The Trunk: Network-ar.83.mcz

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The Trunk: Network-ar.83.mcz

Andreas Raab uploaded a new version of Network to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Network-ar.83
Author: ar
Time: 1 September 2010, 11:05:48.237 pm
UUID: 5ff7dff1-bc6c-a748-8c44-739c0b72729f
Ancestors: Network-ar.82

Reclassify methods to fix various package dependencies.

=============== Diff against Network-ar.82 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: String>>asAlphaNumeric:extraChars:mergeUID: (in category '*network-uuid') -----
+ asAlphaNumeric: totalSize extraChars: additionallyAllowed mergeUID: minimalSizeOfRandomPart
+ "Generates a String with unique identifier ( UID ) qualities, the difference to a
+ UUID is that its beginning is derived from the receiver, so that it has a meaning
+ for a human reader.
+ Answers a String of totalSize, which consists of 3 parts
+ 1.part: the beginning of the receiver only consisting of
+ a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and extraChars in Collection additionallyAllowed ( which can be nil )
+ 2.part: a single _
+ 3.part: a ( random ) UID of size >= minimalSizeOfRandomPart consisting of
+ a-z, A-Z, 0-9
+ Starting letters are capitalized.
+ TotalSize must be at least 1.
+ Exactly 1 occurrence of $_ is guaranteed ( unless additionallyAllowed includes $_ ).
+ The random part has even for small sizes good UID qualitites for many practical purposes.
+ If only lower- or uppercase letters are demanded, simply convert the answer with
+ say #asLowercase. The probability of a duplicate will rise only moderately ( see below ).
+ Example:
+ size of random part = 10
+ in n generated UIDs the chance p of having non-unique UIDs is
+ n = 10000 ->  p < 1e-10 if answer is reduced to lowerCase: p < 1.4 e-8
+ n = 100000 -> p < 1e-8
+ at the bottom is a snippet for your own calculations  
+ Note: the calculated propabilites are theoretical,
+ for the actually used random generator they may be much worse"
+ | stream out sizeOfFirstPart index ascii ch skip array random |
+ totalSize > minimalSizeOfRandomPart
+ ifFalse: [ self errorOutOfBounds ].
+ stream := ReadStream on: self.
+ out := WriteStream on: ( String new: totalSize ).
+ index := 0.
+ skip := true.
+ sizeOfFirstPart := totalSize - minimalSizeOfRandomPart - 1.
+ [ stream atEnd or: [ index >= sizeOfFirstPart ]]
+ whileFalse: [
+ ((( ascii := ( ch := stream next ) asciiValue ) >= 65 and: [ ascii <= 90 ]) or: [
+ ( ascii >= 97 and: [ ascii <= 122 ]) or: [
+ ch isDigit or: [
+ additionallyAllowed notNil and: [ additionallyAllowed includes: ch ]]]])
+ ifTrue: [
+ skip
+ ifTrue: [ out nextPut: ch asUppercase ]
+ ifFalse: [ out nextPut: ch ].
+ index := index + 1.
+ skip := false ]
+ ifFalse: [ skip := true ]].
+ out nextPut: $_.
+ array := Array new: 62.
+ 1 to: 26 do: [ :i |
+ array at: i put: ( i + 64 ) asCharacter.
+ array at: i + 26 put: ( i + 96 ) asCharacter ].
+ 53 to: 62 do: [ :i |
+ array at: i put: ( i - 5 ) asCharacter ].
+ random := UUIDGenerator default randomGenerator.
+ totalSize - index - 1 timesRepeat: [
+ out nextPut: ( array atRandom: random )].
+ ^out contents
+ " calculation of probability p for failure of uniqueness in n UIDs
+ Note: if answer will be converted to upper or lower case replace 62 with 36
+ | n i p all |
+ all := 62 raisedTo: sizeOfRandomPart.
+ i := 1.
+ p := 0.0 .
+ n := 10000.
+ [ i <= n ]
+ whileTrue: [
+ p := p + (( i - 1 ) / all ).
+ i := i + 1 ].
+ p  
+ approximation formula: n squared / ( 62.0 raisedTo: sizeOfRandomPart ) / 2
+ "
+ "'Crop SketchMorphs and Grab Screen Rect to JPG'
+ asAlphaNumeric: 31 extraChars: nil mergeUID: 10  
+ 'CropSketchMorphsAndG_iOw94jquN6'
+ 'Monticello'
+ asAlphaNumeric: 31 extraChars: nil mergeUID: 10    
+ 'Monticello_kp6aV2l0IZK9uBULGOeG'
+ 'version-', ( '1.1.2' replaceAll: $. with: $- )
+ asAlphaNumeric: 31 extraChars: #( $- ) mergeUID: 10    
+ 'Version-1-1-2_kuz2tMg2xX9iRLDVR'"
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: String>>asUrlRelativeTo: (in category '*network-url') -----
+ asUrlRelativeTo: aUrl
+ ^aUrl newFromRelativeText: self!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: String>>asUrl (in category '*network-url') -----
+ asUrl
+ "convert to a Url"
+ "'' asUrl"
+ "msw://' asUrl"
+ ^Url absoluteFromText: self!