David T. Lewis uploaded a new version of Network to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Network-dtl.208.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Network-dtl.208 Author: dtl Time: 13 November 2017, 9:14:01.099261 pm UUID: 6fa7cb25-0529-4cbb-8159-504c98166024 Ancestors: Network-pre.207 Remove unnecessary references to global World. =============== Diff against Network-pre.207 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: MailMessage>>viewImageInBody (in category 'printing/formatting') ----- viewImageInBody | stream image | stream := self body contentStream. image := Form fromBinaryStream: stream. + (Project current world drawingClass withForm: image) openInWorld! - (World drawingClass withForm: image) openInWorld! Item was changed: ----- Method: NetNameResolver class>>testIPv6 (in category 'tests') ----- testIPv6 "NetNameResolver testIPv6" + | world infos addr sock size host serverSocket listeningSocket clientSocket | + world := Project current world. + world findATranscript: world currentEvent. - | infos addr sock size host serverSocket listeningSocket clientSocket | - World findATranscript: World currentEvent. Transcript clear. "Transcript show: Smalltalk listLoadedModules; cr." self initializeNetwork. Transcript show: '---- host name ----'; cr. size := NetNameResolver primHostNameSize. host := String new: size. NetNameResolver primHostNameResult: host. Transcript show: host; cr. Transcript show: '---- address information ----'; cr. Transcript show: (infos := SocketAddressInformation forHost: 'localhost' service: 'echo' flags: 0 addressFamily: 0 socketType: 0 protocol: 0) printString; cr. Transcript show: '---- port manipulation ----'; cr. addr := infos first socketAddress. Transcript show: addr port printString; cr. addr port: 1234. Transcript show: addr port printString; cr. Transcript show: addr printString; cr. Transcript show: '---- client socket ----'; cr. Transcript show: (infos := SocketAddressInformation forHost: 'localhost' service: 'echo' flags: 0 addressFamily: 0 socketType: SocketAddressInformation socketTypeStream protocol: SocketAddressInformation protocolTCP) printString; cr. infos do: [:info | Transcript show: 'Trying ', info printString, '... '. (sock := info connect) notNil ifTrue: [sock sendData: 'hello' count: 5. Transcript show: sock receiveData printString. sock close; destroy]. Transcript cr]. Transcript show: '---- localhost defaults: loopback and wildcard addresses ----'; cr. Transcript show: (SocketAddress loopbacks) printString; cr. Transcript show: (SocketAddress wildcards) printString; cr. Transcript show: (SocketAddress loopback4) printString; cr. Transcript show: (SocketAddress wildcard4) printString; cr. Transcript show: '---- impossible constraints ----'; cr. Transcript show: (SocketAddressInformation forHost: 'localhost' service: 'echo' flags: 0 addressFamily: 0 socketType: SocketAddressInformation socketTypeDGram protocol: SocketAddressInformation protocolTCP) printString; cr. Transcript show: '---- INET4 client-server ----'; cr. Transcript show: (infos := SocketAddressInformation forHost: '' service: '4242' flags: SocketAddressInformation passiveFlag addressFamily: SocketAddressInformation addressFamilyINET4 socketType: SocketAddressInformation socketTypeStream protocol: SocketAddressInformation protocolTCP) printString; cr. listeningSocket := infos first listenWithBacklog: 5. Transcript show: (infos := SocketAddressInformation forHost: 'localhost' service: '4242' flags: 0 addressFamily: SocketAddressInformation addressFamilyINET4 socketType: SocketAddressInformation socketTypeStream protocol: SocketAddressInformation protocolTCP) printString; cr. clientSocket := infos first connect. serverSocket := listeningSocket accept. serverSocket sendData: 'Hi there!!' count: 9. Transcript show: clientSocket receiveData; cr. Transcript nextPutAll: 'client side local/remote: '; print: clientSocket localSocketAddress; space; print: clientSocket remoteSocketAddress; cr. Transcript nextPutAll: 'server side local/remote: '; print: serverSocket localSocketAddress; space; print: serverSocket remoteSocketAddress; cr; endEntry. clientSocket close; destroy. serverSocket close; destroy. listeningSocket close; destroy. Transcript show: '---- INET6 client-server ----'; cr. Transcript show: (infos := SocketAddressInformation forHost: '' service: '4242' flags: SocketAddressInformation passiveFlag addressFamily: SocketAddressInformation addressFamilyINET6 socketType: SocketAddressInformation socketTypeStream protocol: SocketAddressInformation protocolTCP) printString; cr. infos isEmpty ifTrue: [Transcript show: 'FAIL -- CANNOT CREATE INET6 SERVER'; cr] ifFalse: [listeningSocket := infos first listenWithBacklog: 5. Transcript show: (infos := SocketAddressInformation forHost: 'localhost' service: '4242' flags: 0 addressFamily: SocketAddressInformation addressFamilyINET6 socketType: SocketAddressInformation socketTypeStream protocol: SocketAddressInformation protocolTCP) printString; cr. clientSocket := infos first connect. serverSocket := listeningSocket accept. serverSocket sendData: 'Hi there!!' count: 9. Transcript show: clientSocket receiveData; cr. Transcript nextPutAll: 'client side local/remote: '; print: clientSocket localSocketAddress; space; print: clientSocket remoteSocketAddress; cr. Transcript nextPutAll: 'server side local/remote: '; print: serverSocket localSocketAddress; space; print: serverSocket remoteSocketAddress; cr; endEntry. clientSocket close; destroy. serverSocket close; destroy. listeningSocket close; destroy]. Transcript show: '---- trivial tests done ---'; cr.! |
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