Chris Muller uploaded a new version of Network to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Network-cmm.103
Author: cmm
Time: 2 January 2011, 10:31:26.588 pm
UUID: ad4f3c8e-28a5-4eaf-a7f8-e97de269ef49
Ancestors: Network-fbs.102
Merged Network-fbs.102.
=============== Diff against Network-cmm.101 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: DosFileDirectory class>>privateFullPathForURI: (in category '*network-uri') -----
privateFullPathForURI: aURI
| path |
+ path := aURI path unescapePercents.
- path := aURI path.
"Check for drive notation (a: etc)"
path size > 1
ifTrue: [
((path at: 3) = $:)
ifTrue: [path := path copyFrom: 2 to: path size]
ifFalse: [
"All other cases should be network path names (\\xxx\sdsd etc)"
path := '/' , path]].
^(path copyReplaceAll: '/' with: self slash) unescapePercents!
Item was changed:
----- Method: FileDirectory>>uri (in category '*network-uri') -----
"Convert my path into a file:// type url. Use slash instead of the local delimiter (:), and convert odd characters to %20 notation."
"If slash (/) is not the file system delimiter, encode slashes before converting."
| list |
list := self pathParts.
^(String streamContents: [:strm |
strm nextPutAll: 'file:'.
+ list do: [:each | strm nextPut: $/; nextPutAll: each encodeForHTTP].
- list do: [:each | strm nextPut: $/; nextPutAll: each "encodeForHTTP"].
strm nextPut: $/]) asURI!