Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Network to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Network-nice.67 Author: nice Time: 28 March 2010, 10:36:49.996 pm UUID: 64b9fd8e-4cf4-4f47-bce6-d70517a4842c Ancestors: Network-bp.66 1) fix some _ assignment 2) add Socket support for #next:putAll:startingAt: and #readInto:startingAt:count: 3) do not let ascii/binary resetBuffers gratuitously =============== Diff against Network-bp.66 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: SocketStream>>ascii (in category 'configuration') ----- ascii "Tell the SocketStream to send data as Strings instead of ByteArrays. This is default." binary := false. + inBuffer + ifNil: [self resetBuffers] + ifNotNil: + [inBuffer := inBuffer asString. + outBuffer := outBuffer asString]! - self resetBuffers! Item was changed: ----- Method: SocketStream>>binary (in category 'configuration') ----- binary "Tell the SocketStream to send data as ByteArrays instead of Strings. Default is ascii." binary := true. + inBuffer + ifNil: [self resetBuffers] + ifNotNil: + [inBuffer := inBuffer asByteArray. + outBuffer := outBuffer asByteArray]! - self resetBuffers! Item was added: + ----- Method: SocketStream>>next:putAll:startingAt: (in category 'stream out') ----- + next: n putAll: aCollection startingAt: startIndex + "Put a String or a ByteArray onto the stream. + Currently a large collection will allocate a large buffer. + Warning: this does not work with WideString: they have to be converted first." + + self adjustOutBuffer: n. + outBuffer replaceFrom: outNextToWrite to: outNextToWrite + n - 1 with: aCollection startingAt: startIndex. + outNextToWrite := outNextToWrite + n. + self checkFlush. + ^aCollection! Item was added: + ----- Method: SocketStream>>readInto:startingAt:count: (in category 'stream in') ----- + readInto: aCollection startingAt: startIndex count: anInteger + "Read n objects into the given collection starting at startIndex. + Return number of elements that have been read." + + "Implementation note: This method DOES signal timeout if not + enough elements are received. It does NOT signal + ConnectionClosed as closing the connection is the only way by + which partial data can be read." + + | start amount | + + [self receiveData: anInteger] on: ConnectionClosed do:[:ex| ex return]. + + "Inlined version of nextInBuffer: to avoid copying the contents" + amount := anInteger min: (inNextToWrite - lastRead - 1). + start := lastRead + 1. + lastRead := lastRead + amount. + aCollection + replaceFrom: startIndex + to: startIndex + amount-1 + with: inBuffer + startingAt: start. + ^amount! Item was changed: ----- Method: ServerDirectory>>oldFileOrNoneNamed: (in category 'file directory') ----- oldFileOrNoneNamed: fullName "If the file exists, answer a read-only RemoteFileStream on it. If it doesn't, answer nil. fullName is directory path, and does include name of the server. Or just a simple fileName. Do prefetch the data." ^ Cursor wait showWhile: + [ | file | + file := self asServerFileNamed: fullName. - [ | file |file := self asServerFileNamed: fullName. file readOnly. "file exists ifFalse: [^ nil]." "on the server" file isTypeFile ifTrue: [FileStream oldFileOrNoneNamed: (file fileNameRelativeTo: self)] ifFalse: [self streamOnBeginningOf: file]]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MailAddressTokenizer class>>initialize (in category 'class initialization') ----- initialize "Initalize class variables using MailAddressTokenizer initialize" | atomChars | + CSParens := CharacterSet empty. - CSParens _ CharacterSet empty. CSParens addAll: '()'. + CSSpecials := CharacterSet empty. - CSSpecials _ CharacterSet empty. CSSpecials addAll: '()<>@,;:\".[]'. + CSNonSeparators := CharacterSet separators complement. - CSNonSeparators _ CharacterSet separators complement. "(from RFC 2822)" atomChars := CharacterSet empty. atomChars addAll: ($A to: $Z). atomChars addAll: ($a to: $z). atomChars addAll: ($0 to: $9). atomChars addAll: '!!#$%^''*+-/=?^_`{|}~'. CSNonAtom := atomChars complement.! |
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