The Trunk: Nebraska-nice.37.mcz

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The Trunk: Nebraska-nice.37.mcz

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Nebraska to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Nebraska-nice.37
Author: nice
Time: 23 July 2014, 12:03:09.798 am
UUID: cd1e75c9-63de-4f9c-80b2-d4928cf48bff
Ancestors: Nebraska-nice.36

RWStream shoot them up part 3.
How to decodeImage: without a RWBinaryOrTextStream.
(Let's not summon the devil when we don't need his superpowers).

=============== Diff against Nebraska-nice.36 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CanvasDecoder class>>decodeImage: (in category 'decoding') -----
  decodeImage: string
  | bitsStart depth width height bits rs numColors colorArray |
  bitsStart := string indexOf: $|.
  bitsStart = 0 ifTrue: [^nil].
  rs := ReadStream on: string.
  rs peek == $C ifTrue: [
  rs next.
  numColors := Integer readFromString: (rs upTo: $,).
  colorArray := Array new: numColors.
  1 to: numColors do: [ :i |
  colorArray at: i put: (self decodeColor: (rs next: 12))
  depth := Integer readFromString: (rs upTo: $,).
  width :=  Integer readFromString: (rs upTo: $,).
  height :=  Integer readFromString: (rs upTo: $|).
+ bits := Bitmap newFromStream: rs upToEnd asByteArray readStream.
- bits := Bitmap newFromStream: (RWBinaryOrTextStream with: rs upToEnd) binary reset.
  colorArray ifNil: [
  ^Form extent: width@height depth: depth bits: bits
  ^(ColorForm extent: width@height depth: depth bits: bits)
  colors: colorArray