nextPut:toStream:, and check if they match the original bytes." encoded2 := String streamContents: [ :writeStream | decoded do: [:e | converter nextPut: e toStream: writeStream ] ]. encoded with: encoded2 do: [ :original :reencoded | self assert: original charCode = reencoded charCode description: [ '{1} could not decode or re-encode {2} using #nextPut:toStream:. Instead, it yielded {3}.' format: { converterClass name. original charCode. reencoded charCode } ] ] ]! Item was changed: + ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testLineEndConversion (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testLineEndConversion (in category 'testing') ----- testLineEndConversion | failures | fileName := 'foolinendconversion.txt'. failures := OrderedCollection new. self textConvertersWithLineEndConversionSupport do: [ :textConverterClass | textConverterClass encodingNames ifNotEmpty: [ #(cr lf crlf) do: [ :lineEndConvention | self testLineEndConvention: lineEndConvention withConverter: textConverterClass ifFail: [ :expectedResult :result | failures add: { textConverterClass. lineEndConvention. expectedResult. result } ] ] ] ]. self assert: failures isEmpty. "The code below is here to help you see why those cases fail" failures do: [ :failure | self testLineEndConvention: failure second withConverter: failure first ifFail: [ :expectedResult :result | self halt ] ].! Item was changed: + ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testLineEndConversionExpectedFailures (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testLineEndConversionExpectedFailures (in category 'testing') ----- testLineEndConversionExpectedFailures "Copy of #testLineEndConversion checking for missing line conversion implementations. This test and corresponding helpers (see senders) can be removed as soon as all TextConverters support line end conversion. --fn" | failures | fileName := 'foolinendconversion_failures.txt'. failures := OrderedCollection new. self textConvertersWithoutLineEndConversionSupport do: [ :textConverterClass | textConverterClass encodingNames ifNotEmpty: [ #(cr lf crlf) do: [ :lineEndConvention | self testLineEndConvention: lineEndConvention withConverter: textConverterClass ifFail: [ :expectedResult :result | failures add: { textConverterClass. lineEndConvention. expectedResult. result } ] ] ] ]. self assert: failures isEmpty. "The code below is here to help you see why those cases fail" failures do: [ :failure | self testLineEndConvention: failure second withConverter: failure first ifFail: [ :expectedResult :result | self halt ] ].! Item was changed: + ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testLineEnding (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testLineEnding (in category 'testing') ----- testLineEnding fileName := 'foolinend.txt'. MultiByteFileStream forceNewFileNamed: fileName do: [ :file | file wantsLineEndConversion: false; nextPutAll: 'line 1'; cr; nextPutAll: 'line 2'; crlf; nextPutAll: 'line 3'; lf; nextPutAll: 'line 4' ]. { {#cr. 'line 1' , String cr , 'line 2' , String cr , 'line 3' , String cr , 'line 4'}. {#lf. 'line 1' , String cr , 'line 2' , String cr , 'line 3' , String cr , 'line 4'}. {#crlf. 'line 1' , String cr , 'line 2' , String cr , 'line 3' , String cr , 'line 4'}. {nil. 'line 1' , String cr , 'line 2' , String crlf , 'line 3' , String lf , 'line 4'} } do: [:lineEndingResult | MultiByteFileStream oldFileNamed: fileName do: [ :file | file lineEndConvention: lineEndingResult first. self assert: file upToEnd = lineEndingResult last ] ]! Item was changed: + ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testLineEndingChunk (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testLineEndingChunk (in category 'testing') ----- testLineEndingChunk | failures | fileName := 'foolinend.txt'. failures := OrderedCollection new. MultiByteFileStream forceNewFileNamed: fileName do: [ :file | file wantsLineEndConversion: false; nextPutAll: 'line 1'; cr; nextPutAll: 'line 2'; crlf; nextPutAll: 'line 3'; lf; nextPutAll: 'line 4'; nextPut: $!! ]. { {#cr. 'line 1' , String cr , 'line 2' , String cr , 'line 3' , String cr , 'line 4'}. {#lf. 'line 1' , String cr , 'line 2' , String cr , 'line 3' , String cr , 'line 4'}. {#crlf. 'line 1' , String cr , 'line 2' , String cr , 'line 3' , String cr , 'line 4'}. {nil. 'line 1' , String cr , 'line 2' , String crlf , 'line 3' , String lf , 'line 4'} } do: [:lineEndingResult | MultiByteFileStream oldFileNamed: fileName do: [ :file | | actual | file lineEndConvention: lineEndingResult first. lineEndingResult last = (actual := file nextChunk) ifFalse: [ failures add: (lineEndingResult copyWith: actual). ]. ] ]. self assert: failures isEmpty! Item was changed: + ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testLineEndingWithWideStrings (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testLineEndingWithWideStrings (in category 'testing') ----- testLineEndingWithWideStrings | cr lf crlf | fileName := 'foolinend.txt'. cr := String cr asWideString. lf := String lf asWideString. crlf := String crlf asWideString. MultiByteFileStream forceNewFileNamed: fileName do: [ :file | file wantsLineEndConversion: false; nextPutAll: 'line 1'; nextPutAll: cr; nextPutAll: 'line 2'; nextPutAll: crlf; nextPutAll: 'line 3'; nextPutAll: lf; nextPutAll: 'line 4' ]. { {#cr. 'line 1' , String cr , 'line 2' , String cr , 'line 3' , String cr , 'line 4'}. {#lf. 'line 1' , String cr , 'line 2' , String cr , 'line 3' , String cr , 'line 4'}. {#crlf. 'line 1' , String cr , 'line 2' , String cr , 'line 3' , String cr , 'line 4'}. {nil. 'line 1' , String cr , 'line 2' , String crlf , 'line 3' , String lf , 'line 4'} } do: [ :lineEndingResult | MultiByteFileStream oldFileNamed: fileName do: [ :file | file lineEndConvention: lineEndingResult first. self assert: file upToEnd = lineEndingResult last ] ]! Item was changed: + ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testMultiByteTextConverter (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testMultiByteTextConverter (in category 'testing') ----- testMultiByteTextConverter | strings converterClasses | strings := { String newFrom: ((0 to: 255) collect: [:e | Unicode value: e]). String newFrom: ((0 to: 1023) collect: [:e | Unicode value: e]). }. converterClasses := { UTF8TextConverter . UTF16TextConverter . "CompoundTextConverter ." "EUCJPTextConverter . CNGBTextConverter . ShiftJISTextConverter . EUCKRTextConverter"}. converterClasses do: [:converterClass | strings do: [:string | | converter stream | converter := converterClass new. stream := String new writeStream. converter nextPutAll: string toStream: stream. stream := stream contents readStream. string do: [:e | | decoded | decoded := converter nextFromStream: stream. self assert: e charCode = decoded charCode]. self assert: stream atEnd. stream := String new writeStream. string do: [:e | converter nextPut: e toStream: stream]. stream := stream contents readStream. string do: [:e | | decoded | decoded := converter nextFromStream: stream. self assert: e charCode = decoded charCode]. self assert: stream atEnd]]! Item was changed: + ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testNextLine (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testNextLine (in category 'testing') ----- testNextLine fileName := 'foonextline.txt'. MultiByteFileStream forceNewFileNamed: fileName do: [ :file | file wantsLineEndConversion: false; nextPutAll: 'line 1'; cr; nextPutAll: 'line 2'; crlf; nextPutAll: 'line 3'; lf; nextPutAll: 'line 4' ]. #(cr lf crlf nil) do: [:lineEnding | MultiByteFileStream oldFileNamed: fileName do: [ :file | file lineEndConvention: lineEnding. self assert: file nextLine = 'line 1'; assert: file nextLine = 'line 2'; assert: file nextLine = 'line 3'; assert: file nextLine = 'line 4'; assert: file nextLine = nil ] ]! Item was changed: + ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testNextPutAllStartingAt (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testNextPutAllStartingAt (in category 'testing') ----- testNextPutAllStartingAt | result | fileName := 'foonextputallstartingat.txt'. MultiByteFileStream forceNewFileNamed: fileName do: [ :file | { 'abcde' asWideString. 'abcde' } do: [ :string | file next: 1 putAll: string startingAt: 5; next: 3 putAll: string startingAt: 2; next: 1 putAll: string startingAt: 1 ] ]. result := StandardFileStream readOnlyFileNamed: fileName do: [ :file | file binary; contents ]. self assert: #[101 98 99 100 97 101 98 99 100 97] equals: result ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testNextPutAllUtfsStartingAt (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testNextPutAllUtfsStartingAt (in category 'testing') ----- testNextPutAllUtfsStartingAt | result | fileName := 'foonextputallstartingat.txt'. {'utf-16' . #[0 64 216 0 220 0 216 0 220 1 216 0 220 2] . 'utf-32'. #[0 0 0 64 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2]} pairsDo: [:encodingName :encodingResult | MultiByteFileStream forceNewFileNamed: fileName do: [ :file | | string | file converter: (TextConverter newForEncoding: encodingName). string := self unicodeString. file next: 2 putAll: string startingAt: 1; next: 1 putAll: string startingAt: 3; next: 1 putAll: string startingAt: 4 ]. result := StandardFileStream readOnlyFileNamed: fileName do: [ :file | file binary; contents ]. "See for example: --pre" self assert: encodingResult equals: result] ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testNonAsciiBackChunk (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testNonAsciiBackChunk (in category 'testing') ----- testNonAsciiBackChunk "Note: this is an expected failure: MultiByteFileStream is not equipped to read back non ASCII String... (no comment) As a consequence, never use non ASCII in method category nor in your initials. That would make a few tools blind..." fileName := 'foobackchunk.txt'. MultiByteFileStream forceNewFileNamed: fileName do: [ :file | file lineEndConvention: #cr; converter: UTF8TextConverter new; cr; nextChunkPut: 'testé' printString; cr; nextChunkPut: 'test' printString. self assert: file backChunk = (String cr , 'test' printString). self assert: file backChunk = (String cr , 'testé' printString) ]! Item was changed: + ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testUpToAllAscii (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testUpToAllAscii (in category 'testing') ----- testUpToAllAscii "This test case is inspired by Mantis #4665." "Compare to testUpToAllUtf." | resultA resultB | fileName :=''. FileDirectory default forceNewFileNamed: fileName do: [ :out | out nextPutAll: 'A<'. "Encodes to byte sequence 413C" ]. resultA := FileDirectory default readOnlyFileNamed: fileName do: [ :in | in upToAll: '<' ]. resultB := FileDirectory default readOnlyFileNamed: fileName do: [ :in | in upTo: $< ]. self assert: resultA = resultB ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testUpToAllNonZeroLength (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testUpToAllNonZeroLength (in category 'testing') ----- testUpToAllNonZeroLength "Ensures that upToAll: correctly skips over the nonzero-length separator." fileName :=''. FileDirectory default forceNewFileNamed: fileName do: [ :out | out nextPutAll: 231 asCharacter asString, 'a<b<<c' ]. FileDirectory default readOnlyFileNamed: fileName do: [ :in | self assert: in next = 231 asCharacter. self assert: (in upToAll: '<<') = 'a<b'. self assert: in next = $c ]! Item was changed: + ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testUpToAllUtf (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testUpToAllUtf (in category 'testing') ----- testUpToAllUtf "This test case is adapted from Mantis #4665." "MultiByteFileStream was relying on PositionableStream>>#match: to discover the position immediately following the delimiter collection. It would then use #next: to retrieve a number of *characters* computed as the difference in stream positions. However, stream positions are measured in *bytes*, not characters, so this would lead to misalignment when the skipped text included UTF-8 encoded characters." | resultA resultB | fileName :=''. FileDirectory default forceNewFileNamed: fileName do: [ :out | out nextPutAll: 231 asCharacter asString, '<'. "Encodes to byte sequence C3A73C" ]. resultA := FileDirectory default readOnlyFileNamed: fileName do: [ :in | in upToAll: '<' ]. resultB := FileDirectory default readOnlyFileNamed: fileName do: [ :in | in upTo: $< ]. self assert: resultA = resultB ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testUpToAllZeroLength (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testUpToAllZeroLength (in category 'testing') ----- testUpToAllZeroLength "Ensures that upToAll: behaves correctly with a zero-length separator." fileName :=''. FileDirectory default forceNewFileNamed: fileName do: [ :out | out nextPutAll: 231 asCharacter asString, 'a<b<<c' ]. FileDirectory default readOnlyFileNamed: fileName do: [ :in | self assert: in next = 231 asCharacter. self assert: (in upToAll: '') = ''. self assert: in next = $a ]! Item was changed: + ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testUpToPositionNonZero (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testUpToPositionNonZero (in category 'testing') ----- testUpToPositionNonZero "Ensures that upToPosition: behaves correctly with a non-zero-length read." fileName := ''. FileDirectory default forceNewFileNamed: fileName do: [ :out | out nextPutAll: 231 asCharacter asString, 'a<b' ]. FileDirectory default readOnlyFileNamed: fileName do: [ :in | self assert: in next = 231 asCharacter. self assert: (in upToPosition: in position + 2) = 'a<'. self assert: in next = $b ]! Item was changed: + ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testUpToPositionZero (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: MultiByteFileStreamTest>>testUpToPositionZero (in category 'testing') ----- testUpToPositionZero "Ensures that upToPosition: behaves correctly with a zero-length read." fileName := ''. FileDirectory default forceNewFileNamed: fileName do: [ :out | out nextPutAll: 231 asCharacter asString, 'a<b' ]. FileDirectory default readOnlyFileNamed: fileName do: [ :in | self assert: in next = 231 asCharacter. self assert: (in upToPosition: in position) = ''. self assert: in next = $a ]! Item was removed: - ----- Method: UTF16TextConverterTest>>testByteOrders (in category 'testing') ----- - testByteOrders - |converter originalText bytes decodedText | - originalText := 'test'. - converter := UTF16TextConverter new. - - "Default (ie useLittleEndian instvar nil)" - bytes := (originalText convertToWithConverter: converter). - decodedText := bytes convertFromWithConverter: converter. - - self assert: originalText equals: decodedText. - - "Little-endian" - converter useLittleEndian: true. - - bytes := (originalText convertToWithConverter: converter). - decodedText := bytes convertFromWithConverter: converter. - - self assert: originalText equals: decodedText. - - "Big-endian" - converter useLittleEndian: false. - - bytes := (originalText convertToWithConverter: converter). - decodedText := bytes convertFromWithConverter: converter. - - self assert: originalText equals: decodedText. - - ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>expectBytesToFailDecoding: (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>expectBytesToFailDecoding: (in category 'asserting') ----- expectBytesToFailDecoding: aByteArray self should: [aByteArray utf8Decoded] raise: InvalidUTF8! Item was changed: + ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>expectHex:toDecodeToCodepoint: (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>expectHex:toDecodeToCodepoint: (in category 'asserting') ----- expectHex: aString toDecodeToCodepoint: anInteger self expectHex: aString toDecodeToCodepoints: { anInteger } ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>expectHex:toDecodeToCodepoints: (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>expectHex:toDecodeToCodepoints: (in category 'asserting') ----- expectHex: aString toDecodeToCodepoints: anArray | s | s := (ByteArray readHexFrom: aString) utf8Decoded. self assert: anArray size equals: s size. self assert: anArray asArray equals: (s asArray collect: [:c | c asInteger]).! Item was changed: + ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>expectHexToFailDecoding: (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: UTF8EdgeCaseTest>>expectHexToFailDecoding: (in category 'asserting') ----- expectHexToFailDecoding: aString self should: [(ByteArray readHexFrom: aString) utf8Decoded] raise: InvalidUTF8. ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: UTFTextConverterWithByteOrderTest class>>isAbstract (in category 'testing') ----- - ----- Method: UTFTextConverterWithByteOrderTest class>>isAbstract (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- isAbstract ^ self = UTFTextConverterWithByteOrderTest! |
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