Patrick Rein uploaded a new version of Network to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Network-pre.219 Author: pre Time: 23 February 2018, 8:01:29.067294 pm UUID: 730b43c6-9824-ce4e-ba60-0c5639be4f65 Ancestors: Network-ul.218 Fixes a regression causing long lines in mail bodys to be broken into shorter lines. This should only have been done for header values and even for them it only is a recommendation not a requirement. Further, the current implementation was not used in the mail sending process before the restructuring of the mail message model. =============== Diff against Network-ul.218 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: MailMessage>>asSendableText (in category 'printing/formatting') ----- asSendableText + ^ self text! - | serializedMail | - serializedMail := self text. - ^ self wrapLinesOf: serializedMail! Item was removed: - ----- Method: MailMessage>>wrapLinesOf: (in category 'printing/formatting') ----- - wrapLinesOf: aString - - "break lines in the given string into shorter lines" - | result atAttachment width pastHeader | - width := 72. - result := WriteStream on: (String new: aString size * 50 // 49). - pastHeader := false. - atAttachment := false. - aString asString - linesDo: - [:line | | end start | - line isEmpty ifTrue: [pastHeader := true]. - pastHeader - ifTrue: - ["(line beginsWith: '--==') - ifTrue: [atAttachment := true]." - atAttachment - ifTrue: - ["at or after an attachment line; no more - wrapping for the rest of the message" - result nextPutAll: line. - result cr] - ifFalse: [(line beginsWith: '>') - ifTrue: - ["it's quoted text; don't wrap it" - result nextPutAll: line. - result cr] - ifFalse: - ["regular old line. Wrap it to multiple - lines " - start := 1. - "output one shorter line each time - through this loop" - [start + width <= line size] - whileTrue: - ["find the end of the line" - end := start + width - 1. - [end >= start and: [(line at: end + 1) isSeparator not]] - whileTrue: [end := end - 1]. - end < start ifTrue: ["a word spans the entire - width!! " - end := start + width - 1]. - "copy the line to the output" - result nextPutAll: (line copyFrom: start to: end). - result cr. - "get ready for next iteration" - start := end + 1. - (line at: start) isSeparator ifTrue: [start := start + 1]]. - "write out the final part of the line" - result nextPutAll: (line copyFrom: start to: line size). - result cr]]] - ifFalse: - [result nextPutAll: line. - result cr]]. - - ^ result contents! |
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