Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Network to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Network-nice.48
Author: nice
Time: 3 January 2010, 3:50:36 am
UUID: b93247ee-0d3b-4e77-946f-2f5c7cd05092
Ancestors: Network-ar.47
remove some #or:or: #and:and: sends
=============== Diff against Network-ar.47 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: HierarchicalURI>>resolveRelativeURI: (in category 'accessing') -----
resolveRelativeURI: aURI
| relativeURI newAuthority newPath pathComponents newURI relComps |
relativeURI := aURI asURI.
relativeURI isAbsolute
ifTrue: [^relativeURI].
relativeURI authority
ifNil: [
newAuthority := self authority.
(relativeURI path beginsWith: '/')
ifTrue: [newPath := relativeURI path]
ifFalse: [
pathComponents := (self path copyUpToLast: $/) findTokens: $/.
relComps := relativeURI pathComponents.
relComps removeAllSuchThat: [:each | each = '.'].
pathComponents addAll: relComps.
pathComponents removeAllSuchThat: [:each | each = '.'].
self removeComponentDotDotPairs: pathComponents.
newPath := self buildAbsolutePath: pathComponents.
((relComps isEmpty
+ or: [relativeURI path last == $/
+ or: [(relativeURI path endsWith: '/..')
+ or: [relativeURI path = '..'
+ or: [relativeURI path endsWith: '/.' ]]]])
- or: [relativeURI path last == $/ ]
- or: [(relativeURI path endsWith: '/..') or: [relativeURI path = '..']]
- or: [relativeURI path endsWith: '/.' ])
and: [newPath size > 1])
ifTrue: [newPath := newPath , '/']]]
ifNotNil: [
newAuthority := relativeURI authority.
newPath := relativeURI path].
newURI := String streamContents: [:stream |
stream nextPutAll: self scheme.
stream nextPut: $: .
newAuthority notNil
ifTrue: [
stream nextPutAll: '//'.
newAuthority printOn: stream].
newPath notNil
ifTrue: [stream nextPutAll: newPath].
relativeURI query notNil
ifTrue: [stream nextPutAll: relativeURI query].
relativeURI fragment notNil
ifTrue: [
stream nextPut: $# .
stream nextPutAll: relativeURI fragment]].
^newURI asURI!