The Trunk: Nebraska-nice.28.mcz

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The Trunk: Nebraska-nice.28.mcz

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Nebraska to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Nebraska-nice.28
Author: nice
Time: 23 March 2010, 10:26:10.647 pm
UUID: 84be0f3b-1311-4bdc-b2cf-82f2e2133eec
Ancestors: Nebraska-nice.27

Fix underscores

=============== Diff against Nebraska-nice.27 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: StringSocket>>addToInBuf: (in category 'private-IO') -----
  addToInBuf: aString
  | newAlloc |
+ newAlloc := aString size * 2 max: 80000.
- newAlloc _ aString size * 2 max: 80000.
  inBuf ifNil: [
+ inBuf := String new: newAlloc.
+ inBufIndex := 1.
+ inBufLastIndex := 0.
- inBuf _ String new: newAlloc.
- inBufIndex _ 1.
- inBufLastIndex _ 0.
  aString size > (inBuf size - inBufLastIndex) ifTrue: [
+ inBuf := inBuf , (String new: newAlloc)
- inBuf _ inBuf , (String new: newAlloc)
  replaceFrom: inBufLastIndex + 1
  to: inBufLastIndex + aString size
  with: aString
  startingAt: 1.
+ inBufLastIndex := inBufLastIndex + aString size.
- inBufLastIndex _ inBufLastIndex + aString size.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CanvasDecoder classSide>>initialize (in category 'class initialization') -----
  "CanvasDecoder initialize"
  "Set up my cache and decode table if necessary."
  CachedForms ifNil: [CachedForms := Array new: 100].
  DecodeTable ifNotNil: [ ^self ].
+ DecodeTable := Array new: 128.
- DecodeTable _ Array new: 128.
  #((codeClip setClip:)
  (codeTransform setTransform:)
  (codeText drawText:)
  (codeLine drawLine:)
  (codeRect drawRect:)
  (codeBalloonRect drawBalloonRect:)
  (codeBalloonOval drawBalloonOval:)
  (codeInfiniteFill drawInfiniteFill:)
  (codeOval drawOval:)
  (codeImage drawImage:)
  (codeReleaseCache releaseImage:)
  (codePoly drawPoly:)
  (codeStencil drawStencil:)
  (codeForce forceToScreen:)
  (codeFont addFontToCache:)
  (codeFontSet addFontSetToCache:)
  (codeMultiText drawMultiText:)
  (codeTTCFont addTTCFontToCache:)
  (codeExtentDepth extentDepth:)
  (codeShadowColor shadowColor:))
  do: [ :arr |
  (DecodeTable at: ((CanvasEncoder perform: arr first) asciiValue + 1)) ifNotNil: [self error: 'duplicated code'].
  at: ((CanvasEncoder perform: arr first) asciiValue + 1)
  put: arr second

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CanvasEncoder>>image:at:sourceRect:rule: (in category 'drawing') -----
  image: aForm at: aPoint sourceRect: sourceRect rule: argRule
  | cacheID cacheNew cacheReply formToSend cacheEntry destRect visRect aFormArea d2 rule |
+ rule := argRule.
- rule _ argRule.
  "first if we are only going to be able to draw a small part of the form,
  it may be faster just to send the part of the form that will actually show up"
+ destRect := aPoint extent: sourceRect extent.
+ d2 := (lastTransform invertBoundsRect: destRect) expandBy: 1.
- destRect _ aPoint extent: sourceRect extent.
- d2 _ (lastTransform invertBoundsRect: destRect) expandBy: 1.
  (d2 intersects: lastClipRect) ifFalse: [
  ^NebraskaDebug at: #bigImageSkipped add: {lastClipRect. d2}.
+ aFormArea := aForm boundingBox area.
- aFormArea _ aForm boundingBox area.
  (aFormArea > 20000 and: [aForm isStatic not and: [lastTransform isPureTranslation]]) ifTrue: [
+ visRect := destRect intersect: lastClipRect.
- visRect _ destRect intersect: lastClipRect.
  visRect area < (aFormArea // 20) ifTrue: [
  at: #bigImageReduced
  add: {lastClipRect. aPoint. sourceRect extent. lastTransform}."
+ formToSend := aForm copy: (visRect translateBy: sourceRect origin - aPoint).
+ formToSend depth = 32 ifTrue: [formToSend := formToSend asFormOfDepth: 16. rule = 24 ifTrue: [rule := 25]].
- formToSend _ aForm copy: (visRect translateBy: sourceRect origin - aPoint).
- formToSend depth = 32 ifTrue: [formToSend _ formToSend asFormOfDepth: 16. rule = 24 ifTrue: [rule _ 25]].
  image: formToSend
  at: visRect origin
  sourceRect: formToSend boundingBox
  rule: rule
  cacheID: 0 "no point in trying to cache this - it's a one-timer"
  newToCache: false.
+ cacheID := 0.
+ cacheNew := false.
+ formToSend := aForm.
+ (aFormArea > 1000 and: [(cacheReply := self testCache: aForm) notNil]) ifTrue: [
+ cacheID := cacheReply first.
+ cacheEntry := cacheReply third.
+ (cacheNew := cacheReply second) ifFalse: [
+ formToSend := aForm isStatic
- cacheID _ 0.
- cacheNew _ false.
- formToSend _ aForm.
- (aFormArea > 1000 and: [(cacheReply _ self testCache: aForm) notNil]) ifTrue: [
- cacheID _ cacheReply first.
- cacheEntry _ cacheReply third.
- (cacheNew _ cacheReply second) ifFalse: [
- formToSend _ aForm isStatic
  ifTrue: [nil]
  ifFalse: [aForm depth <= 8 ifTrue: [aForm] ifFalse: [aForm deltaFrom: cacheEntry fourth]].
  cacheEntry at: 4 put: (aForm isStatic ifTrue: [aForm] ifFalse: [aForm deepCopy]).
+ (formToSend notNil and: [formToSend depth = 32]) ifTrue: [formToSend := formToSend asFormOfDepth: 16. rule = 24 ifTrue: [rule := 25]].
- (formToSend notNil and: [formToSend depth = 32]) ifTrue: [formToSend _ formToSend asFormOfDepth: 16. rule = 24 ifTrue: [rule _ 25]].
  image: formToSend
  at: aPoint
  sourceRect: sourceRect
  rule: rule
  cacheID: cacheID
  newToCache: cacheNew.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: StringSocket>>readBuffer (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ ^ readBuffer ifNil: [readBuffer := String new: 20000].
- ^ readBuffer ifNil: [readBuffer _ String new: 20000].

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: StringSocket>>processInput (in category 'private-IO') -----
  | totalReceived chunkOfData |
  "do as much input as possible"
  self flag: #XXX.  "should have resource limits here--no more than X objects and Y bytes"
+ chunkOfData := socket receiveAvailableDataIntoBuffer: self readBuffer.
- chunkOfData _ socket receiveAvailableDataIntoBuffer: self readBuffer.
  self addToInBuf: chunkOfData.
+ totalReceived := chunkOfData size.
- totalReceived _ chunkOfData size.
  totalReceived > 0 ifTrue: [
  NebraskaDebug at: #SendReceiveStats add: {'GET'. totalReceived}.
  [ self gotSomething ] whileTrue: []. "decode as many string arrays as possible"
  self shrinkInBuf.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: NebraskaServerMorph classSide>>serveWorldButton (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  | button |
+ button := ScriptableButton new.
- button _ ScriptableButton new.
  button target: NebraskaServerMorph.
  button actionSelector: #serveWorld.
  button arguments: #().
  button label: 'Share'.
  button color: Color yellow.
  ^ button.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: RemoteCanvas>>fillRectangle:fillStyle: (in category 'drawing-rectangles') -----
  fillRectangle: aRectangle fillStyle: aFillStyle
  "Fill the given rectangle."
  | pattern |
  (self isShadowDrawing not and: [self shadowColor notNil]) ifTrue:
  [^self fillRectangle: aRectangle color: self shadowColor].
  (aFillStyle isKindOf: InfiniteForm) ifTrue: [
  ^self infiniteFillRectangle: aRectangle fillStyle: aFillStyle
  (aFillStyle isSolidFill)
  ifTrue:[^self fillRectangle: aRectangle color: aFillStyle asColor].
  "We have a very special case for filling with infinite forms"
  (aFillStyle isBitmapFill and:[aFillStyle origin = (0@0)]) ifTrue:[
+ pattern := aFillStyle form.
- pattern _ aFillStyle form.
  (aFillStyle direction = (pattern width @ 0)
  and:[aFillStyle normal = (0@pattern height)]) ifTrue:[
  "Can use an InfiniteForm"
  ^self fillRectangle: aRectangle color: (InfiniteForm with: pattern)].
  "Use a BalloonCanvas instead"
  self balloonFillRectangle: aRectangle fillStyle: aFillStyle.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CanvasEncoder>>drawString:from:to:in:font:color: (in category 'drawing') -----
  drawString: s from: firstIndex to: lastIndex in: boundsRect font: fontOrNil color: c
  | fontIndex str |
  fontIndex := self establishFont: (fontOrNil ifNil: [ TextStyle defaultFont ]).
+ str := s asString copyFrom: firstIndex to: lastIndex.
- str _ s asString copyFrom: firstIndex to: lastIndex.
  str isWideString ifTrue: [
  self sendCommand: {
  String with: CanvasEncoder codeMultiText.
  str asByteArray asString.
  self class encodeRectangle: boundsRect.
  self class encodeInteger: fontIndex.
  self class encodeColor: c
  ] ifFalse: [
  self sendCommand: {
  String with: CanvasEncoder codeText.
  self class encodeRectangle: boundsRect.
  self class encodeInteger: fontIndex.
  self class encodeColor: c

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: StrikeFont class>>decodedFromRemoteCanvas: (in category '*nebraska-instance creation') -----
  decodedFromRemoteCanvas: aString
  | array style base |
+ array := aString findTokens: #($ ).
+ style := TextStyle named: (array at: 1) asSymbol.
- array _ aString findTokens: #($ ).
- style _ TextStyle named: (array at: 1) asSymbol.
  style ifNil: [^ TextStyle defaultFont].
  (style fontArray first name = style fontArray first name withoutTrailingDigits) ifTrue: [
  ^ self familyName: (array at: 1) size: (array at: 3) asNumber emphasized: (array at: 4) asNumber].
+ base := style fontArray detect: [:f | (array at: 2) beginsWith: f name].
- base _ style fontArray detect: [:f | (array at: 2) beginsWith: f name].
  ^ base emphasized: (array at: 4) asNumber.
  "^ self familyName: (array at: 1) size: (array at: 2) asNumber emphasized: (array at: 3) asNumber."